Chapter 232 Surrender or Death?

Yu Qian saw Zhang Julu standing in place.

He spoke again, "Are you Licheng Taishou? "

"Just... Precisely. "

"How to call it?"

"Zhang Julu."

"General Zhang, I think you saw it too."

"How mighty and majestic my Daming Immortal Cultivation Legion is, and mortals are not opponents."

"His Royal Highness King Xiang of my family has a benevolent heart, and he doesn't want to see blood flowing like a river."

"Therefore, His Majesty the King of Xiang ordered me to come first and persuade the general to surrender."

"If the general surrenders in Kaesong, our army can guarantee that it will not harm any of the people."

"Nor will you kill a single soldier, you want to go home."

"I Daming will pay you for the journey, if you want to join my Daming's army."

"As long as it's approved, it's okay."

"General Zhang, my Royal Highness has such favorable conditions."

"What are you still hesitating about?" Yu Qian looked at Zhang Julu.

At this time, Zhang Julu's heart was also very entangled.

In front of him, in mid-air, there were tens of thousands of people in a dense minority.

All of them can fly, and they seem to be masters of masters.

Although the walls of Licheng City are tall, they can't stop them from flying.

But the problem is that Zhang Julu came to defend Licheng to resist the enemy.

Where is there talk of surrender.

"Thank you Yu Qian, 640 people, it's just that Zhang Julu Shi received the grace of the country, how can there be reason to surrender on the spot."

"Please also ask Lord Yu to line up the formation, I Zhang Julu want to take a look."

"Can you outsiders step into my city for half a step these days." Zhang Julu said directly.

Seeing Zhang Julu's refusal, Yu Qian narrowed his eyes: "Zhang Julu, do you really not surrender?" "

"Do not surrender."

"You can think clearly, it is easy for my Daming Immortal Cultivation Legion to break through your city."

"If you are delusional and can resist, you can only use the mantis as a car."

"You'll have to think it through." Yu Qian persuaded for the last time.

"No falling!"

Zhang Julu roared angrily, and then ordered the thunder to sound the war drum.

The originally quiet city of Licheng.

War drums banged.

Yu Qianben also respects this kind of man.

I saw him smile slightly, and said with his hands: "I Yu Qian respect General Zhang as a man. "

"Please do your best to defend the city, and Yu Qian will definitely attack with power."

After speaking, Yu Qian flew back directly.

"Array, siege the city!"

With Yu Qian's order.

After losing the Immortal Cultivation Legion, the soldiers sacrificed their weapons one after another.

I saw all kinds of swords, as well as all kinds of magic weapons (dbeh) floating in the air.

If it weren't for the fact that this is a battlefield, if someone sees it, they will say that these lights are beautiful.

When Zhang Julu saw these Immortal Cultivation Legions, he actually knew it in his heart.

I'm afraid I can't hold it anymore.

But as a confidant on which the emperor depended, he knew that he would die here.

There must also be a fight.

There is no way, could it be that you let Zhang Julu surrender?

"Prepare to attack!" Zhang Julu roared.

Many heralds ran around the castle towers.

The soldiers who received the order prepared their crossbows one after another.

Moreover, there are soldiers who push out the giant crossbow.

After adjusting the position, it was aimed at the Immortal Cultivation Legion.

For a time, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

There are also crows calling around.

It seems that everyone knows that a big war is inevitable.

Yu Qian saw that Licheng had already laid out a defensive posture.


As soon as the words fell, the flying sword in Yu Qian's hand flew out first.

With a white light, the flying sword pierced the chest of a soldier defending the city on the spot.

The soldier spat out blood and glanced at Yu Qian with unwillingness and anger in his eyes.

Then he fell to the ground and never got up again.

The other soldiers also shot out the flying swords.

At this time, I saw countless arrows on the upper floor of Licheng City shooting towards the sky.

Of course, if you talk about lethality.

Naturally, it is impossible to compare with the flying sword of the Immortal Cultivation Legion. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The flying sword of the Immortal Cultivation Legion can be controlled at least within a radius of ten miles.

However, the arrows in the hands of the soldiers of the Yang Dynasty were at most 500 meters up to the sky.

The gap in the middle is simply the gap between the carriage and the high-speed rail.

Therefore, from the very beginning of the battle, the defenders of the Yang Dynasty suffered very much.

Just after the battle began, the first wave of soldiers on the city tower was almost dead.

Although Zhang Julu was sad in his heart, he didn't have time to think more about him now.

"Get on the giant crossbow!" He drew his sword and shouted.

Then, dozens of giant crossbows on the city tower were aimed at the Daming Immortal Cultivation Legion in the sky.

At this time, a soldier of the Immortal Cultivation Legion saw that the other party actually used a giant crossbow.

Probably some underestimation of the enemy arrogance.

So one person rushed down.

He originally wanted to come first.

But at this moment, I saw a general from the Yang Dynasty rushing down with the soldiers of the Immortal Cultivation Legion.

Move the mechanism directly.


I saw a row of arrows flying out quickly.

The soldier of the Immortal Cultivation Legion was caught off guard and was shot through the chest on the spot.

This was the first wounded soldier since the establishment of the Great Army Immortal Cultivation Legion.

After all, it is the Immortal Cultivation Legion, and it is impossible to die.

It's just that injuries are inevitable.

Seeing that the soldier was injured, Yu Qian flew directly over and rescued him.

"Master Yu, it's a shame for our Immortal Cultivation Legion." The soldier was a little embarrassed.

"You still know ah, good villains are also immortal cultivators."

"You were actually shot by a mortal's crossbow, go to the back and rest."

After that, Yu Qian ordered people to send him back.

Then, he met Zhang Julu who turned his head to look below.

"General Zhang, since you are not willing to surrender, then don't blame me."

After speaking, Yu Qian held the flying sword across his chest with his right hand.

The index finger and ring finger of the left hand are placed on the lips.

I saw him with gold coins in his eyes and a mantra in his mouth.

For a time, the dark clouds between heaven and earth were deafening.

The wind is fierce all around, flying sand and rocks.

The entire city of Licheng turned out to be a lot darker.

When many soldiers saw this scene, they were so frightened that they wanted to run.

Zhang Julu knew that this was the right time.

Therefore, the soldiers who disturbed the order were immediately hacked to death.

"Don't panic, this is just a demon law."

"They are not invulnerable, everyone shoots them with giant crossbows."

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of lightning and thunder flashed in the sky.

The huge thunder made Zhang Julu's heart tremble!

Are they really immortals?

Why do heaven help them?

Zhang Julu really couldn't figure it out.

From the establishment of the Yang Dynasty to the present, it is also good and safe in the country.

Although there is a threat from Bei Mang in the north, it is also a vigorous rule from the Yang Dynasty.

How did it come to an end?

As a visitor from the sky, is this Daming really because the number of qi from the Yang Dynasty has been exhausted?

Although he thought this in his heart, he kept directing the soldiers to adjust the position of the giant crossbow.

Then he kept shooting towards the Immortal Cultivation Legion in the sky.

I saw rows of crossbow arrows shot out.

However, because of the previous lessons, the soldiers of the Immortal Cultivation Legion all stood relatively far behind.

Just command the flying sword in his hand to attack the soldiers on the city tower.

But he is not within the range of the crossbow arrow.

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