"See Your Majesty!!"

In an instant, I saw that one after another civil and military officials who once belonged to the Great Song Kingdom were so respectfully paying homage to Zhu Xiong outside the palace.

This is their solution, then since they have not been linked to the existence of the Daming Empire at all before this.

Now they can only remedy the relationship between them and the Daming Empire as much as possible.

How can this be remedied?

Quite simply, then directly choose to submit to the emperor of the Daming Empire.

In the face of the current submission from the civil and military officials of the Great Song Kingdom, the current emperor of the Daming Empire, Zhu Xiongying, looked at the group of guys with a disdainful gaze.

"Press it all down!" "Two Four Zero" "Thoroughly investigate their mansions to see if there are any charges of corruption in their homes." "

"If it's really some kind of Qing official, then let it go."

"But if you say that you have done something harmful to heaven and reason, then there is no mercy for killing!"

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying was watching the group of guys who submitted to him at the gate of the palace, and Zhu Xiongying ordered to the general behind him.


In the face of the order from Zhu Xiongying, that Daming general naturally did not dare to have any opinion.

And listening to the order from Zhu Xiongying, at this moment, those civil and military officials from the Great Song Kingdom were completely dumbfounded.

"This, this..."

The eyes of one civilian-military official after another were filled with a deep despair.

They originally thought that as long as they honestly chose to surrender, the emperor from the Daming Empire should not embarrass them too much.

After all, they are also the high-level of the Great Song Kingdom, so at this time they chose to surrender, which means that the entire Great Song Kingdom chose to surrender.

Although you can't continue to use them, you won't just kill them, right?

The result?

Reality just gave them a good slap in the face.

Then this is that the emperors of the Daming Empire do not care about their identities at all, the emperors of the Daming Empire completely ignore them, and even the emperors of the Daming Empire want to kill them.

At this moment, the civil and military officials of the Great Song Kingdom were completely panicked.

"You damn rebellious thief!"

"History will remember you as a rebellious thief!"

"You will be spurned by the whole world!"

"We absolutely do not recognize the Daming Empire!"

"The Daming Empire is a rebellious thief!"

At this moment, one after another civil officials roared loudly at Zhu Xiongying so angrily.

Anyway, they are already certain to die, so why can't you just scold Zhu Xiongying at this moment?

Maybe they can still be famous in history, and they may also become the last Qing official of the Great Song Kingdom.

Compared with the anger of those civil officials, the group of military generals at this moment collapsed in place in a daze.

Are they angry?

It must have been the same anger, but the group of generals could understand the strength of the soldiers of the Daming Empire.

At least at this moment, the group of martial generals of the Great Song Kingdom saw that the soldiers of the Great Ming Empire were already staring at them so closely.

Compared to sending them to death now, they still want to live for a while.

"Brush brush brush..."

Just as one civil official after another cursed at Zhu Xiongying, the Daming soldiers beside them couldn't help but slash at them with a long knife.

With the sound of breaking the air, I saw that one Daming soldier after another was standing next to those Daming soldiers with a long knife in their hands, and under the feet of those Daming soldiers were the heads of the civilian officials who had just broken their mouths and cursed.

"Plopped down..." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

One by one, the heads kept falling to the ground....

While the heads continued to fall to the ground one after another, the civil officials who lost their heads one after another also began to spew blood outward at this moment.


The bright red blood continued to gush out from the necks of one civil official after another.

The next moment, the civil servants who had just cursed suddenly found that they were speechless, and they saw the body that had lost their heads.

"Am I dead?"

One after another, the civil servants took only this one thought in the sea, and the next moment, their consciousness fell into darkness and then there was no thought again.

"Crush this group of people down!"

I saw a Daming general waved his hand slightly.


One after another Daming soldiers quickly came forward and crushed all the living guys who were at the gate of that Daming Palace, as for those corpses?

That also dragged on.

"Tread, tread..."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying was holding Zhao Linger's left hand and continued to walk lightly towards the Great Song Palace.

When Zhu Xiongying stepped into the Great Song Palace, Zhu Xiongying at this moment heard the sound of 3.3.

"Heh, I didn't expect this Great Song Emperor to have Yaxing."

Zhu Xiongying's eyes were so interested.

For the music that sounded in that palace, Zhu Xiongying could naturally understand that it was the last choice that the Great Song Emperor had before he died.

You can't escape, since you can't escape, then enjoy the last enjoyment that this emperor has!

"Go, go with Xu to meet this Great Song Emperor."

Zhu Xiongying had a smile on the corner of his mouth


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