"I think we're done this time..."

A desperate voice began to sound.

Facing the words spoken by that general, several Great Song generals around looked at each other.

They really wanted to refute each other, but they really couldn't find a reason to refute it.

What reason to refute it?

Say they can win this war?

I'm sorry, this sentence is a little ashamed!

At the very least, they know their numbers.

The number of the enemy's Daming army was placed there.

Is it possible that the overwhelming army that seems to have no end in sight is still something they can solve at will?

There is no doubt that the Daming army is definitely not something they can solve.

They will definitely be defeated later, although they have not yet started, but they have already seen the ending.


Then 483 began to think of that sigh after sigh.

"Let's attack."

"Let's not talk about whether we can successfully win this war, let's talk about it."

One of the former generals said with a gloomy face.

Listening to the words of the current general, the surrounding generals looked at each other.

"Then let's act."

One sigh after another began to come to mind.


"Archer prepares !!"

In an instant, one general after another began to drop this order.

As the orders of the generals fell like this, the soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty looked at each other.

"Oh, let's do it."

At this moment, those Great Song soldiers picked up the bows and arrows in their hands as if they had not eaten.

When those Da Song soldiers (dbai) began to pick up their bows and arrows as if they had not eaten, the current Daming generals also gave the order to attack at this moment.

"Gunner ready!"

"Fire !!"

At the same time, I saw that the eyes of the generals after the generals had a serious order.


As one order after another fell, one soldier after another began to constantly aim their cannons at the front at this moment.

When the cannon after cannon was aimed at the Great Song army in front, the Daming generals one after another made up their minds at this moment without hesitation: "Open the cannon!" "

"Fire a cannon..."

The order to attack began to sound continuously.

As the order to attack continued to sound, one artillery after another began to stuff shells into the cannons.

"Boom boom..."

The dense cannon also continued to attack the front at this moment.

As the shells used in that cannon continued to pour forward, the sound of explosions began to echo continuously.

As the sound of explosions began to echo continuously, the soldiers in the Great Song army from the front listened to the explosion sound from the front.

"What sound?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Is this the voice of heavenly thunder?"

The eyes of the Great Song soldiers one after another were filled with doubts.

However, just when the eyes of one Great Song soldier after another were filled with doubts, the shells currently coming from the Daming army also continued to fall at this moment.

"Boom !!"

The overwhelming shelling began to echo continuously.

When the overwhelming shelling began to echo continuously, the eyes of the current Great Song soldiers one after another were filled with an unprecedented confusion.


I saw a big Song soldier look at his body that had been penetrated, and he even saw the intestines in his body in his body.


Bright red blood continued to gush out from his pierced body.

At the same time that the bright red blood began to gush out continuously from his pierced body, at this moment, one after another Great Song soldiers also sensed the pain coming from their bodies.

Those Great Song soldiers looked at their arms that had lost their hands, and even looked at the body whose entire thighs had been completely cut off.

There was a subconscious confusion in their eyes, but when the pain coming from the body was hitting their brains, they couldn't help but let out a burst of screams.


A scream echoed wildly throughout the battlefield.

"Boom !!"

While one after another guys began to frantically resound their screams on the battlefield, the current shelling from the Daming Empire also continued to sound at this moment.

That explosion sound continued to explode wildly on the battlefield, especially with the explosion sound began to sound on the battlefield, and the soldiers of the Great Song Song would feel an unprecedented pain attack.

Because they all felt a pain, it was the pain of drilling the heart.

For a moment, the entire side of the Great Song camp completely turned into a purgatory on earth.


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