Chapter 233 5 minutes, take Liangzhou City

Yu Qian, on the other hand, was still floating in mid-air with his eyes closed.

At this moment, suddenly a thunder and lightning shot down directly.

Impartially hit Yu Qian's long sword.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt wrapped around the body of the long sword in Yu Qian's hand.

"Zhang Julu, since you don't surrender, then it's no wonder that Lord Ben is ruthless."

After Yu Qian finished speaking, his eyes were cold.

The long sword in his hand pointed at the Licheng City Tower.

In an instant, a burst of electric light ~ between flint.

On the upper floor of Licheng City were defenders, almost all of them turned into scorched corpses.

At this time, Yu Qian waved his hand: "Complete attack-attack." "

The crowd is equal to this command.

With this command, he and others can let go of their hands and feet.

I saw countless sword rays in the sky like meteorites, instantly smashing towards the city tower.

Everywhere these swords went, both generals and soldiers pierced their chests to death.

Although the armor Zhang Julu was wearing was a special armor made by the top craftsmen of the Lianyang Dynasty.

However, it could not withstand the attack of the Daming Immortal Cultivation Legion.

However, after resisting twice, he was killed on the spot.

Lord General Warrior.

The other soldiers on the castle tower were also killed by the other soldiers.

But in just a quarter of an hour.

Licheng's nearly 50,000-strong army was all wiped out by the Immortal Cultivation Legion led by Yu Qian.

However, Yu Qian still followed Zhu Bai's meaning.

No people were harmed, as for the soldiers who luckily did not die.

As long as you lay down your arms, you won't kill him.

With this move by the Immortal Cultivation Legion, Licheng was taken down in a quarter of an hour.

Only, one of the soldiers was unlucky and was wounded by a giant crossbow.

There is nothing wrong with the rest.

While cheerfully ordering the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, Yu Qian ordered the scout to go back and inform Zhu Bai, the king of Xiang.

Licheng has already taken.


Lan Yu this person is an acute person, I think it belongs to other things, fighting and screaming rushed to the first place.

This time, the head skill was actually snatched away by Liu Bowen, a smelly old Confucian.

He originally looked down on Liu Bowen.

So this time, attack Liangzhou City.

He must be faster than Liu Bowen.

You Liu Bowen relied on the altar jar of the science and technology corps to capture the border city in ten minutes.

Then I will have eight minutes of blue jade.

Not long after, Lan Yu led the Daming Dragoon Legion to appear in front of Liangzhou City.

Gu Jiantang stationed at least 80,000 troops here.

Originally, Gu Jiantang wanted to delay time and rely on Liangzhou City for defense.

However, when he saw the Daming Dragoon.

For the first time, Gu Jiantang felt a sense of despair.

If it really is to fight with such an opponent.

Gu Jiantang knew that there could be no chance of victory.

At this time, Lan Yu led the Daming Dragon Horse to the gate of Liangzhou City.

Gu Jiantang was about to speak.

Lan Yu roared directly: "The guard will listen well." "

"Surrender is not allowed, General Ben will personally call in."


Blue Jade roared angrily.

The Daming Dragoon Legion arranged their formations one after another in accordance with the formation practiced on weekdays.

I saw mighty and majestic soldiers, riding their respective dragon mounts.

For a time, the fighting momentum of the two sides was completely incomparable.

Lan Yu pulled out his long sword and looked at Liangzhou City with his eyes grim.

"Five minutes, you must take Liangzhou City in five minutes."



Lan Yu sat down and the dragon let out a long roar.

The soldiers on the city tower covered their ears on the spot by this sound.

The most powerful thing about the Dragon Legion is that it can make the other party fear from the momentum.

At this time, on the entire Liangzhou City floor, the soldiers had already begun to be afraid from their hearts.

Such an enemy, this is the first time they have met.

In the past, they were fighting ordinary soldiers, so it was more courageous than those on both sides.

But now? It turned out to be a fight with someone who could ride a dragon.

Or a group of extraterrestrial visitors.

It's okay if you say they're immortals.

At this moment, the shouts of killing outside Liangzhou City shook the sky.

An army of three thousand dragon horses, led by Blue Jade.

All of them showed determination.

The long sword in his hand erupted with a blinding white glow. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The dragons sitting down roared one after another.

Such a scene, Rao is that Gu Jiantang has been fully prepared before the start of the war.

But he still couldn't stop the attack of the Daming dragon horse.

What is this Daming?

Why can such a terrifying army be cultivated?

Countless dragoon soldiers armed with sharp blades flew over the city towers.

Everywhere I went, there was no grass.

The soldiers defending the city from the Yang Dynasty lost their lives one after another.

And the reserve soldiers in the city saw soldiers riding dragons everywhere in mid-air.

Where is there still what will to fight.

It is useless to let the generals present maintain order.

This scene is terrifying.

Seeing that order in the city has been chaotic.

The adjutant general hurriedly rushed up to the city tower.

After a hard fight, the adjutant general rushed to Gu Jiantang's side.

"General, the north gate has been lost, and the reserve in the city has suddenly appeared because of the enemy."

"Now the order is completely chaotic, and even if you want to maintain it, there is no way to maintain it."

"General, I am afraid that I have run out of gas when I encounter such an enemy in the Yang Dynasty."

"Might as well surrender?" The adjutant general said helplessly.

"Be bold!" Gu Jiantang's eyes were on fire, and he hacked the deputy to death with a sword.

"At present, the great enemy dares to turn against our army and disturb the hearts of our army."

"Order, continue to defend." Gu Jiantang swung his sword while fending off the weapons of the dragoon soldiers.

While ordering command.

It's just that all this is in vain.

Lan Yu had already led people to break through the north gate and south gate of Liangzhou City. 、

All the soldiers defending the city were also killed on the spot by Lan Yu.

According to Sapphire.

Anyway, there is no chance to cultivate immortals, it is useless to keep it!

Now, it has only been three minutes since the battle began in Liangzhou City, and the north and south gates have been breached.

The results of this battle could not be more obvious.

He looked at Gu Jiantang, who was still standing up to the resistance at the east gate.

Lan Yu said directly to the adjutant general on the side: "You go and take Ximen down." "

"Remember, you only have a minute."

"General Ben personally took the east gate, within 5 minutes, end the battle!"


The two acted separately.

Blue Jade directly brought hundreds of dragoon soldiers to kill from behind.

Gu Jiantang was caught off guard and was almost stabbed to death by Lan Yu's sword.

Seeing that Lan Yu had already killed from behind with the dragon rider soldiers.

Gu Jiantang panicked: "You... You guys..."

"How the hell did you do that?"

"Old Pifu, the four gates of your Liangzhou City in the southeast, southeast, northwest and northwest have all been broken by General Ben."

"If you surrender now, General Ben will save you from death."

"If you still don't surrender, then General Ben doesn't mind sending you to heaven."

"You'll see for yourself." Lan Yu pulled out his long sword and could only answer him.

As long as he refuses, he will be killed immediately.

Although Gu Jiantang was quite calm on the surface, his heart was already full of chills.

He did not expect such a strong city as the state.

It had only been a long time since the war began, and it was instantly broken by the other side.

Why are these people from heaven so fierce?


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