Chapter 248: The mission of the world in the snow is accomplished

Zhu Bai brought back to everyone the news of the decisive battle at noon tomorrow.

Everyone in Daming was excited.

And Zhu Bai also said directly: "Tomorrow's battle, after taking down Ye ~ City." "

"Xu Xiao, do you think who in your Northern Liang Royal Mansion stayed to devour the Li-Yang Dynasty?"

Hearing Zhu Bai's words, Xu Xiao was also a little surprised: "Xiang-Wang His Royal Highness this?" "

"Tomorrow is the decisive battle."

"Tomorrow one country, there will be no more usable troops from the Yang Dynasty."

"The latter things are not of interest to King Ben."

"If you can, this matter will be handled by your people in Beiliang."

"You are the King of Northern Liang, and you arrange for someone you trust and have strength to deal with the follow-up."

"King Ben is going to take everyone back to Yingtian City in Daming."

"Moreover, your exercises are also cultivating, don't you cultivate immortals?"

Xu Xiao nodded excitedly after hearing this: "In that case, Xu Xiao recommends Chu Lushan." "

I heard the recommendation to sit in Yecheng.

Chu Lushan walked out excitedly and said, "Please rest assured His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"Chu Lushan must clean up this mess from the Yang Dynasty as soon as possible."

Zhu Bai nodded: "No hurry, no hurry." "

"The number of Yang Dynasty qi is exhausted, you just have to swallow it slowly."

"I can't eat tender tofu."


Chu Lushan was secretly happy in his heart.

In fact, he was not interested in what immortal cultivation or what to go to Daming Ying Heavenly City.

He is loyal to the Xu family in this life, and he is loyal to Xu Fengnian.

Originally, he didn't have a good impression of Zhu Bai.

But now all the people in Northern Liang have surrendered.

There was no need for Chu Lushan to fight for his life.

He knows that his character is like that.

Then since this is the case, it is better to stay in Yecheng by yourself.

Later extinguished the Yang Dynasty.

Although he can't be an emperor, he is also a soil emperor who has no one to care about.

At that time, Bei Mang to Lianyang will have the final say.

Isn't it beautiful!

Xu Xiao naturally saw his thoughts.

This righteous son of himself, don't you know yet.

That's why he was given such an opportunity.

Zhu Bai also knew in his heart that since this was the case, it was good to take advantage of the donkey under the slope.

Everything is arranged.

The next day, noon!

At this time, the three major legions of Daming had all entered the outskirts of Yecheng.

And the old emperor also brought the defenders in Yecheng with reinforcements led by himself.

Arrays outside the city.

Blue birds and sweet potatoes see the gap between the two sides.

At this time, the sweet potato couldn't help but say: "The opposite side is so strong. "

"It seems that this battle will not be a few minutes away."

The blue bird did not speak, but he could see it.

She was actually happy that the sun was destroyed.

It's just that after so many years in Beiliang, she also has some feelings.

Zhu Bai looked at the old emperor and did not say anything.

At this point in the matter, there is no need to waste time.

Kill the old emperor and end the quest of the world in the snow. ,

See what the next task is.

After the two sides lined up neatly.

Zhu Bai sat on the battleship and waved his hand gently.

The last big battle between the two sides begins!

The specifics don't need to be detailed.

Because the whole battle lasted only three minutes and was all over in less than a minute.

The old emperor was even killed by Liu Bowen's science and technology corps as soon as the war began.

In the end, all the defenders of Yecheng were killed.

The last reinforcements from the Yang Dynasty were all killed.

After Zhu Bai led everyone into Yecheng.

Only then, according to yesterday's order, all the military power was given to Chu Lushan.

Chu Lushan also made it clear that he would be loyal to Daming.

Zhu Bai did not care whether Chu Lushan was loyal or not.

Today, the strength of Daming.

If Chu Lushan dares to have two hearts.

If you have two hearts today, you will die tomorrow.

Once everything is arranged.

Zhu Baicai said to everyone: "Now the matter is all over. "

"All of you come with me to respond to the Celestial City."

"My Daming's luck, you should take a good look." 1

Among the people present, in addition to the people from the original Daming Legion.

The only ones who have really seen the majesty of Daming Ying Heavenly City are Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian.

It was also because the two had seen each other that the surrender of the two later.

But on weekdays, everyone has heard Xu Xiao say such things.

Therefore, everyone naturally also produced a great Xiang King corresponding to the Celestial City. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


In front of everyone, Zhu Bai turned out to be a void that split a door of time and space.

When Qingniao and the others saw this scene, their faces suddenly changed.

Originally, I thought that His Royal Highness King Xiang was a high-ranking person.

I didn't expect to be able to open up another world.

This kind of cultivation is terrifying!

At this time, Zhu Bai looked at the people of Beiliang present.

He slowly spoke: "Okay, now the things in this world have been completed." "

"Now you all respond to Celestial City with me."

"Chu Lushan, if you serve Daming well, King Ben will not treat you badly, do you know?"

"Yes, thank you King Xiang!" Chu Lushan said.

At this time, Zhu Bai turned around and walked towards the Gate of Time and Space.

Then, the three major legions also walked in.

After everyone in Beiliang saw that Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian also walked in, they followed into the gate of time and space.

Enter the gate of time and space to live, at this time, I see stars everywhere.

Sweet potatoes are very rare, and they keep asking questions about the east.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, what is in this?"

"Why so many stars?" 1

"It's called the Gate of Time and Space." Ju Bai explained to her.

"The Gate of Time and Space?" The sweet potato thought about combining everything he had seen in the recent period.

She suddenly understood something.

"King Xiang, could it be that Daming is not an existence in our world."

"It's in another world, and King Xiang, you have mastered the methods of all worlds?"

This sweet potato turned out to be so smart, and the ability to draw inferences is so strong.

Zhu Bai nodded, although he did not speak, but he acquiesced.

At this moment, a gate in front of him opened.

Zhu Bai pointed to the front: "Let's go, the front is Ying Tiancheng." "


"King Xiang is back, our King Xiang is back."

"The grass people meet the King of Xiang!"

With a deafening sound, I saw the white marble floor.

Many people knelt on the ground to greet King Xiang.

Nowadays, King Xiang is an existence comparable to the gods in the hearts of the people of Daming.

If it weren't for King Xiang, Daming wouldn't be like today, where everyone can cultivate immortals and everyone can eat and wear warmth.

It can be said that today's Daming really has two suns.

One was Zhu Yuanzhang, the Hongwu Emperor.

There is another one, that is Zhu Bai, the king of Xiang.

Zhu Bai smiled slightly: "Dear people, this king has conquered the other world. "

"Now my Daming's strength will be even stronger."

"You can cultivate immortals with peace of mind and live the same life as heaven and earth!"

Seeing King Xiang say this, many people shouted long live in an instant.

And at this time, except for Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian.

The other people of Beiliang were all shocked by the prosperity in front of them.


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