Chapter 229 Your Highness, please let us follow you to cultivate immortals!

Finally, the eunuch was alive among the pinching people.

As a result, after Emperor Lianyang woke up, he became more and more excited.

"An army of 100,000, why didn't it hold for a day?"

"Your Majesty, the enemy's army is all in heaven."

"Their weapons are very strange, not only can they release sword qi."

"And these sword qi also have eyes, specifically killing soldiers."

"Later, I released something like a bee."

"These bees are overwhelming in swarms, and the sun is blocked by them."

"These bees are very powerful, but all the soldiers who have seen them are killed by their true qi."

"The 100,000-strong army was powerless to fight back, and it was almost slaughtered unilaterally." The soldier said helplessly.

With such a major defeat, at this moment, not a single minister in the entire court dared to speak.

The "407" Emperor looked at Gu Jiantang again.

He knew that if Gu Jiantang couldn't resist it.

The entire Lianyang Dynasty is afraid that no one can resist it.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, the minister is willing to fight to the death." Gu Jiantang said again.

"Okay, Gu Jiantang, you go quickly."

"The border city is lost, and the enemy is afraid that the next step is Liangzhou City."

"You have been operating in Liangzhou for many years, and you are familiar with it, and if you think that the enemy may suffer losses in the terrain." Emperor Lianyang said.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the minister will rush back to Liangzhou immediately."

"Please join General Gu Jiantang." Zhang Julu also knelt on the ground.


Today, there is nothing to hide.

If Gu Jiantang couldn't stop it, it was estimated that there would be so much away from the Yang Dynasty.

At that time, Zhang Julu will also be dead, and the emperor will also be dead.

If you want to go, go together, maybe there is a way.

It's just that they don't know the horror of Daming's science and technology corps to reduce the dimensionality of the strike.

Emperor Lianyang and many of the generals present thought that the war with Daming was similar to before.

Even though the Daming method of warfare may be somewhat different.

However, after so many battles from the Yang Dynasty, Gu Jiantang is also a general who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Nature has the ability and means to defeat the enemy.

Plus Zhang Julu.

It can be described as a text and a martial arts from the Yang Dynasty.

The two quickly returned to the house to pack their bags.

Not long after, the two of them headed north with their entourage escorts.

At this time, Zhu Bai, who was sitting in the spaceship restaurant eating, was looking at the people of Beiliang who looked confused.

"Why, not with appetite?" Zhu Bai was a little surprised.

Xu Fengnian couldn't help but ask curiously: "His Royal Highness King Xiang, when you eat." "

"All eat on the spaceship with the soldiers?"

"How about that?" Zhu Bai was a little strange.

Eat and eat, where do so many things come from?

Xu Xiao, on the other hand, said: "Although when I went out on a campaign before, I also ate and lived with the soldiers. "

"But if it's in the mansion, I eat alone."

"King Xiang, such a big warship, also need to be with the soldiers?"

Zhu Bai understood what Xu Xiao meant.

I saw him smile slightly: "For the general, naturally it does not mean that you have to eat and live with the soldiers." "

"However, if conditions allow, eat in a cafeteria."

"Isn't that nice? It can increase the feelings, but also save cost and space. "

"King of Northern Liang, my three major legions of Daming have always been unanimous and equal officers and soldiers, and do not engage in those false things."

When Zhu Bai said this, Xu Xiao was a little touched in his heart.

Originally, he thought that there was some cold and arrogant Xiang King Zhu Bai in front of him.

No matter how talented he is, it is estimated that he is the same as those princes who do not treat their subordinates as people.

Kill whoever you want.

It's just that I didn't expect King Xiang to be so approachable.

Seeing this, Jian Jiuhuang also smiled and asked, "His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"My old Huang doesn't understand anything, so he will only take care of the young master."

"I don't know if I can ask His Royal Highness King Xiang for permission to let me serve the young master."

Although Jian Jiuhuang is sometimes mean, he really has nothing to say about Xu Fengnian's loyalty.

Adult beauty is not impossible.

The big stick for Beiliang has been beaten, and some carrots should also be given.

What's more, Xu Fengnian's thoughts, how could Zhu Bai not know. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Isn't it just that you want to learn, and then build the same science and technology corps for Beiliang himself?

Dream, such a science and technology corps if not Zhu Bai himself has a system to help reward.

Otherwise, even if it is poor, it will not be able to create a case.

Zhu Bai naturally didn't worry about what Xu Fengnian could learn.

This is the crystallization of human technology.

Want to learn it? Dream.

"Old Huang, in the future, you can follow your young master with peace of mind."

"King Ben agreed." Jumbo nodded.

"Thank you His Royal Highness King Xiang, His Highness is still strange!" Old Huang Le said he

At this time, the blue bird said directly: "The hall... Your Highness.........."

"Say, what's the need?"

"Since I, Daming, have promised to accept your Northern Liang's submission, then I can make reasonable demands on you."

"I won't ignore it, say, what kind of requirements do you have?" Zhu Bai wiped his mouth.

At this time, the blue bird blushed a little and said: "The blue bird wants to... The blue bird wanted to follow His Royal Highness King Xiang. "

"I hope to be able to learn the art of cultivating immortals..."

Zhu Bai was stunned.

To say that this blue bird follows him, it is not impossible.

It's just that it means to snatch love with a knife.

However, Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian did not seem to have any opinions.

Seeing Qingniao's expectation, Zhu Bai himself did not like to let a girl be rejected in public.

"Okay, since you want to, then follow me."

"I want me too." The sweet potatoes also stood up.

Unexpectedly, the two hidden masters around Xu Fengnian would follow him to cultivate immortals.

Zhu Bai also can't help it.

Anyway, there seems to be nothing wrong with the two peerless beauties following him.

"Okay, since you both want to follow King Ben to cultivate immortals."

"Then the king promised you, but you must remember."

"This immortal cultivation is not simple, you must be mentally prepared."

"If you can't eat and cry if you don't have a strong mind, then the king will return it directly."

"Yes." The two women's faces were very excited.


After lunch, the three major legions of Daming continued to set off.

In fact, if Zhu Bai is willing, he can completely let the spaceship of the Science and Technology Corps advance rapidly.

God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.

5.3 Maybe the entire territory of the Lianyang Dynasty can be destroyed in one day.

It's just that Zhu Bai also has his own calculations.

This is far from the Yang Dynasty, and there are still many hidden masters who have not appeared.

Although now Zhu Bai has become a god.

Dealing with these masters is naturally not a problem.

But since ancient times, it has been easy to fight the rivers and mountains, but it is difficult to guard the rivers and mountains.

I want to stabilize and truly recover the territory of the Heavens and Daming.

You still have to win people's hearts.

And these hidden masters are naturally also an object that the Heavens Daming must woo.

Zhu Bai slowed down the pace of the attack and deliberately expanded the battlefield strike surface, which also has this meaning in it.


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