Chapter 236 His Royal Highness King Xiang, someone is going to assassinate you

"His Royal Highness King Xiang."

Liu Bowen walked in with a solemn expression.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Bai asked curiously: "How, what happened?" "

"Let our Mr. Liu Ji be so nervous?"

Liu Bowen, on the other hand, knelt on the ground with a solemn expression: "His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"Just now, Jinyiwei sent a secret report, saying that it was the old emperor of Lianyang."

"Send Yang Taisui, a master of the Celestial Phenomenon Realm around him, to secretly go to Liangzhou."

He plans to take the opportunity to assassinate His Royal Highness King Xiang.

When Zhu Bai heard the news, he was stunned for a moment.

After a while, he directly laughed.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, this is?" Liu Bowen was a little puzzled by King Xiang's smile.

Is there anything ridiculous about this clearly coming to assassinate him?

Now the assassin is on his way.

Liu Bowen was naturally anxious.

"Liu Bowen, you are also the commander of my Daming Science and Technology Corps,"

"This old emperor of Lianyang has lost his heart and gone crazy, and let people come to assassinate King Ben."

"Do you think he has a chance?"

Zhu Bai's self-confidence naturally comes from his strong strength.

Moreover, this old emperor turned out to be crazy like this.

It would have been possible to talk about it, but now there is no need to talk about it.

Daming's strategic goal is naturally to destroy the Yang.

At this point, it was useless for the old emperor to do anything.

But the old emperor is the emperor of the Yang Dynasty after all, if he is killed like this.

In fact, it is not a good thing for the great rulers to leave the Yang Dynasty.

Even, maybe later, Zhu Bai will need to spend countless energy to manage the peaceful rebellion.

Such a thing is naturally not worth the loss.

So at the beginning, Zhu Bai thought that if it didn't work, it would not be impossible to leave the old emperor alive.

This thing is not impossible, leave him an ancestral temple.

It can also be regarded as the end of the Great Akihito.

But there is a problem.

That is, what if the old emperor is unwilling?

This is what really worries Zhu Bai.

However, now Zhu Bai does not need to worry.

The old emperor helped Zhu Bai to dispel this concern,

Dare to send someone to assassinate yourself, isn't this a pillow that comes right away when you want to sleep?

Such a good thing, Zhu Bai can basically wake up laughing in his dreams.

I don't know what this old emperor thinks, such a thing dares to mess around.

I really want to die and don't choose a day.

"Liu Bowen, you remember, you must let Yang Taisui get close to King Ben."

"King Ben gave him the opportunity to assassinate King Ben, otherwise, wouldn't he be too sorry for the old emperor's painstaking efforts?"

Seeing that King Xiang didn't seem to care, Liu Bowen was a little puzzled.

"King Xiang, this is an assassin, although the strength of His Royal Highness King Xiang is indeed invincible in the world."


"Liu Bowen, Liu Bowen, do you know what your greatest merit and certainty are?" Zhu Baile said he

"The subordinate does not know, but also ask His Royal Highness King Xiang to make it clear." Liu Bowen was sincerely afraid.

"Your biggest strength is that you are outspoken, what is your biggest weakness?"

"It's also blunt, don't you know the truth that it's easy to break?"

"Fortunately, you are under my hand, if it were with my father, you would have died long ago."

"Since King Ben dares to let Yang Tai come over, he naturally has a way to clean him up."

"You, as a subordinate, don't think about helping me share my worries, but you keep delaying time here,"

"Liu Bowen, people say you are smart, I don't see it." Zhu Bai glanced at him lightly and waved his hand to let him go down.

The words are so clear, if Liu Bowen doesn't understand it again, then he really should be killed.

So Liu Bowen reacted immediately.

"The lesson of King Xiang is that it is Liu Bowen who is stupid, and Liu Bowen will arrange it immediately."

Seeing that he was so sensible, Zhu Bai didn't bother to embarrass him.

This Liu Bowen is a talent, but sometimes it is too shaft!


Yang Taisui came single-handedly towards Liangzhou City along the way.

On the way, he met some escaped soldiers and refugees.

Seeing that these people were so flustered, Mrs. Yang quickly found someone to inquire about the situation in Liangzhou City. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When it was known that the Daming army had fully occupied Liangzhou and Licheng, and also stationed many flying people in front.

Mrs. Yang's heart has fallen to the bottom.

Unexpectedly, Daming's strength turned out to be so strong, so soon to occupy all the territories of the two continents that Lianyang painstakingly operated.

That is to say, now there is only some land left in the southeast, southwest, and southwest of the sun.

A proper corner of the world.

If you can get rid of Zhu Bai, maybe everything can be done.

He didn't want to do this originally, but now he began to calculate in his heart.

The main reason is that Zhu Bai and the Daming behind him give too strong a sense of oppression.

If it can't be fought on the battlefield, it's not yet.

But now the situation is obvious, it is no longer a problem that cannot be fought on the battlefield.

Rather, this heavenly daming seems to be an existence beyond everyone's comprehension.

Mrs. Yang didn't understand at all, this Daming who didn't know where it came from.

The men in their army were not only able to fly around on dragons.

You can also fly everywhere with a long sword.

It doesn't even fall down, and it doesn't get tired.

Yang Tai is also a master of the Celestial Phenomenon Realm.

Even if it is done lightly, it is impossible to fly in the sky all the time.

From this point of view, this Daming dynasty.

It's not just the soldiers' combat effectiveness, but also the cultivation aspect.

It should be more powerful than the Yang Dynasty.

In that case, can he assassinate himself?

At this time, Yang Taisui himself began to mumble.

After thinking about it, he still decided to go to Liangzhou.

As long as you can take the opportunity to gain Zhu Bai's trust, you can do something when you see the opportunity.

Not long after, Zhu Bai heard the news sent by his subordinates.

Yang Taisui as leaving the Yang Dynasty is this, begging to see himself.

Zhu Bai naturally knew that this Yang Tai Sui had come to assassinate himself.

But he pretended not to know.

I just plan to see what Yang Taisui is going to do.

"Let him in."

"King Xiang." Xu Da threw up his hands on the side and said, "His Highness knows that he is here to assassinate His Highness. "

"Why don't you just drag it out and cut it, why keep it?"

"General Xu (of Nuo Li's), this king is worried that he can't find a way to deal with the old emperor of Lianyang."

"Now that Yang is too old, isn't this ready-made?"

Although I don't know what His Royal Highness King Xiang is thinking.

But Xu Da has followed him for so long, and he knows in his heart that His Royal Highness King Xiang has always done things in a measured manner.

Since everything has been said about this, it proves that His Royal Highness King Xiang must have something to do.

Thinking of this, many did not speak again, and retreated to the side to see the opportunity.

After a while, Yang Taisui was taken on the spaceship by a dragoon soldier.

As soon as he stood firm, Mrs. Yang's mind was undecided.

Then I heard Zhu Bai's voice ringing out: "You are Yang Taisui, the messenger of the Yang Dynasty?" "

This voice is thick and powerful, although it is not loud, it gives people a feeling of fairy wind Dao bones.


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