Chapter 231: A soldier who surrenders without a fight

Everything was ordered, and at this time, Zhu Bai directly ordered.

The three major armies of the Daming Dynasty set off.

Run to the battlefield.

The other side.

At this time, the female emperor of Northern Mang was listening from the Taiping Order about the Daming army's attack on the border city away from the Yang Dynasty.

When it was known that the Daming army took less than a quarter of an hour.

After destroying the entire border city of the Yang Dynasty along with hundreds of thousands of people.

At this time, the female emperor of Bei Mang was also shocked.

"Is this true? Do you have such skills? "

"Your Majesty, this is the former formation, and now it has become a guard general, and it has become a person from the Northern Liang Royal Mansion."

"Daming took down the city unharmed."

"Your Majesty, now there is no need to guess the strength of Daming."

"Since His Majesty has promised His Royal Highness King Xiang to surrender the whole country, then he can no longer be half-hearted."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid the sect temple won't be able to keep it by then."

The female emperor of Bei Mang is also a heroic figure.

He has been diligent in governing the country all his life.

As a result, who would have thought that at the end of the day, the whole country would surrender.

You have to say that you are faint and incompetent.

She is a female emperor who makes the old emperors in the south fearful.

As a result, it was still only surrendered.

"Well, since this is Xuan's life, then as long as Xun can save the Zongmiao and the people from the flames of war."

"Then it's good."

"Taiping Order, what is King Xiang and his legion doing now?"

Taiping Ling then said: "King Xiang is leading his legion to attack the Liyang Dynasty. "

"The old emperor is going crazy, and he has already sent Zhang Julu and Gu Jiantang to lead the soldiers to protect against the enemy."

"But looking at this trend, it is definitely not Daming's opponent."


Yu Qian led the Immortal Cultivation Legion along the way and flew the imperial sword towards Licheng.

Because of the large number of Immortal Cultivation Legion.

Again the flight of the imperial sword.

So a dense crowd has formed in the sky.

And the common people below saw Daming's Immortal Cultivation Legion.

All of them were so frightened that they all knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

The mouth shouts immortals.

For such a situation, Yu Qian and his Immortal Cultivation Legion had seen a lot.

"These people do not know, I am very rich."

"There is also the Chosen One, His Royal Highness King Xiang, who indoctrinates all peoples to cultivate immortal methods."

"So it doesn't hurt to think that we are immortals."

"When we destroy the Yang Dynasty, the Leaving Yang Dynasty will also belong to my heavens and the Ming Dynasty in the future."

"These people can also practice immortal law to prolong their life." Yu Qian brushed his beard with satisfaction.

At this time, a soldier said on the side: "Master Yu."

"It seems to be Licheng in front."

After hearing this, Yu Qian glanced ahead, and sure enough, it was Licheng.

I saw that the walls of this city were solid and very tall.

It seems that it is really as Xu Xiao said, it is used to defend Bei Mang and Northern Liang.

Light to this tall wall.

In fact, the siege army is already difficult to attack.

Not to mention that there are still a large number of defenders in the city.

At this time, the condescending Yu Qian also saw that the defenders in the city were constantly installing various defensive weapons on the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Yu Qian smiled: "This army from the Yang Dynasty, with such a thing, can defend my Daming's Immortal Cultivation Legion?" "

"It's ridiculous."

"Sir, shall we attack?" The adjutant general on the side asked.

"No hurry, King Xiang said, he doesn't like to kill innocents indiscriminately, if these soldiers are willing to surrender."

"Isn't it beautiful to surrender without a fight?"

After speaking, Yu Qian stepped on his feet and flew directly in front of a general on the city wall.

The general was still directing the soldiers in the arrangement of the defensive facilities.

As a result, after suddenly seeing Yu Qian, the general was stunned on the spot.

"Who are you?" How can you fly? "

"Or step on the sword?"

Where had the general seen such a thing, and when he saw such a situation, he naturally all had his eyes round.

At this time, Yu Qiancai laughed: "Your general is all interesting." "

"Who of you has the final say here? Let him come out to see Lord Ben? "

"Who the hell are you?"

"Daming Immortal Cultivation Legion Yu Qian!"

Zhang Julu was originally still arranging and planning the defense of Licheng in the Taishou Mansion in the city. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This Licheng City and Liangzhou City were originally two important cities leading to the hinterland of the Yang Dynasty.

It can be said that Licheng is lost. Liangzhou City could not be saved.

Liangzhou City was lost, and Licheng could not be saved.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Gu Jiantang let Zhang Julu stick to Licheng.

And he went to hold on to Liangzhou.

In this way, they can take care of each other.

In order to complete, Gu Jiantang also arranged at least 10,000 reserves on the middle road from Liangzhou City to Licheng.

The purpose is to be able to have things happen.

This 10,000 people can immediately support.

At this time, I saw a general hurriedly running in.

Out of breath.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Julu asked curiously: "The enemy army came so quickly?" "

"Yes, it's the general, the enemy general called Yu Qian to see you, and said that he had something to say to the general."

Hearing this, Zhang Julu was also shocked in his heart.

I didn't expect the enemy to come so quickly.

He and Gu Jiantang were already riding a thousand miles horse and dared to come quickly.

On the way, two thousand miles of horses were exhausted to arrive in time.

How could this Daming's army be so fast?

Where would he know that this time it was the Immortal Cultivation Legion of the three major legions of Daming.

Because of this, Zhang Julu didn't know what happened at all.

"Are you saying that a man named Yu Qian wants to see me?"

"Yes, General."

"Go, lead the way."

At this time, Zhang Julu could not take care of much.

Since the other party wants to see himself, then he must also see what the other party has to say.

If you can say that the other party will retire.

It can also be regarded as a great achievement.

As soon as he arrived at the city tower, Zhang Julu immediately stood in place.

The scene above the city wall made Zhang Julu unforgettable in this life.

I saw a dense crowd of soldiers, all flying in mid-air in unison.

Everyone has a sword under their feet.

Moreover, the clothes worn by these people seem to be a material that has never been seen before.

However, what shocked Zhang Julu the most was that these people could step on the sword and fly.

"Are you (Qian Zhao) Daming, a visitor from the sky?"

Yu Qian was too lazy to talk nonsense, he only wanted to grab ahead of Lan Yu and take Licheng down first.

This work is your own.

"Daming Yuqian, now advise you to surrender."

"If you surrender, your lives will be saved."

"If you don't descend..."

"Kill!" The Immortal Cultivation Legion behind Yu Qian shouted in unison.

This momentum made all the defenders tremble with fright for a while.

There is no way not to be afraid, the main thing is that this is also too outrageous.

Have you ever seen a soldier who can fly?

And not alone, but everyone can fly.

What is this not a fairy?

Can you beat the immortals?

Zhang Julu was also the first time to see such a formation.

For a while, it turned out to be frozen.


PS word:

The new book of the old author is released, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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