
"Although Li Xiaoyao still has that idea about Zhao Linger, under the situation that my identity is here, Li Xiaoyao is still interesting."

The current Zhu Xiongying looked at this moment when Li Xiaoyao looked away from his one gaze, Zhu Xiongying also said to himself in his heart.

Zhu Xiongying wanted to know what would happen to Li Xiaoyao's wife in the original plot when she watched it now?

Fortunately, the current Li Xiaoyao may have that idea, but in the face of the deterrence of his identity as the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Li Xiaoyao did not dare to give birth to any ideas.

"It looks like the plot can be changed."

"Then let me be Zhao Linger's husband!"

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying said slowly when he looked at Zhao Linger beside him.

When Zhao Linger, who was beside Zhu Xiongying, faced the firmness contained in Zhu Xiongying's eyes at this moment, there was a doubt in Zhao Linger's eyes in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, Zhao Linger looked at the current Zhu Xiongying with a puzzled gaze.

"It's okay."

"Let's prepare to go to the Great Song Kyoto."

Zhu Xiongying shook his head slightly.

"Oooooh, okay."

At this moment, Zhao Linger nodded obediently to show understanding.

"The whole army attacked!"

"Arrive at the Great Song Kyoto as fast as possible!"

Soon, I saw Zhu Xiongying order with a calm tone.


In an instant, as Zhu Xiongying's order fell, the soldier after soldier replied with a serious look in his eyes.


The overwhelming army thus began to charge in the direction of the Great Song Dynasty.

In the face of the departing Daming army, the group of ordinary people of Yuhang Town who were currently staying in place looked at each other.

"Everyone, from now on, we seem to belong to the common people of the Daming Empire."

One after another, the common people in Yuhang Town began to discuss with each other.

If nothing else, at least they can see the problem of the situation they currently have.

Yuhang Town is not a closed village, and they still know more or less about what is happening in the entire Great Song Kingdom.

It is precisely because the group of guys in Yuhang Town know what is happening in the Great Song Kingdom today, so at this moment, they will claim that they will belong to the common people of the Daming Empire from today onwards.

"Yes, from today onwards, we will be the common people of the Daming Empire."

One after another, the people in Yuhang Town discussed with each other.


"I'm going to marry!"

At the same time, while facing the departure of the army led by Zhu Xiongying, Li Xiaoyao at this moment spoke with a shy tone.

In the face of the words from Li Xiaoyao, the eyes of Li Xiaoyao's aunt who were currently discussing were slightly bright.


"You're going to marry?!"

"No problem!"


"Auntie, let's go and ask those girls for kisses!"

In an instant, I saw Li Xiaoyao's aunt speak with a firm word. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )



"Guys, this should be our last time in the dynasty."

"Here, too, I may see you for the last time."

At this moment, the Great Song Emperor looked at those civil and military officials with that reluctance in his eyes.

Although his attitude towards these civil and military officials before can be said to be that he wants to kill them all.

Because these guys are simply too much.

But when the current situation has fallen to this point, the Great Song Emperor at this moment has lost his anger towards them.

If nothing else, today's Great Song Kingdom is about to die.

The current Great Song Kingdom has not yet been defeated by the Daming Empire except for this one Kyoto, and all the territories of the Great Song Kingdom outside Kyoto have become the territory of the Daming Empire.

At that time, then what is the use of him getting angry now?

It is of no use at all.

Therefore, when the Great Song Emperor faced that group of civil and military officials at this moment, the Great Song Emperor's eyes naturally carried a deep reluctance.

This was the last time he faced this group of civil and military officials as an emperor.

Facing the trace of reluctance contained in the eyes of the Great Song Emperor, the eyes of the current group of civil and military officials also carried a heaviness.

"Your Majesty!"

One after another, the civil and military officials shouted loudly with a heavy voice.

For the current group of civil and military officials, they also perceived an unprecedented heaviness.

Because they can be sure that they have no connection with the Daming Empire at all.

So since they don't have any (good) connection with the Daming Empire at all, what will their end look like?

It was as if they had seen their tragic end.

The Daming Empire obviously did not treat their group of guys as kindly as the Great Song Kingdom.

Then let the Daming Empire not treat their group of guys well, then can they end well?

I'm afraid they ended up no better!

Therefore, that group of civil servants can be said to be the heaviest.

"Retreat to the servant!"

In the heavy gazes of one civil official after another, the Great Song Emperor at this moment said lightly.


One after another, the civil and military officials responded lifelessly.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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