Chapter 312: Invasion of Otherworldly Spaceships

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the Ten Thousand Immortal Array that he had personally fiddled with.

My heart was relieved.

Now, needless to say, everyone knows that this Ten Thousand Immortal Array is not set up by others.

It was King Zhu Bai of Xiang who helped everyone comprehend.

If it weren't for this, everyone wouldn't suddenly have such a formation in their minds.

"We've heard that this Ten Thousand Immortal Array is known as the First Ancient Odd Array."

"I have always heard of it but never seen it, but now I see it."

"It's really worthy of the name." Zhu Yuanzhang said cheerfully.

Zhu Biao said on the side: "Father, now everyone in my Daming has learned this Ten Thousand Immortal Array. "

"As long as you can form this formation with people who are familiar with you, then you can block and kill the gods and Buddhas."

"Invincible in the world!"

And at this time, Zhu Bai also fell from the sky.

He already knew that the entire Daming people in the Ten Thousand Immortal Array in the national reward had learned it.

However, what he didn't expect was that this time it would be so fast.

To be honest, Zhu Bai himself did not expect that this Ten Thousand Immortal Array was a strange array under the world.

In this way, it is taught to everyone by the system.

It seems that there is really no one in my system.

"Bo'er, Bo'er! 837" Zhu Yuanzhang came over cheerfully: "This time the national reward." "

"It turned out to be a strange array like you in the Ten Thousand Immortal Array, Bai'er, this time you have made meritorious contributions to my Daming."

Zhu Bai, on the other hand, said with a serious expression: "Father Emperor." "

"The affairs of the Ten Thousand Immortals Array are not concerned, and this national reward itself is for the people of Daming."

"It's just that the matter before, the children are investigating now, but they don't have a clue."

Zhu Yuanzhang knew about the monster's invasion of Daming.

He was not relieved to go before.

Now this Daming is full of talents.

All the people cultivate immortals, plus there are still such stunts as the Ten Thousand Immortal Array.

It's not nice to say, can you still worry about anyone who dares to come to Daming to find trouble?

It would be good if Zhu Yuanzhang didn't take Daming's elite out to trouble others.

But seeing Zhu Bai's expression so serious, Zhu Yuanzhang also felt a little wrong in his heart.

"Bo'er, look what you mean, this time the matter seems to be very serious."

"Yes." Zhu Bai said directly: "Father Emperor." "

"When I fought before, that monster was obviously a monster that belonged to the future high-tech."

"Not flesh and blood."

"Before this (dbaj), it was my Daming who entered someone else's world, in fact, I Daming was in a state of absolute defense."

"After all, others can't come in, only I call out, there is no reason for others to call in." 1"

"But now it's different, this time it's a coincidence, or someone did it deliberately."

"One thing can be certain, that is, Daming is no longer safe."

"We have to find a way to enter the Daming world, and then solve it once and for all."

"Otherwise, I am afraid that I will have endless troubles in the future!" Zhu Bai said solemnly.

Zhu Yuanzhang is still smart after all, how could he not know such a thing.

He is not a fool, if there is really something threatening to Daming.

It is indispensable to be the emperor himself.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang also said to Zhu Biao and the others: "You all retreat first." "

"I'll discuss it with Bo'er."

Zhu Biao and the others retreated one after another.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Bai'er, that seems to you." "1

"What happened this time?"

"I don't know yet, I'm still investigating, but I'm sure there will be results soon."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded: "Bai'er, the emperor believes that you must have a way to do this." "

"Some things are just that, if you can't help it."

"Then I'm afraid that no one can help."

After leaving the palace, Zhu Bai once again went to the coast of the East China Sea.

Then according to the location in his memory, the Jinao Island Biyou Palace was built.

The construction of the Biyou Palace on Jinao Island also accelerated the speed of cultivating immortals by the entire Daming people.

At this point, the function coincides with other buildings, and there is not much to say.

It was after Zhu Bai finished building the Biyou Palace.

At the first time, I noticed a strange fluctuation in the sky not far away.

Zhu Bai's heart moved, and he seized this opportunity at the first time and immediately rushed over.

He doubted in his heart, could it be that this change was that there was a creature invasion from another world?

After Zhu Bai arrived at the place. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I saw that above the sky, a huge chaotic flow cloud appeared.

In an instant, I saw flying sand and rocks everywhere.

The wind is so strong that people's eyes can't be opened.

And there are violent energy fluctuations in the air.

The conjecture in Zhu Bai's heart was also completely confirmed at this time.

It is a person with another world who wants to enter other worlds through time and space.

But who the hell is this?

Could it be some other future technological civilization?

No, I entered the world of Avatar before.

With the civilizational power of the Avatar world, it is still impossible to break the void and open the timeline.

Is there still civilization that can do it?

At this moment, suddenly a small spaceship flew out of the clouds.

Zhu Bai saw the scene in front of him and immediately flew up.

Good fellow, even the spaceship appeared.

If this other world is not clarified, then the safety of the heavens and the great masters themselves cannot be guaranteed.

Zhu Bai would never allow such a thing to happen.

At this moment, the spacecraft had come out of the clouds.

However, as soon as he appeared in this world, the people in the spaceship saw a man wearing strange yellow clothes on the screen.

It actually floated in mid-air.

"Arandes, are you sure our eyes are not mistaken?" A man looked at the screen in shock.

The man named Arandes was speechless.

"Arandes, you talk!"

"This... He...... How did he do it, could he already ignore gravity? "

"My God, this man can fly, I have seen some ancient civilization books before."

"It was before some ancient civilizations and the development of scientific and technological revolutions."

"Their means of transportation are to fly on their own."

"I thought it was a joke, but today I found out that I was a joke!"

Everyone on the spacecraft was shocked, and some people even hurriedly took out camera instruments to shoot this shocking scene.

However, at this moment, I saw the man on the screen.

Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, four long swords appeared out of thin air.

The sword bodies of these four long swords also emitted yellow thunder and lightning.

Before everyone knew what was going on.

At this time, I saw a yellow thunderbolt, which instantly hit the spaceship.

And the spacecraft also trembled violently.

"Alandes, quickly activate the protective measures, this guy can actually launch an electric energy attack."

"Is this still human?"


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