"I, I choose to surrender."

At the same time, I saw that the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom replied with an unprecedented helplessness in his eyes.

In the face of the words told by his son-in-law at present, what should the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom do at this moment?

It seems that all he needs to do now seems to have no choice but to surrender just like that.

As for choosing to resist to the end?

Sorry, when this idea appeared in the mind of the Lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom, he directly dispelled this idea completely.

That's right, the lord of the Nanzhao Kingdom had no idea of competing with the Daming Empire at all.

Because the lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom deeply understood a truth, that is, the "zero zero three" gap in strength between the Southern Zhao Kingdom and the Daming Empire could be regarded as a gap between heaven and earth.

Now that the emperor of the Daming Empire belongs to his son-in-law, then he can completely rely on this relationship to live a good life in the Daming Empire in the future.

Then there is no need to go and stick to the Southern Zhao Kingdom all the time.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that he can't resist it at all!

Since you can't resist, then honestly surrender!

Listening to the words from the Lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom, the Moon Worship Sect Lord beside him looked deeply at Zhu Xiongying who was sitting above the imperial throne.

"See His Majesty the Daming Emperor."

At the same time, the Moon Worship Sect Leader at this moment also spoke slightly.

Nanzhao Kingdom has already chosen to submit in this way, and he, the national master of the Southern Zhao Kingdom, can't just establish himself as a king, right?

I'm sorry, if the Moon Worship Sect Lord really had this idea, he would have overthrown the Southern Zhao State Lord when his Moon Worship Sect's members occupied almost the entire Southern Zhao Kingdom.

But the Moon Worship Sect Leader did not do this.

Therefore, at this moment, the Moon Worship Sect Leader also chose to submit to Zhu Xiongying.

As for whether it is sincere?

That's hard to say.

After facing the current Southern Zhao Kingdom Lord and the words spoken by the Moon Worship Sect Leader, Zhu Xiongying had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then father-in-law, you will go to see Xun's father and emperor later, as well as Xun's grandfather and grandmother."

"Then you will go and have a good discussion with them."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying said so slowly.

Facing the words from Zhu Xiongying, the Lord of Nanzhao Country at this moment also exhaled deeply.


The lord of the Southern Zhao Kingdom did not have any opinion at all.

"Then you leave first, let me have a good chat with this Moon Worship Sect Leader."

Zhu Xiongying smiled and said.

In the face of the words from Zhu Xiongying, the current Moon Worship Sect Leader nodded slightly: "Then let me have a good chat with Your Majesty." "

The current Moon Worship Sect Leader had no opinion at all.

Faced with the words of Zhu Xiongying and the Moon Worship Sect Leader, the current Great King of the Southern Zhao Kingdom could only nod helplessly: "Since that's the case, then I'll leave first." "

"Tread, tread..."

Soon, accompanied by that burst of footsteps, the figure of the current King of the Southern Zhao Kingdom left so slowly.

When the group of guys who disappeared into the hall with the figure of the Great King of Southern Zhao Kingdom disappeared, Zhu Xiongying's gaze was also on the body of the Moon Worship Sect Leader: "Hello, Moon Worship Sect Leader." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Xiongying said with a smile.

Facing the smile from Zhu Xiongying, the current Moon Worship Sect Leader felt uncomfortable for a while: "Then please Your Majesty." "

"As long as it can be understood below, there will be absolutely nothing to hide in the next."

At this moment, the Moon Worship Sect Leader said with a slight smile.

Facing the smile from Zhu Xiongying, the Moon Worship Sect Leader said that the other party should directly say what to do.

Otherwise, he always felt cautious.


In the face of the words of the Moon Worship Sect Leader, the other Daming Emperors who were currently in that hall laughed like this....

"You don't have to be so nervous, we are not some man-eating tiger."

"And if it's true that even if we belong to man-eating tigers, with the power you have, you can completely solve us!"

One of the Daming emperors said with a smile.

Although they didn't know what level of strength the Moon Worship Sect possessed, it didn't prevent them from being able to understand that the Moon Worship Sect Leader was definitely not a simple thing.

The Moon Worship Sect Leader is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Therefore, these current Daming emperors are more or less dissatisfied with this Moon Worship Sect Leader who seems to be so cautious, and they are not man-eating tigers.

Besides, even if they really belonged to the man-eating tigers, the Moon Worship Sect Leader could easily solve them!

"No, no, no, it's just that I like to be alone, and I prefer a more direct personality."

"Therefore, in the face of His Majesty's good intentions, it may be a little uncomfortable, and please ask Your Majesty to directly tell what Your Majesty needs."

"I'll see if 2.7 has the ability to do what His Majesty asks me to do."

I saw the Moon Worship Sect Leader say so calmly.

Faced with the words from the Moon Worship Sect Leader, Zhu Xiongying replied with a smile.

"It's actually very simple, that is, are you willing to submit to the Daming Empire?!"

"And you can rest assured that after submitting to the Daming Empire, Xu will not use your power so excessively."

"It's about having the truth you need in the Daming Empire!"

"For example, the truth about the whole world is a circle!"

Zhu Xiongying said leisurely.


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