Just when the lord of Nanzhao Country had an unprecedented excitement in his eyes, Zhu Xiongying's words fell slightly again.

"Then the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom, let's talk about the problem between us now."

"You are Ling'er's father."

"Then you are also the father-in-law who belongs to Xuan."

"Of course, you are also the abbot of the Daming Empire."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying at this moment looked at the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom so calmly and said lightly.

Listening to the words spoken by Zhu Xiongying, the eyes of the current Southern Zhao State Lord were so excited like never before.

He also did not expect him to take care of his personality, so he received support from the Daming Empire or something, but since the emperor from the Daming Empire recognized his identity so much, it meant that their Southern Zhao Kingdom could definitely be regarded as safe.

This makes the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom at this moment ~ Why not be excited?

However, when facing the excitement contained in the eyes of the Lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom, Zhu Xiongying continued to speak.

"Then now I will give you two choices here."

"One is to wait for the army of the Daming Empire to hit the Southern Zhao Kingdom like this, and then the Southern Zhao Kingdom chooses to surrender."

"Since you belong to Xuan's father-in-law, Naxu gives you another choice."

"That is to choose to voluntarily surrender, then you are the abbot of the Daming Empire."

"At that time, you can still enjoy your high status, as long as you do not touch the laws of the Daming Empire, no existence can be defeated in front of you."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying spoke so calmly to the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom.

This was what he wanted to meet with the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom.

It is impossible for the Daming Empire not to expand after laying down the current territory, right?

Sorry, the Daming Empire is a country full of ambitions!

If the Daming Empire is not a country full of ambitions, how can it have such a huge territory?!

It is precisely because the Daming Empire is an ambitious country that Zhu Xiongying is now ready to expand.

The first step is to start with his father-in-law.

His father-in-law is the king of the Southern Zhao Kingdom, and if the Southern Zhao Kingdom took the initiative to choose to join the Daming Empire, then the Daming Empire could not treat his father-in-law with such a very preferential treatment.

Who let the Southern Zhao Kingdom have such a relationship with his Daming Empire?

In the face of the words spoken by Zhu Xiongying, the current lord of the Nanzhao Kingdom was so completely stunned.

"Ah, this..."

In an instant, the lord of Nanzhao Country looked at Zhu Xiongying with an incredible gaze in his eyes.

Originally, he had just imagined that his Southern Zhao Kingdom could be supported by the Daming Empire, and finally became the overlord of the southwestern region.

The result now?

The Daming Empire actually had the idea of annexing Nanzhao Country???

And the emperor from the Daming Empire told him so clearly that the two choices were so laid out. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Faced with the words from Emperor Zhu Xiongying of the Ming Dynasty, the king of the Southern Zhao Kingdom instantly fell into silence.

When the Great King of the Southern Zhao Kingdom fell into silence for a while, the Moon Worship Sect Lord beside him looked at the Daming Emperors who had one after another in the hall with a calm gaze.

"These people definitely do not belong to ordinary Emperor Daming."

"Their identities are definitely not as simple as they seem."

At the same time, the current Moon Worship Sect Leader was looking at the dragon of national fortune suspended above the head of the so-called Daming Emperor one after another.

The Moon Worship Sect Leader's eyes began to carry a deep contemplation and inquiry.

Now he really wants to know, what is the origin of these so-called imperial uncles of the Daming Empire?

Why is there a dragon of national fortune suspended above the other party's head, which is only owned by the emperor of the Eight Classics?

Just when the current Moon Worship Sect Leader looked at the Daming Emperor after another with that doubtful and even inquiring gaze, and the Daming Emperors one after another also looked at the lord of the Nanzhao Kingdom with an emotional gaze.

At the same time, they also felt a slight recognition of their eldest nephew's attitude.

Although this seems a little cruel, it is already the best choice for a country.

The Daming Empire cannot just let the Southern Zhao Kingdom become the hegemon in the southwest region like this, instead of allowing the Southern Zhao Kingdom to become the hegemon of the southwest region, it is better to rely on the identity that the queen of the current Daming Empire belongs to the princess of the Southern Zhao Kingdom, and then bring the entire Southern Zhao Kingdom into the rule of the Daming Empire without bloodshed.

This must be the best method for the Daming Empire.

A method in which a soldier can completely occupy a country without bloodshed.

That is already the best method for Nanzhaoguo.

It is precisely because their princess highness is the empress of the current Daming Empire that they will not suffer the attack of the army of the Daming Empire.

They could smoothly transition from the original Southern Zhao Kingdom to the Daming Empire.

There were no casualties.

And at this moment, this choice is tied to the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom.

How should the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom choose?

The entire hall fell into complete silence at this moment.


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