Chapter 251 Set off three days later, Zhengde Dynasty

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang was about to beat Zhu Di again.

At this time, Zhu Baicai said: "Father, in fact, Zhu Houzhao is not so simple. "

"Although he was held hostage by civil officials, there is even a legend that said that he fell into the water and died by civil officials. ,"

"What? The emperor of our Zhu family actually let the minister be thrown into the water and drowned? "

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widened in anger and he inspected a circle of ministers.

At this time, Li Shanchang and the others couldn't wait to find a clean seam to drill into.

The civil officials present all secretly scolded the civil officials of Daming during Zhu Houzhao's period in their hearts.

Dare to throw the emperor into the water and drown, what is this doing?

This is a rebellion.

Now this Hongwu Emperor has locked up Emperor Jiajing and Zhu Qizhen.

In this way, this time it was the turn of those courtiers in Daming during Zhu Houzhao's period.

It's just that the historical trend behind this Daming is so bizarre.

The minister dared to push the emperor into the water?

Zhu Bai was worried that Zhu Yuanzhang would get angry with the ministers present, so he said again: "Father Emperor." "

"This has nothing to do with the ministers, strictly speaking, Zhu Houzhao himself is indeed a bit ridiculous."

"He built a leopard house, and he liked to take people out of the palace, and he saw which woman was forced to stay with him."

"If you like it, you can bring it directly back to the palace, and the people will be miserable."

"Several ministers, such as Liu Jian and Xie Qian, have persuaded Zhu Houzhao not to act arbitrarily."

"In order to be able to act arbitrarily, he used eight eunuchs to fight these civil officials."

"In the end, because King Ning rebelled and acted arbitrarily, he was unbearable by the civil officials, so he made this decision."

"But what is going on here, you can only know it first."

Listening to what Zhu Bai said, Zhu Yuanzhang was getting more and more angry.

Well, there is actually such a thing.

Acting arbitrarily, robbing the people and women, this is still the emperor of the old Zhu family?

What is the difference between this and bandits?

The more Emperor Hongwu thought about it, the more angry he became, and immediately said, "Bai'er, when are we leaving'?" "

"Since it is our Zhu family's own family affair, naturally the sooner the better."

"In three days."


The world in the snow was completed, and Zhu Bai finally returned to the palace.

This time, the ancient ruins rewarded by the mission were all arranged by Zhu Bai outside Yingtian City.

The sudden appearance of these three ancient ruins instantly increased the aura of the entire Daming.

The people needed Reiki to cultivate, and now they have Reiki.

It's like an arm.

And the addition of these three ancient ruins makes Daming even more prosperous.

Then, Zhu Bai established three Tongtian Taoist temples in Yingtian City.

These three Tongtian Taoist temples are better than the previous ones.

However, the capacity is much less.

At first, Zhu Bai didn't know what kind of role this Tongtian Taoist Temple had.

But after establishing the three Tongtian Taoist Temples.

He let Zhu Yuanzhang and the others enter the Tongtian Taoist Temple to cultivate.

However, after only half a day of cultivation, the cultivation of several people directly came to a qualitative leap.

Seeing that his father, the emperor, and the crown prince Zhu Biao and the others had improved their cultivation again.

Zhu Bai understood the benefits of the three Tongtian Taoist Temples.

"Okay, our Daming is getting more and more powerful now." Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the Tongtian Taoist Temple with satisfaction.

"Bai'er, in this way, in the future, the Manchu Dynasty Minister of Culture and Martial Arts can enter this Heavenly Taoist Temple to cultivate."

"By the way, if you can, let our Daming's dragon cavalry army and immortal cultivation legion also follow."

"It's just that the number of people accommodated here is too small, I'm afraid I have to choose a date."

Zhu Bai smiled slightly: "Father Emperor don't worry, there will naturally be more rewards in the future." "

"Maybe in the future, tens of thousands of Tongtian Taoist temples will be established in every place in my Daming."

"Then all the people of Daming can enter the Tongtian Taoist Temple to cultivate."

Zhu Yuanzhang rubbed his hands excitedly: "Okay, good." "

Seeing that there are still two days to enter the Zhu Houzhao period, Daming.

Zhu Bai also took advantage of these two days to rest.

Since the blue bird and sweet potato returned with Zhu Bai, they have been arranged by Zhu Bai to be a personal maid by their side.

Said to be a personal maid, in fact, it is a small follower.

Zhu Bai also didn't like to call people, so he asked the two of them to do some work of serving tea and water.

Nothing else.

And the people from all over the Northern Liang Royal Mansion all entered the Enlightenment Tower to practice the Dead Wood Spring Technique.

Two days later. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Yuanzhang announced at Yingtiancheng that he would lead the three major legions to fight again.

Hundreds of people cheered.

"Long live my emperor, long live the Ming Dynasty!"

Today's Daming people know very well why Emperor Hongwu wants to go on a campaign.

It is to lead the army of Daming to punish the descendants of the later Daming.

Let them not do anything wrong.

Daming cannot be allowed to decline.

After announcing, Zhu Yuanzhang said to Zhu Bai again: "Bai'er, let's go now." "

Zhu Bai nodded, and drew a circle in mid-air with his right hand.

At this time, the door of time and space slowly opened.

I saw a multicolored light shining out.

Zhu Baidang flew in first.

Next, the three major legions of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai, Zhu Di and Daming also continued to enter with Lu.


Twelve years of Ming Wuzong Zhengde.

Zhu Houzhao sat on the dragon chair and listened to the folds coming up from the military department.

After a while, an excited expression appeared on his face.

"A good Mongolian tartar, who was beaten by my ancestors and fled, and Mengyuan was destroyed by the ancestor Emperor Hongwu."

"Now, a little Dayan Khan dares to command an army to the south to attack my Daming."

"Since Dayan Khan doesn't know whether to live or die so much, Xu decided to drive his own family."

"Capture Dayan Khan to the capital and give everyone a dance, can you say?" Zhu Houzhao looked happy.

At this time, Li Dongyang stood up against it for the first time.

"No, Your Majesty, Master Jing is the foundation of the country, and Your Majesty is the backbone of Daming."

"If His Majesty's royal conquest is lost, then the great situation of Daming from the beginning of Chenghua Emperor to the present will be all zombies."

Has His Majesty forgotten about Emperor Yingzong? If His Majesty is captured by Dayan Khan again. "

"Then I, Daming, will be the same two emperors who have been captured for thousands of years like the Great Song."

"Your Majesty think twice!"

Seeing that Li Dongyang objected, Zhu Houzhao was a little unhappy.

"I said that you ministers, Xu is also for the sake of the Daming Jiangshan Society."

"Is it for selfishness? Now Dayan Khan led 50,000 troops south. "

"Do you want to avoid its edge and hide as a shrunken turtle?" Zhu Houzhao was very upset.

He is a mighty general.

Seeing Zhu Houzhao, he must personally recruit him.

For a while, several university scholars Jiao Fang, Yang Tinghe and others came out one after another to dissuade the man.

Zhu Houzhao was originally a temperament.

If others don't let him do it, he has to do it.

Since these ministers do not let themselves go, then they prefer to go.

"You don't need to say anything, the will has been decided."

"If there is any more persuasion, there will be no mercy for killing!"

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