Chapter 228 The mantis arm is a car, and it is impossible to measure itself

"Young master, Lao Huang, I don't know a few words, what kind of science and technology department I went to, I don't understand ah." Lao Huang was a little embarrassed.

Xu Fengnian has his own calculations, but it is impossible for one person to accomplish these things.

So he directly whispered: "Lao Huang, if you don't learn, we will go up and down Beiliang, I am afraid that one day ~ our lives will not be saved." "

Lao Huang was well aware of the temper of His Royal Highness King Xiang of Daming, and what his young master said - that's right.

"Okay, Lao Huang is willing to take care of the young master left-right."

Not long after, Lan Yu led the dragon horse to clean up the city.

The corpses of many soldiers were directly decomposed by the decomposers carried by the dragoon soldiers.

With such a sharp weapon to clean the battlefield, there is less potential threats such as plague.

After sweeping the battlefield, the Daming army was exactly as Zhu Bai said.

It did not disturb a single person from beginning to end.

The people in the city slowly returned from panic to calm.

If this army does not slaughter the people, then it can be regarded as a benevolent and righteous army.

Before, because the three major armies of the Daming attacked.

There were also people in the city who hastened to hide their daughters in the cellars.

Not anymore.

At least this Daming Legion doesn't look like a bad guy who does nothing evil.

Seeing that the battlefield was cleaned up, Zhu Bai turned to Xu Xiao and said, "Xu Xiao." "

"King Xiang." Xu Xiao stood respectfully in front of Zhu Bai.

After seeing the strength of the Daming Science and Technology Corps with his own eyes.

Xu Xiao had a little thought in his heart, and all other thoughts were gone.

Such a terrifying strength, such a terrifying legion combat effectiveness.

That's it, look at the whole world.

Who dares to be an enemy of Daming?

Xu Xiao was naturally more honest than anyone.

"Xu Xiao, now the border city connecting Beiliang and Lianyang has been taken."

"King Ben said that since you Northern Liang have submitted to Daming, then you will be the administrator of my Daming in the world of Northern Liang in the future."

"You send people to maintain order in the city and pacify and restore the lives of the people as soon as possible."

"Got it?"

"Yes, please rest assured His Royal Highness King Xiang, Xu Xiao will do it immediately."

After speaking, Xu Xiao turned to a general and said, "Qi Dangguo, you stay and guard." "

"Remember, do not hurt the people, let alone commit adultery and plunder, and pacify and restore order to the people as soon as possible."

"This is the order of His Royal Highness King Xiang, and you must not carry anything."

"Yes, Righteous Father!"

Qi Dangguo was also one of Xu Xiao's several loyal righteous sons, and what Xu Xiao said was a great order for him.

However, Qi Dangguo looked at the warship parked in midair, and his face was a little embarrassed.

Jump from here and you will really die!

Zhu Bai smiled slightly after seeing it: "Send the general of Qi Dangguo back to the Northern Liang Royal Mansion." "

A Jin Yiwei came out, grabbed Qi Dangguo and flew down.

Qi Dangguo also experienced the feeling of flying.

"Well, now that the border city from the Yang Dynasty has been taken, the next step is to attack Liangzhou, the second most important city from the border of the Yang Dynasty."

"As long as you take Liangzhou, the northern barrier from the Yang Dynasty will be lost."

"At that time, as long as all the remaining elites from the Yang Dynasty are eliminated, we will go to the capital." Zhu Bai said lightly.

"King Xiang." Tang He came out with a suspicious look: "Why don't we go straight to the capital?" "

"Wouldn't that be able to..."

The corners of Zhu Bai's mouth rose slightly: "Tang He, General your idea is right." "

"However, this king's attack on the Lianyang Dynasty is not just for the sake of Lianyang."

"There are others who haven't shown up yet, if they fight too fast."

"Those old guys, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to go out of the mountains."

Tang He suddenly realized something, and quickly handed over his hand and said: "Your Highness is wise, Tang He is confused." "

"Okay, inform the whole army, and leave immediately after lunch."



Inside the Yang Palace.

Emperor Lianyang turned pale at this time.

He was almost seventy years old, after listening to the report of the minister in front of him.

One stumbled and almost didn't fall.

The eunuch on the side hurriedly supported him: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, keep Your Majesty the Dragon Body." "

"Zhang Julu, are you saying that the female emperor of Beimang actually surrendered that group of extraterrestrial visitors?"

"The Taiping Order also killed my messenger?" Emperor Lianyang couldn't believe it.

"Your Majesty, this matter is very true." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The corpse of the messenger is also sent outside the palace, does Your Majesty want to take a look?"

The facts were in front of him, and he couldn't believe it.

"What a female emperor of Beimang, a thousand years old." Emperor Lianyang became a little crazy.

"Your Majesty." Several ministers looked at him nervously.

Nowadays, the sun is stormy.

Northern Liang surrendered en masse.

Bei Mang, who had hoped for an alliance, has now also surrendered.

In other words, the burden of resisting the army of aliens from the sky was all on the Yang Dynasty.

If this Emperor of the Sun is lost, there is nothing to lose.

Then don't play with the whole country.

Xue Bei Mang also surrendered.

"I didn't expect that the female emperor of Bei Mang would be so spineless."

"I used to look at her like this."

"Gu Jiantang, can you still fight?" Emperor Lianyang looked at him who had broken off his left arm and asked slowly.

"Yes, please ask Your Majesty's permission, the minister is willing to lead an army of 100,000, and he will definitely defeat the enemy army for His Majesty."

"Cut off the head of that Jubai and send it to His Majesty." Gu Jiantang gritted his teeth and said.

Now, it was already an unending situation, although Gu Jiantang was very frightened by Zhu Bai's strength before.

He is also very jealous of Daming's strength.

However, after all, he was one of the top generals in the Yang Dynasty.

Even if Xu Xiao was in front of him, he didn't dare to say that he could win steadily.

As long as it is stabilized, it is natural to understand what the current situation is.

Where in the world is there a truth that a general loses before fighting?

Even if he died, Emperor Lianyang could be regarded as extremely sad for Gu Jiantang and the Gu family.

If you don't repay, how can you be worthy of His Majesty the Emperor, how can you be worthy of leaving the Yang Dynasty.

"Please grant Your Majesty's permission." Gu Jiantang said again.

"Okay, I will order you Gu Jiantang to lead an army of 100,000 to personally support the defenders in the border city."

"You are not required to defeat the enemy, but as long as you can hold on, it will take time."

"Xu will definitely be able to plot against Bei Mang, as well as other heroes in the world."

"As long as you can call out those old guys who are not places, then this Zhu Bai will definitely die." Emperor Lianyang gritted his teeth and said.

Now, all he could do was hope that Gu Jiantang could drag down the Daming army.

Then, in the name of the emperor, he ordered those peerless masters who returned to the hidden mountains and forests to come out of the mountains.

Only in this way can we fight against those enemies from heaven.

However, at this very time.

I saw a soldier covered in blood hurriedly running in: "Urgent report, urgent report!" "

"Read!" Emperor Lianyang was shocked and saw the soldier in front of him covered in blood.

My heart sank more and more.

Could it be that the border city was lost?

"Report to Your Majesty, the border city has been lost, and the 100,000-strong army has been completely destroyed." The soldiers wept bitterly.

Emperor Lianyang stumbled and fainted directly.

If it weren't for the eunuch holding it in time, I'm afraid that I would really have to plant green onions for a long time.

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