"General, this world is so weak."

At this moment, I saw a deputy general with a trace of disdain in his eyes and said to their general.

Although their majesty has repeatedly told that this world looks very powerful, for the deputy future at this moment, he really can't summarize the strength of this world.

In the current adjutant, it seems that this world is really powerful and limited.

At the very least, the world really couldn't arouse his caution.

In the face of the words of the current adjutant general, the general beside him said with a serious tone: "Put away that trace of your heart!" "

"You have to remember, if the whole army is defeated because of your momentary slackness, don't say it's me at that time, and even our commander can't keep you!"

"All you need to do is be careful, careful, careful!"

"You have to understand that behind you is not just you, behind you are tens of thousands of soldiers!"

"They all have wives and children in their families, and if you lose the war because of your lax consciousness, then you will wait to go to the military court!"

At this moment, I saw that the general's face spoke loudly with a seriousness.

If the other party caused the death of the other party because of his momentary negligence, then forget it.

But don't forget that he is not the only one behind the other party!

Behind the other party are thousands of Daming soldiers, and behind those thousands of Daming soldiers are one family after another, if it is said that because of this guy's momentary negligence or even underestimating the enemy, those soldiers died in battle.

If you really encounter a strong enemy and then die because you can't fight, then it's okay, but if it's because of this guy's momentary negligence.

Then I'm sorry, even he had to personally send this guy to a court-martial!

Therefore, this general at this moment hopes that he, the deputy, will be able to cheer up, and must not cause irreversible consequences due to a momentary negligence!

In the face of the words from the general, the adjutant general at this moment also put away his disdainful expression at this moment.

"Obey, General!"

At this moment, the current adjutant general also replied with a serious tone.

"Remember, since Your Majesty has said that this world is stronger than our world, it means that this world will naturally not have any problems!"

The current general sensed the trace of heaven and earth spiritual energy contained in the entire heaven and earth, and at this moment, he also said with a serious opening: "You can sense the heaven and earth spiritual energy in the entire heaven and earth to know that the heaven and earth spiritual energy of this world is here. "

"Then the strong in this world will definitely not be weak, the reason why we have not met the strong."

"That should be the powerhouse of this world, in the face of such a huge army of ours, he can only choose to retreat helplessly!"

"But you have to remember that not all the strong people in the entire world will retreat!"

"In case we really encounter some relatively powerful existences, and then we choose to underestimate the enemy like this, the consequences are not something that you and I can bear."

The current general spoke with a serious tone.

He thought that there was absolutely no problem with what their majesty said, there were definitely some strong people in this world, but that strong man could only helplessly choose to retreat in the face of such a large number of their troops.

After all, the number of their troops is no joke.

Therefore, this general at this moment seems that the strong people in this world are definitely not weak, and all they need to do is be vigilant and vigilant!

"Obey!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As the respectful words fell, the adjutant general at this moment replied with a serious tone.

Soon, the current army launched an attack into the distance.

As the current army launched an attack into the distance, the army from the Great Song Kingdom also appeared in the field of vision of the Daming Empire.

"Is this the army of this Great Song Kingdom?!"

At present, one Daming general after another looked ahead with binoculars, and when they looked at the number of those Great Song troops, one after another Daming generals had a deep thought in their eyes.

And just when one after another Daming generals were observing those Great Song troops with binoculars, the generals in those Great Song armies were looking into the distance with a heavy gaze at this moment.

"Is this the army known as Daming?"

One after another, the generals of the Great Song Kingdom looked at the Daming army in front with a heavy eye.

During this time, the news about the army of the Daming Empire had been completely spread throughout the Great Song Kingdom.

They all knew that this rebel army was known as the Daming Empire.

Perhaps they were very angry, but the strength that the Daming Empire possessed was really there.

Therefore, when the army from the Great Song Kingdom encountered the army of the Daming Empire like this, one after another Great Song generals looked into the distance with a serious gaze.

"I think we're done this time..."

One of the Great Song generals said with a desperate look in his eyes.


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