Chapter 250 Next, Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao?

Zhu Bai nodded, and his mind continued to remember the system's prompt sound.

[Congratulations to the host for winning the following national awards! ] 】

[National reward 1: Reward Daming National Fortune to enhance the original on the basis of 30%, the National Fortune Enhancement Daming will be more likely to appear powerful immortal cultivation geniuses, Daming territory Jiang more smooth wind, government and people. 】

[National Reward 2: Reward Daming 3 Tongtian Taoist Temples, each of which can accommodate 10,000 people for cultivation, and entering the Taoist Temple to cultivate can increase the cultivation speed to 3 times the original! ] 】

[National reward 3: Reward all Daming people to increase their understanding by 10% on the original basis, superimposed with the previous reward, after the enhancement of understanding, the Daming people will be able to more easily comprehend the method of cultivating immortals, feel the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and break through the realm of cultivation. ] 】

[National reward 4 rewards the three ancient ruins of Daming, and the three ancient ruins will increase the prestige of Daming by 50%, in order to realize the meaning of the coming of all nations and the submission of all nations! ] 】

[National reward 5: Reward two Daming Alchemy Colleges, 200 ninth-grade alchemists, and 20 god-level alchemy furnaces. ] The nine-grade alchemist in the academy will be responsible for teaching the 25 techniques of alchemy and cultivating alchemists for Daming, which is not exclusive to the original alchemy academy. 】

Not bad, this time the reward is quite good.

I didn't expect that after the end of the world in the snow this time, the rewards of the quest would be so rich.

It's just that the next copy turned out to be Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao.

It seems that it is time to go and have a good chat with Zhu Houzhao, the emperor.

Emperor Wuzong of Ming Zhu Houzhao was one of the most controversial emperors of the Ming Dynasty.

You're going to call him ridiculous, right?

He dared to personally lead the northern expedition to Mongolia.

You want to say that he is an emperor who is diligent and loves the people, but he has such a black history as the leopard room.

However, after experiencing too much, Ju Bai now does not believe in some things in the history books of later generations.

Although he will not arbitrarily believe that it was the emperor who smeared Daming in later generations.

However, the spirit of looking at the problem dialectically must still be there.

The great man said it.

Without investigative power, there is no voice.

The next step is to investigate.

"Bo'er, my good Bo'er!" Zhu Yuanzhang's voice came out from afar.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang had already taken the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts towards Zhu Bai at a fast pace.

Now, Daming has become stronger and stronger in Zhu Bai's hands.

Zhu Yuanzhang almost didn't worry about anything, and Daming was already in a smooth mood.

Plus, just now the system settlement is over.

Daming's national fortune has increased a lot.

And just now, Zhu Yuanzhang also felt that the spiritual energy in his body seemed to be more abundant.

And the spiritual energy inside the entire Daming became more and more abundant.

"Bai'er, this time you have worked hard." Zhu Yuanzhang hugged Zhu Bai.

"Father's cultivation has become more refined." Zhu Bai smiled slightly.

It seems that the system settled in a timely manner, and the effect given was also very good.

And Zhu Yuanzhang laughed: "This is all Bo'er's credit, to be honest." "

"Father Emperor didn't expect that you could come back so soon this time, originally Father Emperor thought that it would be delayed for at least a year and a half."

"Yes, twelfth brother, fourth brother wants to kill you." Zhu Di also came over happily.

"Big brother misses you too." Zhu Biao also came over happily.

At this time, Empress Ma also walked out accompanied by a group of palace maidens.

"Queen Mother." Zhu Bai was very happy.

Empress Ma has always been nice to herself.

Although Zhu Bai is a person who crosses over, he also regards her as his biological mother.

"Bai'er, this time for Daming to go to the world in the snow, you have worked hard."

"Thank you Queen Mother for thinking about the child, but come back this time."

"The child is about to prepare for the next world."

Hearing Zhu Bai say this, everyone present was a little strange.

Empress Ma looked at Zhu Bai: "Bai'er, just came back, are you going to go out again so soon?" "

"At least take a break."

"Although Bai'er is now an immortal, she shouldn't work so hard."

Just after speaking, Empress Ma looked at Zhu Bai in surprise: "Bai'er, your cultivation has improved again?" "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at Zhu Bai enviously.

Nowadays, everyone in Daming is cultivating immortals, and because of this, their understanding of cultivation is much higher.

However, speaking of which, the highest cultivation in the entire Daming Cultivation Immortal naturally belongs to Zhu Bai, the King of Xiang.

It is mainly the Xiang King Zhu Bai who has the highest understanding.

Other people such as Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao could not catch up.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the ultimate beneficiary is Daming.

At this time, Zhu Di also said cheerfully: "I said twelfth brother, your cultivation has advanced so fast. "

"It really makes the fourth brother I envy to death, you teach me some experience."

"I've been stuck in the meta-infancy stage lately."


Zhu Yuanzhang directly kicked Zhu Di over.

Zhu Di was kicked, and he could only stand helplessly on the side. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Why is it always me who gets hurt."

Zhu Yuanzhang said directly: "Bai'er, then this time you are so anxious, is there any copy mission opened?" "

"It's to go to Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao to help him save Daming."

"Old Fourth, it's a good thing made by your descendants who don't want to be descendants."

"Dad, you can't blame me for this, it's all Yunwen..."


Zhu Yuanzhang kicked again.

None of the ministers present spoke.

Although they sympathize with Zhu Di, they know the history behind.

Naturally, I understand it in my heart.

Zhu Di was really unjustly kicked by this.

"Zhu Houzhao? What did this Zhu Houzhao 473 do? Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Bai curiously.

Zhu Bai then said: "This Zhu Houzhao can be regarded as an emperor who is controlled by the civil official clique. "

"Civil official group?"

Although Zhu Yuanzhang also knew some things about the later Daming. ,

But Emperor Hongwu still looked down on these sourness.

"What kind of civilian group, let's cut them directly, won't it save trouble." Zhu Yuanzhang said dissatisfied.

As soon as these words came out, Li Shanchang and the others present trembled slightly.

Emperor Hongwu's boldness was like this.

Kill whoever you say, and no one can stop it.

It is precisely because of this that Yuanzhang will hit Zhu Di at every turn.

You Zhu Laosi was forced to rebel, and this matter can still be said.

But your descendants of Teacher Zhu, one counts as one.

It's either Xiu Immortal Medicine or Hokugari Wala!

There are few normal ones.

You said that you got it for a long time, and the rivers and mountains of Daming are about to be scrapped by you.

Who will you fight if you don't hit Zhu Laosi?

Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang also became angrier the more he thought about it.

Can't help but glance at Zhu Di: "Come here!" "

"Dad..." cried Zhu Di.

It's useless to call the ancestors.

"Let the waste snacks you make will be a shame for our old Zhu family."

"A few civil servants can control the imperial government and entrap the emperor."

"What kind of rags are you Zhu Di Sheng!"

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