
The warships began to leave Fairy Island and sail in the direction of the landing.

Facing the departing warships, Grandma Ling'er, who was currently remaining on the Immortal Spirit Island, looked at the distant warships with a worried gaze.

"Ling'er, bless!"

At the same time that Grandma Ling'er's words fell slightly, Zhao Linger, who was currently on the deck, waved her hand in the direction of that fairy island slightly: "Grandma! "

"Don't worry, I'll take care of myself!"

As Zhao Linger's words fell slightly, Zhu Xiongying at this moment also stood beside Zhao Linger and looked at the direction of the fairy spirit island: "Don't worry, you will be taken care of by me in the future." "

Zhu Xiongying said slowly.


Faced with the words from Zhu Xiongying, the current Zhao Linger can only choose to believe Zhu Xiongying just like that.

No way, who else can Zhao Linger trust at this time except to choose to believe Zhu Xiongying like this?


............ 31......

"Aunt, Your Majesty is back!"

At the same time, when Li Xiaoyao in Yuhang Town looked at the warships that appeared on the sea, Li Xiaoyao's eyes looked at his aunt with a serious look.

Faced with the words spoken by Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao's aunt looked at her nephew with a calm gaze.

"What to do, what to do."

"Don't provoke that Daming Emperor recently."

"According to the information I have learned so far, all the territory of the Great Song Kingdom except Kyoto has been completely destroyed."

"Emperor Daming is probably going to Kyoto to ascend the throne as emperor."

At present, Li Xiaoyao's aunt spoke with a calm gaze.

Although Li Xiaoyao's aunt can basically be said to have washed her hands in the golden basin, Li Xiaoyao's aunt still has her own news channels.

At least she still knows about the situation in the Great Song Kingdom today.

All the territory of the current Great Song Kingdom except Kyoto has been completely destroyed by the Daming Empire.

After all the places in the Great Song Kingdom except Kyoto were defeated by the Daming Empire, it means that the next emperor of the Daming Empire will go to the Great Song Dynasty to lead an army to attack the city of Kyoto in one fell swoop.

In the end, this Daming Emperor will probably ascend the throne and become emperor.

Facing a righteous emperor, Aunt Li Xiaoyao warned Li Xiaoyao at this moment to be careful!

Faced with the warning from Aunt Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao was slightly stunned: "What? "

"Did the Great Song Kingdom fall so quickly?"

Li Xiaoyao's eyes carried an incredulity.

Although he knew that the army of the Daming Empire must be very strong, the Great Song Kingdom would definitely not be able to defeat the army of the Daming Empire.

It is only a matter of time before the regime changes.

But did he really not think that there was only the last Kyoto city left in the capital of the Great Song Kingdom today?

"Wow, I didn't expect us to watch this dynasty change happen like this, and that the emperor of the Daming Empire is still with us."

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao was with a deep emotion.

"Well, I still don't want to meet with that Daming Emperor, it would be terrible if something really happened by then."

Li Xiaoyao shook his head slightly.

Although Li Xiaoyao really wanted to appear in front of the Daming Emperor like this, Li Xiaoyao could still understand the most basic truth.

That's just a matter of his identity.

He was just an ordinary people, but the emperor of the Daming Empire was different.

That's the emperor who rules the whole world! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the face of this emperor who rules the entire world, what he needs to do now is very simple.

That is to honestly choose to surrender.

Soon, in the emotion of that Li Xiaoyao, the warship on which Zhu Xiongying was riding also floated to the port.

"Is this land?"

Zhao Linger's eyes looked at all the surrounding scenes with curiosity.

Although she had seen what land was like when she was a child, she didn't know how many years had passed since she was a child and now.

Therefore, when Zhao Linger looked at this land again, Zhao Linger's eyes had an unprecedented curiosity.


At this moment, while Zhao Linger looked at the land with an unprecedented curious gaze, Li Xiaoyao, who was currently in the distance, swallowed saliva 437 and looked at Zhao Linger who had just stepped off the battlefield.

"This and this, it's beautiful."

When Li Xiaoyao looked at Zhao Linger, Li Xiaoyao didn't know why, he always felt that this woman brought by the Emperor Daming was so beautiful.

"This, is this the Daming Emperor's woman?"

This thought came to Li Xiaoyao's mind.

"No, no, I'd better dismiss the idea."

At the same time that this thought appeared in Li Xiaoyao's mind, he dispelled the idea that appeared in his heart as quickly as possible that he should not have.

That's the woman that the Daming Emperor brought over!

He dared to have thoughts about the woman of the Daming Emperor?

Sorry, then Li Xiaoyao felt that he was afraid that he was not dying fast enough.

"It seems that I have been single for too long and need to ask my aunt to tell me a family matter."

Li Xiaoyao forcibly took his gaze away from Zhao Linger's body, and then said to himself.

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying was calmly watching all this.


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