"Boom !!"

As the round of shells poured towards the wall in front, the shells began to erupt continuously standing in the wall.


The thick walls of the Great Song Kyoto also began to undergo a major crisis at this moment.

As the thick and incomparably heavy Great Song Kyoto City Wall was blasted out of cracks, under that round of artillery bombardment, the Great Song Kingdom Kyoto City Wall was also blasted out of a hole at this moment.


Another shell burst out in the hole.

As the shells were about to erupt in the holes, the walls of Kyoto in the Great Song Kingdom also collapsed at this moment.


The stones on the city wall also continued to erupt towards ~ all around.


One after another, the soldiers of the Great Song cried and wailed.

At the same time that one Great Song soldier after another began to wail, when the civil and military officials who were currently in the Great Song Kyoto heard the shelling sound that sounded from outside Kyoto, there was a silence in the eyes of all the guys.

"Calling in..."

The eyes of one after another Great Song Wen Wu officials all had a sense of despair in their eyes.

They haven't contacted the people of the Upper Daming Empire, and as a result, the Daming Empire has already called in.

"Alas, surrender..."

Although one after another civil and military officials said that they did not gather together at this moment, their thoughts were now the same.

That is to choose to surrender.

When the Kyoto city wall of the Great Song Kingdom was shattered, Zhu Xiongying, who was outside Kyoto, waved his hand: "Occupy the city wall in front!" "

"Don't put down every corner!"

As Zhu Xiongying's words fell, one soldier after another who looked like a wolf rushed over fiercely.


One after another, the shouts of killing began to sound wildly.

"Husband, this."

"Isn't that a little cruel?"

Zhao Linger, who was beside Zhu Xiongying, had a trace of unbearability in her eyes.

He saw the countless deaths and injuries caused by the soldiers in the walls of Kyoto in the Great Song Kingdom, and he did not know how many ordinary people died under this shelling.

Facing the words from Zhao Linger, Zhu Xiongying slowly spoke: "Ling'er, maybe on the surface, this is indeed cruel. "

"But take a long-term view."

"The Daming Empire must replace the Great Song Kingdom, and at this time, we must let the guys in the Great Song Kingdom understand the strength of the Daming Empire!"

"Because only in this way, they dare not have any intention of resisting the Daming Empire."

"As long as they don't dare to rebel against the Daming Empire, then there will be no unprovoked deaths at that time."

"At the same time, what the Daming Empire needs to do is to enter the Great Song Kingdom with a tough posture."

"It may be cruel, but the situation between countries is cruel."

Zhu Xiongying explained slowly.

In the face of the explanation from Zhu Xiongying, although the current Zhao Linger is not very able to understand what Zhu Xiongying said, Zhao Linger at this moment can also understand that his current husband Zhu Xiongying has his reasons for doing this.

"Okay then."

At this moment, Zhao Linger nodded slightly to show understanding.

"Let's go, then come with me to see that Great Song Emperor."

"It's also time for the Great Song Kingdom to change its dynasty." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It's time for the Daming Empire to be completely established!"

Zhu Xiongying's eyes were so calm.


Zhao Linger, who was beside Zhu Xiongying, nodded to show understanding.

"Tread, tread..."

I saw that under the sound of footsteps, Zhu Xiongying took Zhao Linger's hand and walked slowly towards the occupied Great Song Kyoto in front.



"Kid, daddy, is this the army of the Daming Empire?"

When the common people in the Great Song Dynasty looked at the Daming army outside through the window, the ordinary people one after another had a terrified gaze.

"This is the Daming Army, and from today onwards, we will be people of the Daming Empire."

One after another, the people in the room spoke with a heavy tone.

From now on, they are no longer people who belong to the Great Song Kingdom, from now on, they are people who belong to the Daming Empire!

The transition between identities is more or less a little unadaptable, but no matter how uncomfortable they are with the transition between identities, they must force themselves to adapt!

Because it will be the Daming Empire that will rule them next!

"Tread, tread..."

Zhu Xiongying, who walked on that crisp road, walked on that avenue.

"This is the Great Song Kingdom that has the world of immortal cultivation!"

At this moment, when Zhu Xiongying looked at the scene that was no different from what he saw in the world where Zhu Di was, Zhu Xiongying's eyes were so disappointed.

I thought that in this world of cultivating immortals, what changes could be made in this Great Song Kingdom.

But the result?

Those ordinary Great Song Kingdoms that did not have any history of cultivating immortals did not make any difference.

"Forget it, then the great empire will change the world!"

At the same time, Zhu Xiongying, who was holding Zhao Linger's left hand, had a firmness in his eyes.

He wants to make a difference in the world!

A sea change!


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