"I think Xiongying you did it very right."

At this moment, while the group of Daming emperors fell into such a complete silence, the current Zhu Yuanzhang broke this tranquility, and then replied with a firm word.

"Although we don't know what the supremes of the gods and demons of this world look like, we also know that if those supremes of the gods and demons know that the worlds behind our Daming Empire represent one world after another."

"I'm afraid that the supreme of the two realms of gods and demons in this world will definitely not let our Daming Empire go."

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang said like this.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who has experienced troubled times, can understand very clearly that human nature can never be tested.

Of course, what they are facing is not a human being, they are facing a supreme of the two realms of gods and demons belonging to the Eight Classics, which is a true legend-level existence!

But no matter what!

Regarding what is represented behind that world after another, the current Zhu Yuanzhang can still understand.

After all, the current Zhu Yuanzhang belongs to watching the Daming Empire one after another, and thus began to establish in that world after another.

557 Zhu Yuanzhang knew what the world after world represented.

If that world after world was so known by the supremes of the two realms of gods and demons, they might very likely really do something to their Daming Empire.

That is especially according to some things that Zhu Yuanzhang knows.

We must not put all our hopes on the so-called immortals.

Because if they really put all their hopes on the immortals, no one knows what ideas those so-called immortals will give birth to.

Therefore, in the face of Zhu Xiongying's words, Zhu Yuanzhang can say that he is very, very recognized.

In the face of Zhu Yuanzhang's words falling, Zhu Biao at this moment also looked at his son with a complicated gaze.

He didn't expect that his son had grown to this point.

They are all emperors of the Daming Empire who belong to the Eight Classics, and his sons have already fought against the immortal-god-level existence in the legendary dbbg.

Even his son now needs to hide from the legendary immortal gods.

This can already be regarded as a very, very shocking thing.

Therefore, the current Zhu Biao really felt a deep emotion like this.

However, at the same time that Zhu Biao's eyes felt a deep emotion, Zhu Biao at this moment also recognized Zhu Yuanzhang's words: "Yes, my opinion is the same. "

"Although behind this world represents a very large world."

"But if it's too dangerous, then we can give up selectively."

"After all, there is no need to take your life for this one thing."

"I don't know what kind of existence the legendary immortal god really is."

"After all, behind our Daming Empire represents one world after another."

At this moment, Zhu Biao also expressed his opinion.

"That's right, I think the words of dad and eldest brother are very correct."

"If you think about it, all major temples and Taoist temples need incense and so on."

"From this aspect, we can understand that those immortals must need something like so-called faith."

"If we really let them discover the world after world that our Daming Empire has behind it, they may probably do something to us at that time."

"We represent a new world behind us."

"What we represent behind us is an unexplored world, so for those legendary immortal gods, this means that there are unknown number of believers."

At this moment, Zhu Di also said his opinion. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Yes, big nephew."

"When you have scavenged all the resources you have in this world, leave this world!"

"This world can't stay long."

That Daming Emperor after Daming Emperor was dissuaded in this way.

For Zhu Xiongying, that Daming Emperor after another can be regarded as a really, very, very fond.

After all, if it weren't for Zhu Xiongying, how could they possibly sit in the position of the current Daming Emperor?

It is precisely because of Zhu Xiongying that they can do this position that they never dared to imagine.

And now, although their eldest nephew Zhu Xiongyu has come to this very huge world, even if he stays in this world for a long time, he may be able to become a true immortal-level existence in the legend.

But it is very dangerous.

Since the world is so dangerous, it is better to be careful.

It doesn't matter if the Daming Empire develops slowly, everything is based on safety!

In the face of the words that the current Daming emperors have one after another, Zhu Xiongying at this moment naturally understands the meaning of what they are expressing.

"Don't worry, guys."

"I still know that."

"After all, I don't want to leave my life here."

"About the world."

"At that time, let's go to the Southern Zhao Kingdom together, let's go to see Nuwa Niangniang!"

"It's good that the Nuwa Niangniang of this world has belonged to the existence of the Eight Classics, and it is very likely that the Nuwa Niangniang of this world has not even really died."

"Even Nuwa Niangniang in this world still retains part of her ability."

"If we go to worship Nuwa Niangniang, be sincere."

"It should be good for us, too."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying said to the Daming emperors one after another.

"So go?"

Zhu Xiongying asked.


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