Chapter 252: We are Daming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang!

Yang Tinghe and the others had no way.

The emperor directly gave an order, if he waited for the others to export again.

Then there is only death.

At this moment, suddenly a guard outside the hall ran in in a panic.

"Your Majesty."

"What's going on? So panicked, the Mongols called? Zhu Houzhao was a little displeased.

"It's not Your Majesty, it's the immortals coming."

"What?" Zhu Houzhao's eyes widened: "The immortal is here?" "

"Since he took the throne, he hasn't seen any immortals."

"People in this world say that immortals and immortals are immortals, but they have never seen what immortals look like until now."

"Don't talk about the immortals, I haven't seen a single hair of the immortals."

"Your Majesty, the last general can't say clearly, and ask Your Majesty to move out to take a look."

Seeing that the guards were panicked, Zhu Houzhao was very dissatisfied.

Inexplicably, what fairy.

Zhu Houzhao didn't want to lift his legs and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Just arrived at the entrance of the main hall.

Zhu Houzhao looked up, and his eyes widened with fright.

I saw that above the sky, I don't know when a young man with fairy wind Dao bones appeared.

The young man stepped on the sword and his posture was elegant.

From a distance, it looks like a fairy.

Behind the immortal, there was a huge aperture.

After a while, 337 immortals like him flew out of that aperture.

Seeing this, the Great Eunuch Liu Jin immediately knelt beside Zhu Houzhao excitedly and said, "Your Majesty Hong Fu Qi Tian." "

"I'm a great man."

"What do you mean? Liu Jin? Zhu Houzhao didn't understand what Liu Jin meant.

Liu Jin said excitedly: "This must be His Majesty's powerful governance of Daming. "

"The heavens sent the immortal to send the elixir to His Majesty, and the slave heard that he ate the immortal elixir."

"You can prolong your life and live forever."

"And these immortals will not appear easily, unless it is when there is a clear king under the world."

"Your Majesty is really my Daming First Ming Monarch!"

Liu Jin was very happy with Zhu Houzhao.

Other cabinet scholars saw this.

One by one, they were stunned.

So, Zhu Houzhao, this emperor, is really a Ming monarch?

No, he did everything he did in the past by robbing people and women, and not allowing the people of the world to eat pork.

Even if other things are done well, but in terms of virtue.

The current emperor has nothing to do with the holy monarch, right?

It's just that these immortals can't do fakes.

Everyone saw it, did the immortals really think that what this absurd emperor did was beneficial to Daming?

Just when the Manchu Dynasty was puzzled.

At this time, Zhu Houzhao suddenly shouted to the young immortal in the sky: "Immortal (cfeb), you came to bring me elixir?" "

"Zhu Houzhao you are a bastard, do you still know to send ammunition?"

"Look at the good things you've done!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice roared out.

Originally, his cultivation had improved a lot, so his voice was full of breath.

Frightened, the civil and military officials present, including Zhu Houzhao, were blindfolded.

This immortal's temper is not very good.

At this time, Zhu Bai had already led the three major legions of Daming to fall on the square in front of the hall.

And Zhu Yuanzhang came out wearing a dragon robe with an angry face.

Zhu Houzhao saw that the angry man in front of him was wearing a dragon robe like himself.

He was immediately stunned.

Why does this dragon robe look so familiar?

And this man in the dragon robe, how can he be so much like Emperor Taizu Hongwu?

Without waiting for him to think more, Zhu Yuanzhang came up and slapped Zhu Houzhao twice.

"Non-contentious stuff, so that a group of civil officials can clean you up."

"You also robbed the people and women, built leopard houses, and spent all day for fun."

"Zhu Di, look at your raw sluggish stuff."


As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang became angry, he slapped him twice.

At this moment, where did Zhu Di dare to come out of the atmosphere, he didn't even dare to stand up.

I have experienced several copies of the Ming Dynasty. ,

Zhu Di had long understood how his descendants would govern Daming after his death.

So he naturally did not dare to come out.

At this time, the Manchu ministers of culture and military affairs were stunned by what happened in front of them.

There are actually people who have just hit the sky on the street.

I have only heard that the Sima family killed the Son of Heaven on the street, and it was really the first time that the Son of Heaven was beaten on this street.

Yang Tinghe reacted first.

I saw him roll up his sleeves and rush to his mouth and curse: "What kind of person are you, you dare to hit the Son of Heaven." "

"I fought with you."

And Liu Jin and other eunuchs also rushed to try to keep Zhu Yuanzhang.

The three major legions of Zhu Bai and Daming all stood in place without moving.

With Zhu Yuanzhang's strength now, I am afraid that he will really be angry.

This Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu during Zhu Houzhao's period may not have survived.

And when Zhu Yuanzhang saw these civil eunuchs, he dared to come up and confront him.

That's even more infuriating. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )




I saw that Zhu Yuanzhang threw out these ministers and eunuchs who dared to come up and make a move in three or two strokes.

The speed of the action is jaw-dropping.

Before Zhu Houzhao could understand what was going on, he was slapped twice.

"What a big boldness, even if you are an immortal, you are not qualified to fight."

"He is the Son of Heaven." Zhu Houzhao said angrily.

"We're beating you, the unscrupulous descendant, Zhu Di, you give us over."

Zhu Di saw that his father Zhu Yuanzhang was angry, so he reluctantly came over.

"Look at your Zhu Lao Si Sheng's loser thing."

"Bai'er, what else has this Zhu Houzhao done?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't remember for a while.

And Zhu Bai also directly turned out the Daming books of Jiajing before Jiajing.

"Build a leopard house, drink every day for pleasure."

"I like to be a carpenter, and I also built a coffin for the emperor."

"Spending a lot of financial resources to build a folk bazaar in the palace, let the eunuchs and palace maids pretend to be merchants and prostitutes in the bazaar."

"For his own fun."


Hearing Zhu Bai say these things one by one.

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more angry and wanted to kill Zhu Houzhao on the spot.

At this moment, the official Shangshu Cao Yuan stood up.

"Immortals, even though my Majesty is a little greedy for fun, there is no big fault."

"What's more, my majesty has the courage to know people, and the little prince of Mongolia, Dayan Khan, led the troops south."

"Your Majesty also intends to emulate my Emperor Hongwu."

"Speaking of which, Your Majesty has also done a lot of good things, and the immortals have scolded my Daming Emperor like this."

"Doesn't seem appropriate!" Cao Yuan said lightly.

"Where did you come out of the bastard, I taught my descendants of the Zhu family, what happened to you?"

Children and grandchildren of the Zhu family?

Who is this person in front of you?

Appearing in front of the emperor in a dragon robe was already a capital offense for the three tribes.

Now he also beats the emperor.

Even the immortals don't carry such rigidity.

The more Cao Yuan looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, the more familiar he felt.

Suddenly, Cao Yuan's face changed drastically: "You... You...... You are Emperor Taizu Hongwu! "

In the sect temple of Daming, there were originally portraits of previous emperors.

This Taizu Hongwu Emperor created the Daming, naturally ranked first.

Therefore, when the emperor sacrificed to the ancestral temple, the ministers could naturally see it.

It's just that it is now more than a hundred years since Emperor Taizu Hongwu.

How could it be still alive?

However, the person in front of you is indeed very similar to the portrait.

Seeing Cao Yuan recognize himself.

Zhu Yuanzhang sneered: "If we hadn't seen that you are an honest person, we would have slashed you." "

"We are Zhu Yuanzhang, the Hongwu Emperor of the Daming Dynasty, and we came here today to clean up Zhu Houzhao's descendants."


Everyone present was so frightened that they couldn't speak.


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