Chapter 247: The Death of Song Tanglu

Although Song Tanglu forcibly opened the Gate of Heaven.

But he also heard Zhu Bai's voice.

This voice is full of breath and deep roots, which really shocks people's hearts.

He had seen Zhu Bai's earth-shattering strength before.

Therefore, if you want to defeat him, you can only forcibly open the Gate of Heaven on your own.

Forcibly elevated his cultivation to the Immortal Realm.

Otherwise, you can't defeat Jubai.

It's just that he doesn't have a bottom in his heart.

Zhu Bai's strength was too shocking, and the previous battle had a profound impact on him.

Even though Song Tanglu had tried not to distract himself.

But the previous battle of the four extinctions still made him can't help it.

When Zhu Bai saw this scene, he also understood in his heart.

Help people to the end.

"Song Tanglu, forcibly opening the Gate of Heaven is acting against the heavens, and you must not be distracted."

"King Ben help you!"

After speaking, Zhu Bai slowly recited the meditation mantra in his mouth.

This meditation mantra cannot achieve its effect unless it has attained perfection.

Only Zhu Bai can perform this meditation mantra.

At this time, Song Tanglu, who was originally anxious in his heart, also slowly calmed down.

He only felt as if he had really entered the realm of iQue Tai Void.

In the next second, I saw a large light shoot out from the Gate of Heaven.

An accurate 650 shot into his Heavenly Spirit Cave.

He only felt that the meridians all over his body were like an explosion of infinite power.

For a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank you, His Royal Highness King Xiang." Song Tanglu said.

At this time, Song Tanglu also entered Zhu Bai, and there was an extra trace of fairy wind Dao bone on his body.

"Not bad, your cultivation is approaching King Ben." Zhu Bai said lightly.

"Since you can open an altar here, it means that you are going to die with this king."

"King Ben came, killed you, and just took Yecheng."

"After taking Yecheng, you can naturally make the old emperor surrender."

Zhu Baicai doesn't care so much, for him.

If the old emperor surrendered, then he could still be left with his life.

In the future, this world away from the Yang Dynasty plus Bei Mang will make Xu Fengnian an agent of Daming here.

And Xu Xiao and the others went to Ying Tiancheng to cultivate immortals.

If the old emperor continues.

Then, Zhu Bai directly let the three major legions attack the capital.

Completely destroy the departing sun.

The temple of the Yang royal family cannot be saved.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden crowd not far away.

Zhu Bai took a closer look and saw that another army had arrived.

Seeing this, Zhu Bai smiled coldly: "Until now, this old emperor of Yang still dares to send a large army?" "

"Isn't this a proper food delivery?"

Zhu Bai didn't quite understand, why was this old emperor of Lianyang still not dead hearted?

Do you really think you still have a chance?

Zhu Bai originally did not intend to take his life.

But who would have thought that this old emperor of Lianyang would still not die.

At this time, the defenders in Yecheng saw reinforcements coming.

Suddenly the cheers were heaven-shaking.

However, these reinforcements were for Zhu Bai and for the three major legions of Daming.

It's not worth mentioning at all.

After a while, I saw that the old emperor of Lianyang actually personally drove his own conquest.

Seeing the old emperor, Zhu Bai was stunned for a moment.

"I said old man, you really can't help this, all the royal conquests?" Zhu Baile said he

The old emperor had never seen Zhu Bai, so he could only say angrily: "Let that Zhu Bai come to see me!" "

"This king is Zhu Bai, the king of Xiang"

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be Zhu Bai.

Moreover, this Zhu Bai also stepped on the sword and flew in the air.

The old emperor's heart suddenly cooled.

It seems that the people who can't beat the four extinct formations are indeed extraordinary.

However, until now, the old emperor had no other ideas.

From the Yang Dynasty to this point, there is basically not much possibility of winning.

The old emperor himself knew it in his heart.

Because of this, the old emperor can only be a royal conquest,

This time, he brought with him the entire strength of the Yang Dynasty.

If this battle is lost.

At least the old emperor died with a bang.

It can also be regarded as not dishonoring the ancestors.

As for where to leave the Yang Dynasty after his death?

I am dead, what else can I do?

There are some things that there is really no way around.

"Song Tanglu." The old emperor shouted at Song Tanglu: "This Zhu Bai is indeed a serious (ceeb) harm." "

"If you are not sure of victory, I will not blame you for surrendering."

Song Tanglu was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Then, he handed over his hand and said: "Your Majesty, although Song Tanglu is a eunuch, he also knows what it means to be loyal and patriotic. "

"Your Majesty should not say such words again." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The old emperor nodded.

It can be seen that when he is in his old age, he is still very pleased to have a loyal minister like Song Tanglu.

At this time, Song Tanglu waved his hand.

I saw that there was an extra sword in my hand.

The sword was three feet long and two inches wide.

The sword has a flying dragon tattooed on it.

The hilt of the sword is a dragon's head with its mouth open.

It looks like a dragon under the ordinary.

It was the first time Zhu Bai had seen such a sword.

Although it is not said to be a divine product, it is not an ordinary product.

Kind of interesting.

Song Tanglu pointed at Zhu Bai with a sword, and said lightly: "Long Yin, countless enemies." "

"Okay, King Ben will see if Long Yin can kill King Ben." Zhu Bai smiled slightly.


A long roar.

It was as if a dragon had flown by.

That dragon chanting sword was so powerful.

It made Zhu Baidu a little impressed.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

I saw Song Tanglu stepping on Qingping, and his figure flashed like a ghost.

In the next second, the Dragon Yin Sword had already reached Zhu Bai's chest.

However, Zhu Bai did not dodge, but flicked his finger lightly.

Song Tanglu only felt a huge force hit his tiger's mouth.

If it weren't for his thick strength, I was afraid that the Dragon Yin Sword would have fallen to the ground now.

Song Tanglu's heart froze.

Knowing that even if he forcibly opened the Heavenly Eye, he was still not Zhu Bai's opponent.

It seems that there is no way to leave the fall of the Yang Dynasty today.

At this time, Zhu Bai withdrew his hand with a slight smile, and did not take the opportunity to attack.

Instead, he looked at the stunned Song Tanglu: "Song Tanglu, this king respects you as a talent." "

"If you surrender now, follow King Ben back to Daming to cultivate immortals."

"Of course, you can also not surrender."

"The end is death!" Zhu Bai said lightly.

Song Tanglu thought about it.

After a moment, he shook his head: "I know it's not your opponent. "

"But King Xiang, you are my enemy!"

Zhu Bai has always respected heroes, since Song Tanglu is like this.

Then I can't live up to his sincere heart.

I saw the Excalibur flash in Zhu Bai's hand.

In the next second, the tip of the sword pierced Song Tanglu's chest.

Also pierced his heart.

There was surprise and relief in Song Tanglu's eyes.

There is just no fear.

After a while, there was a thunder in the sky.

Song Tanglu was killed by Zhu Bai in a second!

At this time, the old emperor saw this and knew that the general trend of leaving the sun was gone.

But today he is here to do the final battle.

Zhu Bai looked at him, and then said: "Old emperor, King Ben will go back and lead the troops." "

"Tomorrow noon, fight!"


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