Chapter 249: Doomsday Grade Titan

"This is what His Royal Highness King Xiang said?"

Li Yishan could hardly believe his eyes.

In the past, the royal paradise that I fantasized about in my mind, the biggest is that everyone can eat.

As for brocade satin, longevity and longevity.

The emperor and the ministers may not be able to do it, let alone ordinary people.

But now in Yingtian City, everyone can see happy smiles on their faces everywhere.

She is wearing silk satin.

These fine clothes are only affordable for dignitaries.

And now in Daming City, everyone can wear it like this.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang." Lao Huang came over in disbelief.

"What's the matter?" Ju Bai looked at him.

I saw that Lao Huang was a little embarrassed: "His Royal Highness King Xiang, I Lao Huang saw the wealth of Daming." "

"But His Royal Highness King Xiang, Lao Huang has a reluctant request." 510""

"Lao Huang wants to travel through the rivers and mountains of Daming and see if everyone in Daming is like this."

Lao Huang actually suspected that Daming, that is, the capital Yingtiancheng, had such a good day. ,

Other places may already be hungry and cannibalistic.

Zhu Bai didn't know what he thought.

He smiled slightly: "Okay, my big bright area is vast, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it." "

"But since you want to see, go ahead."

Now Daming has gone through the means of cultivating immortals, science and technology and other powerful means.

The entire economic level of Daming, as well as social development, has entered the era of future science and technology.

However, because of the cultivation of immortals by the whole people, the traditions of the Han people are still retained in some customs.

But there are not many means of transportation.

So don't worry about travel.

Seeing that Zhu Bai agreed, Lao Huang nodded happily and repeatedly: "Thank you, Your Highness." "

Li Yishan, on the other hand, did not calm down for a long time.

In all fairness.

In fact, he is still loyal to Beiliang.

Because of this, he planned to use Daming from the beginning to help Xu Fengnian become emperor.

It's a pity that now I see Daming so strong.

His mind began to waver.

Such a powerful daming.

Even if you lay out for many more years, it is useless.

The gap in strength is too big.

At this moment, Zhu Bai said to Xu Xiao: "Xu Xiao. "

"You are also familiar with the Celestial City, and you will be a person in Northern Liang in the future."

"You take it with you to the Enlightenment Tower to practice the Dead Wood Spring Gong."

"Remember, you can't mess around without King Ben's order, you know?"

"Yes, King Xiang." Xu Xiao is now dead set on Daming.

Being able to cultivate immortals in Yingtian City was Xu Xiao's biggest wish now.

After Zhu Bai arranged everything, he bowed down and cheered by the people.

Entered the Imperial City.

As soon as I stepped into the Imperial City, I suddenly remembered the system prompt sound in my mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the World in the Snow Plane Mission! ] 】

【Start evaluating mission completion now!】 】

【End of evaluation! 】 】

【Task Completion Score S】

[Now start calculating the task reward, please wait patiently for the calculation to end.] 】


Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived in the Imperial City, the system began to settle.

At this time, Zhu Bai's eyes lit up, and he patiently waited for the settlement given by the system for him.

Along the way, from time to time, many officials saluted Zhu Bai and stole adoring eyes.

Zhu Bai is now almost the most dazzling person in Daming.

Even the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang is the first Xiang King fan of the Daming Dynasty.

It's still like this when you are a father, not to mention civil and military officials.

[Mission reward calculated! ] 】

A wonderful voice sounded in Zhu Bai's mind again.

[Congratulations to the host for winning the following personal rewards!] 】

[Personal reward 1: Reward the host for a breakthrough in the realm of cultivation, and can enter the realm of refining void at any time and become a cultivator of the refining period. During the refining period, the divine soul will transform again, and the strength will be greatly improved. 】

[Personal reward two: reward the eye of the law of strength, the eye of the law can make it easier for the host to see through the laws of heaven and earth, and it is easier to use the power of the laws of heaven and earth and borrow the power of heaven and earth. ] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Personal reward three: reward the host with 10 pieces of the human emperor pen, 10 pieces of the human emperor pen fragment, after fusion, it will increase the integrity of the host's human emperor pen to 20%, and have 20% of the power of the complete human imperial pen. ] 】

[Personal reward four: reward the host Doomsday-level titan, which can shuttle through various spaces and can be taken out anytime, anywhere. ] 】

[Personal reward five: reward the host peerless immortal weapon, the immortal weapon can be cultivated, upgraded, refined, and has infinite power, and this is the only one in heaven and earth!] 】

Doom-class titan ship!!

Zhu Bai did not expect that this time the reward was given to the Doomsday-class Titan, who was known as the strongest space battleship.

Because I experienced the Avatar quest before,

So also got a lot of Avatar world technology.

But the real space battleship, the one who has the devastating blow has to be this doomsday-level titan...

Especially the doomsday guns on ships, one shot.

Half of the planet will be destroyed.

Among the five rewards this time, what made Zhu Bai most happy was not entering the refining period.

Anyway, their own cultivation is placed here, and the system helps in the case.

It was only a matter of time before he wanted to enter that supreme avenue.

But the Doomsday-level Titan, this is a rare good thing.

Without thinking about it, Zhu Bai waved his hand.

I saw the release of the Titan from its own system space.

Suddenly, the originally bright sunlight in the sky suddenly seemed to be blocked by something.

It's a lot darker.

"This is the Doomsday Titan?" Ju Bai frowned.

There was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

I didn't expect the hull to be so huge.

The entire Yingtian City was shrouded in this huge battleship.

And in the palace waiting for Zhu Bai, the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

At this moment, I saw that the sunlight in the sky suddenly disappeared, and it went dark all of a sudden.

Seeing the official wind and waves, he thought that some enemy from another world had invaded.

After hearing the words of the eunuch, Zhu Yuanzhang knew.

It turned out that it was Zhu Bai who returned.

"Let's just say, did our son King Xiang get something good again?"

"Back to Your Majesty, I heard that it is a super battleship." The eunuch said carefully.

"What did our son say?" Zhu Yuanzhang narrowed his eyes.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

"Our son really gave us a long face, 4.7 went to the snow world this time and got such a big battleship again."

"In the future, let's see what strange world of Avatar we will go again."

"You can also beat up those little blue people everywhere to find their parents."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile, got up and walked out.

"Go, you all come with us to welcome our son King Xiang back."

For a while, everyone's faces were full of smiles.

The return of King Xiang represents that Daming has conquered another world.

And Daming's strength is even stronger.

"King Xiang, His Royal Highness King Xiang." Lan Yu ran over: "Your Majesty has received His Royal Highness King Xiang." "


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