Chapter 237 Yang is too old, this will be the last day of your life

Mrs. Yang just glanced at King Zhu Bai of Xiang.

My heart was immediately shocked.

The young King Xiang in front of him looked like a mortal.

This good appearance, as well as the temperament of a fairy wind Dao bone.

This is clearly the gods in the sky.

If it weren't for Yang Taisui's mission, I was afraid that he would really kneel and kowtow to Zhu Bai on the spot.

"Messenger of the Sun Leaving Sun, why don't you speak?" Zhu Bai said lightly.

There was no emotion in his eyes, and he was still so clear that he couldn't figure it out.

"Leaving the Yang Envoy Yang Taisui to see His Royal Highness the King of Xiang." Mrs. Yang shouted.

"You are Mrs. Yang, King Ben once heard Xu Xiao mention you."

"It is said that there are still some grudges between you, right?" Zhu Bai looked at him calmly.

"This..." Mrs. Yang seemed reluctant to bring up this.

However, Zhu Bai knew it in his heart.

Wu Su's matter, Yang Taisui has always been very guilty, feeling that he is sorry for Xu Xiao.

It is also because of this that Yang Taisui has always been very taboo to talk about this with Xu Xiao.

And Xu Fengnian was very jealous of himself because of this.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, Mrs. Yang came here because His Majesty hopes to make a truce with His Royal Highness King Xiang."

"Truce?" Zhu Bai sneered: "Your Majesty has reached today, do you still think that this matter can be stopped?" "

"But since you say a truce, then 237 you tell King Ben."

"What sincerity did His Majesty the Emperor of your family come up with to stop the war? You can't have no sincerity. "

"And then just lean on a mouth, don't you?"

Zhu Bai deliberately lured this Yang Taisui close to him so that he could make a move on him.

Only in this way could Zhu Bai have enough excuses to directly level the ancestral temple of the old emperor of Lianyang and his Zhao family.

If not, Zhu would not have an excuse.

Mrs. Yang slowly got up and took two steps forward: "Your Highness." "

"Now that I leave the Yang Emperor, His Majesty already knows the strength of Daming and His Royal Highness the King of Xiang."

"My Majesty intends to seek peace, as long as His Royal Highness King Xiang agrees."

"Then I will leave the rich land in the south of the Yang Dynasty and cede it all to Daming."

"I don't know what His Royal Highness King Xiang wants?"

When he finished saying this, Yang Taisui was already no more than ten steps away from Zhu Bai, and it could be said that he was already very close.

And Zhu Bai smiled slightly: "Mrs. Yang, you are too far away from King Ben, come and talk closer." "

Mrs. Yang came over happily.

Just as he approached Zhu Bai's side, Mrs. Yang's face turned cold.

A dagger with a cold light in his hand suddenly pulled out.

He stabbed Zhu Bai in the neck.

For a while, the faces of many generals present changed drastically.

If you want to come to the rescue, it is too late.

And Zhu Bai still looked at Yang Taisui with a smile.


Although Mrs. Yang's dagger was against Zhu Bai's neck, the problem was.

Zhu Bai's neck seemed to be as hard as a rock.

That dagger was made by the best craftsmen in the sun.

Short hair blowing.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Bai was invulnerable.

At this time, Zhu Bai had stretched out his right hand, and his index and middle fingers clamped Yang Taisui's dagger.

In front of him, Zhu Bai threw the dagger on the ground.

"Mrs. Yang, you are a celestial realm, and you dare to dance a knife and make a gun in front of this king?"

"Tell King Ben who gave you courage, and King Ben can not kill you." Zhu Bai said lightly.

Yang Tai Sui couldn't make a plan, knowing that there was no chance.

Moreover, Zhu Bai has not made a move until now.

And in the case of his own sneak attack and the help of peerless daggers.

The other party was unharmed.

And he easily took away his own dagger.

That is to say, Zhu Bai did not put himself in his eyes at the beginning.

Even if he really assassinated, it would definitely not be possible.

As soon as he thought of this, Mrs. Yang's heart immediately trembled.

What an amazing strength this is, such a strength is really unimaginable.

Many Daming generals and soldiers on the side surrounded them.

Zhu Bai waved his hand gently: "Okay, Yang Taisui's cultivation can't hurt King Ben." "

"You all go back, I want to hear what this Yang Taisui thinks." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Why dare you come and hit a stone with a pebble?"

After that, Zhu Bai turned his head to look at Yang Tai (CBDH) again.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang is really powerful, I Yang is too old."

"It's just that this assassination was committed by me alone, and it has nothing to do with anyone else. ,"

"Your Highness wants to kill or kill, listen to the honor."

After that, Mrs. Yang actually moved a table full of fruits and various meats.

I sat down on the ground and started eating.

"Not bad, you don't die as a starving ghost, you are a bit interesting."

"Mrs. Yang, you don't have to say such nonsense to King Ben."

"You came to assassinate King Ben, if it is not the intention of your emperor, do you Yang Tai dare to?"

"But King Ben doesn't ask much, King Ben just wants you to know."

"From the moment you made a move on King Ben, the ancestral temple of your emperor Lao'er could not be saved."

With a "bang", Mrs. Yang's body shook and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground.

He suddenly reacted to why he had always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Before, he didn't know and couldn't figure it out, but now he does.

It was the words that King Xiang said, that is, today he Yang Taisui moved his hand.

No matter what the result is, the ancestral temple of the Yang Royal Family will definitely not be preserved.

At this time, Mrs. Yang couldn't wait to give himself two big slaps.

The emperor is confused and forget it.

As a confidant of the emperor, he was also confused.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang has always had the name of benevolence and righteousness, and I believe that King Xiang will not anger others and kill innocents."

"No, you're wrong, King Ben likes to do this." Zhu Bai looked at him with cold eyes.

"Mrs. Yang, you gave King Ben a big excuse."

"You can eat your food and get ready to go."

"This is the last meal of your life, eat more!"


Mrs. Yang's head was sent to the capital of Liyang by order by Zhu Bai to be sent to the capital city of Lianyang.

When this brocade guard came, he directly stepped on the flying sword and flew into the palace.

So much so that the people who saw it on the road thought that the immortals had blessed the Yang Dynasty.

So they knelt down one after another, hoping to ask the immortals to help them fulfill their wishes.

Jin Yiwei carried the head directly into the palace.

Zhao Huangchao came out as soon as possible.

Seeing this brocade guard flying in the sky, Zhao Huangchao's face suddenly changed slightly.

"Is this the so-called alien?"

Song Tanglu nodded: "According to the news sent by his subordinates, this is Daming's soldier." "

"The person wearing such clothes seems to be called Jin Yiwei."

"Jin Yiwei?" Zhao Huangchao was a little surprised: "I didn't expect that a small soldier would have such cultivation." "

Zhao Huangchao now did not dare to move at all.

The Jin Yiwei in front of him was naturally not his opponent.

If you want to kill, it's easy.

But such a small soldier has such skills.

If the king of Xiang came with Daming's army.

Can the capital city of Lianyang be held?.

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