Chapter 246: The Last Barrier of the Dynasty - Yecheng

Zhu Bai looked at the two.

"King Ben never kills innocents, except for the reasons for dying in battle."

"When have you heard that my Daming army has slaughtered unarmed people?" 1

"Since I, Daming, am the orthodox of the heavens, what I naturally have to do is to practice benevolence and righteousness, and to guard the world!"

"You two can rest assured that as long as you surrender sincerely, then King Ben will naturally not treat you badly."

"The defenders and people in the city can also live!"

Zhu Bai gave a promise, and naturally he will not break this promise.

Because of the power of Jubai's war.

The city of Quzhou fell without a fight.

The news reached the capital of the Lianyang Dynasty.

The old emperor was suddenly dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that this time the ancestors would join forces with the three peerless masters.

It was actually destroyed by Zhu Bai in a battle.

Is this still human?

The fear in the old emperor's heart deepened again.

Today, there seems to be no effective force to resist.

Song Nianqing and Liu Songshi both chose to surrender because they were afraid of each other.

Quzhou is lost, then the last barrier in the capital is only Yecheng.

At this time, Song Tanglu, who quietly ran back from the front line, was dissuaded again.

"Your Majesty, now that things are in danger, Your Majesty should move south quickly."

"At least after reaching the south, keep half of the rivers and mountains away from the sun."

This Song Tanglu originally set off for Quzhou with Zhao Huangchao and others.

As a result, after seeing Zhu Bai's power, Song Tanglu came to the only conclusion at that time.

Leaving the sun will perish.

This is not a sin that the Yang Emperor has done that the heavens cannot forgive.

Instead, the people who came to attack the Yang Dynasty were probably trapped in the sky.

If not, if you explain Zhu Bai's astonishing cultivation.

This stupidity has exceeded everyone's imagination.

No one knows why he has such skills.

If it weren't for that, Song Tanglu wouldn't be so afraid.

Persuading the old emperor to go south was also the last thing Song Tanglu could do.

"Moving south? Since the founding of the Yang Dynasty, I have not heard of moving south. "

"I finally destroyed the nations and ruled the world in my hands, but I didn't expect to become the king of the dead country."

"It's a big joke."

Nowadays, everyone in the capital is at risk.

Everyone knows that there is a heavenly army from heaven that is attacking the city.

There was almost no way to fight back from the Yang Dynasty.

Even several masters of the Sun Dynasty died tragically.

Who still has faith?

Song Tanglu saw that he could not be dissuaded, and could only say to the old emperor: "Since His Majesty is not willing to move south. "

"Then ask His Majesty to allow the minister to go to Yecheng and be my last line of defense from the Yang Dynasty."

"You?" The old emperor was a little surprised: "Song Tanglu, can you do it?" "

"No, it's not that Zhu Bai's opponent."

"No, you still go."

"If you don't go, who else can go?"


After the Battle of Quzhou.

Under the leadership of Zhu Bai, the three major armies of Daming became famous.

Everywhere he went, all the counties and counties away from the Yang Dynasty were looking down.

Soon, the Daming army urged Guraciu to occupy all the northern part of the Yang Dynasty.

And the army also concentrated in the area of Beishui fifty miles away from Yecheng.

This North Water is the only road to Yecheng.

If you want to pass, you naturally need a lot of boats.

It's just that this is not a problem for the Daming Legion.

Just fly over.

However, after Zhu Bai arrived in Beishui, he immediately ordered the army to be stationed in place.

Many people are puzzled and do not know why.

And Zhu Bai saw the sky not far away.

There seems to be some strange movement.

Zhu Bai has never seen such a situation. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He called Xu Xiao over.

"Xu Xiao, you see a rainbow in the sky that day, like something to tell someone?" Zhu Bai asked curiously.

Xu Xiao looked at it and didn't understand it very well.

Only then said: "His Royal Highness King Xiang, Xu Xiao really doesn't understand much, I'm afraid it takes Li Yishan and them to know." "

"Go and call them."


After a while, Li Yishan and Lao Huang all arrived in front of Zhu Bai.

After the two saluted, they said to Zhu Bai: "That rainbow-like light." "

"Someone forcibly cut through the void in Yecheng and opened the gate of heaven with a sword."

"It seems that someone forcibly ascended and entered the Immortal Realm."

"Immortal Realm?" Zhu Bai was a little surprised.

This so-called fairy realm, I don't know ah.

I don't know how it is compared to my own incarnation period?

The cultivation level in the snow is not the same as in other worlds.

In addition, in the snow is the world of martial arts and cultivation.

Therefore, in terms of cultivation, it is indeed different from others.

But because of this, Zhu Bai was a little unclear.

However, this is not too much of a problem.

With Zhu Bai's current strength, plus the three major legions of Daming.

It's really not good, just crush it with artillery fire.

Anyway, the Yang Dynasty must be extinguished.

"Li Yishan, is this Immortal Realm very powerful?" Zhu Bai narrowed his eyes.

"If compared with His Royal Highness King Xiang, it is naturally far worse."

"But if it is equal to me, it is heaven and earth."

With Li Yishan's words, Zhu Bai already knew in his heart.

"Okay, King Ben knows."

"How are you practicing the Dead Wood Spring Technique that you recently practiced?"

Zhu Bai's words instantly made the two excited.

"Thank you King Xiang, this kind of immortal method is really powerful."

"I feel a lot younger physically." Li Yishan said excitedly.

Indeed, Li Yishan and Lao Huang are both the same age.

But it can be seen that it seems that the two are indeed a lot younger.

Because of this, the two are very grateful to Zhu Bai.

I also admire Zhu Bai from my heart.

Seeing that both of them were satisfied, Zhu Bai nodded: "Okay, we have already arrived in Yecheng." "

"Ye City must be broken today."

"You wait here, King Ben will come and see."

Zhu Bai's words are good, naturally no one dares to disobey.

Zhu Bai stepped on the flying sword all the way to the Yecheng City Tower.

I saw a man sitting cross-legged on a makeshift stargazing platform built outside the city.

The man was covered in unusual breath.

The sky above your head is a big hole.

The starry light inside the mouth of the cave is like a fairyland.

A silvery-white pillar of light shot down, enveloping the man.

It was the first time Zhu Bai had seen such a situation.

Curious in his heart, he also found it interesting, so he flew in the air and watched quietly.

The general defending the city on the city tower saw that Zhu Bai had arrived, and he was so frightened that he wiped the sweat on his forehead.

His eyes couldn't stop looking at Song Tanglu over there.

Zhu Bai keenly observed this situation again.

I saw him smile slightly: "This king will not take advantage of people's danger, just take a look." "

"Don't worry!"

This sound is deafening and full of breath!


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