Chapter 313 traced for a long time, and the feelings were the people of the Avengers

The spaceship is not large, and there are dozens of people in the spaceship.

These people were originally Tony Stark's men.

Because Tony Stark, Thor and others, are trying to find a way to fight Thanos.

To prevent Thanos from finding the Infinity Stones, activate the destructive power of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Stark and Thor and others came up with a solution.

Through the time black hole of the universe, find a way to find another world.

These times are beyond Thanos' reach.

In this way, maybe you can rely on the road to turn time and space, or find another parallel time and space ~ way.

Then avoid the entire universe of life being killed by an organized plan.

It is also because of this that they are sent as experimental guinea pigs to the unknown world.

Originally, the spacecraft had never been able to pass through the black hole.

Just when everyone in the spaceship thought that they and the others would die on the spaceship forever.

Suddenly, the spacecraft was pulled away by a strange suction force.

And then the next second, they appeared on the planet.

A group of people have not yet had time to rejoice in discovering the new world.

I was horrified to find a flying man standing on the screen.

And this man can even use powerful electric weapons to attack them.

The spacecraft reached the critical value of the disintegration body in an instant.

At this time, Zhu Bai also figured out a little in his heart.

That is, the people contained in this spaceship should all be civilized in appearance.

Although I don't know which civilization it is, Zhu Bai knows.

As long as he knows the affairs of the heavens, he must die.

So Zhu Bai must kill all these people.

Now is the best opportunity.

At this time, someone in the spacecraft also shouted through a communicator: "We came with friendly sincerity." "

"We are not enemies."

I didn't expect to be able to understand.

Zhu Bai was curious in his heart, could it be that the other party was also a Blue Star person?

No, isn't he in Blue Star?

Could it be a time misalignment? Teleported through a black hole?

Although he was curious, a plan was also born in his heart.

I saw Zhu Bai immediately return: "I'll give you a minute." "

"You send a man who knows everything."

"I have to know your intentions before I decide whether to kill you or not."

I didn't expect that what the other party said, I could also understand it.

At this moment, the people in the entire spacecraft rose up with a wave of hope.

If you can communicate, you can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

At this point, Alandes stood up and said, "I'll go negotiate with him." "

"I believe that the other person can understand our language and can speak our language."

"I think our experiment should have been a success."

"We enter from a black hole and enter the blue star at another point in time through parallel space-time."

Hearing Arandez's words, everyone present was excited.

If so, then Tony Stark's efforts were not in vain.

It took a lot of money and manpower to come up.

Soon, the spacecraft hatch opened.

A shuttle flew out.

The shuttle flew in front of Zhu Bai.

At this time, Arandes said through the glass: "Hello, my name is Arandes, please call you." "

"Xiang King Zhu Bai!"

"Xiang King Zhu Bai?" Arlandes apparently hadn't heard such a name: "We came with kindness. "

"Tell me where you came from, if you dare not tell the truth."

"I'll make you and your friends go to dust in an instant."

After Zhu Bai finished speaking, the four swords of the Immortal Immortal flying in mid-air burst out again with a dazzling electric light.

At this time, Arandes also hurriedly said: "Don't be excited, don't be excited." "

"My name is Arandez, and we are on the orders of Iron Man Tony Stark."

"I hope to be able to travel to the timeline of another parallel universe through black holes."

"Avoid the time point when Thanos destroyed the universe, and then find a way to lead the Blue Star humans to leave the fire to fight back."

"Do you know Thanos? And Iron Man Tony Stark! "

Zhu Bai's face became more and more confused.

Iron Man, Thanos, isn't this the plot of Avengers? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It seems that it is time to enter the Avengers.

He originally planned to go through one or two more quest plots before entering the Avengers.

But I didn't expect time to pass so quickly.

"Tell me, if Thanos got the Infinity Gauntlet and the Infinity Stones."

"Who are you and why do you know this?" Arandes looked at Juber with a shocked expression.

"King Ben is asking you something, say!"

Zhu Bai himself is an immortal, and he has a powerful and irresistible aura between his words and gestures.

This made Arandes very scared in his heart, and naturally he could only say in a non-critical manner: "Before we conduct the experiment." "

"Thor and Rogers have been informed that Thanos has found five Infinity Stones."

"There is still a time gem that has not been found, if he has collected six gems."

"Then the entire universe will be destroyed."

"Although I don't know who you really are, but since you know the Infinity Gauntlet, then you should know if Thanos activates the power of the Infinity Gauntlet."

"That would be for the entire universe..."




But in an instant, the spacecraft and shuttle were all destroyed in the fire.

All the otherworldly people who had seen the Daming Heavenly World were all reduced to ashes.

"Hmph, you guys are useless."

At this time, the huge chaotic cloud also disappeared, and the door of time and space that was originally opened also completely disappeared.

After Zhu Bai made sure that there were no survivors, he turned around and left here.

Then returned to the palace.

When he saw Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang also asked curiously: "Bai'er." "

"We just noticed that there seems to be something different on the East China Sea."

"What's going on?"

Only then did Zhu Bai tell Zhu Yuanzhang about the Avengers World.

After listening to Zhu Bai's words, Zhu Yuanzhang said thoughtfully: "Bai'er." "

"This Avengers world you are talking about, is that more powerful than the previous Avatar world?"

"No, on the contrary, the scientific and technological level of the Avengers world cannot catch up with Avatar."

"So, they don't use javelins to shoot spaceships? With what? Zhu Yuanzhang asked curiously.

Zhu Bai smiled dumbly: "Father, this time the Avengers World can be said to be an excellent opportunity for us to take revenge. "

"Not only can you destroy those Western gods in the Avengers."

"I can also directly destroy that Eagle Sauce Country, just looking at such a piece of defense is upset."

"Our three major legions of Daming gathered to attack, and by the way, the Avengers World turned him upside down." Zhu Baile said he

"Wait Bai'er, the Eagle Sauce Country you said is what you said."

"The one who bullied us the most in later generations? The kid who is more ruthless than the Wokou/"

"Not only did they hit the boats of Lao Tzu, but they also couldn't move to say that our race was inferior to them."

"Why don't you fool a lot of women and become the world's toilet with the eagle sauce country?"

"Yes, it is this Eagle Sauce Country, but the women's are not called flickering, those women originally want to be the world's toilet."

"It's okay with Eagle Sauce Country."

... In....

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