
"Why don't you go?!"

"That world is just that there is no existence of the legendary Nuwa, since this world already has the existence of the legendary Virgin of the Terrans."

"Then our group of humans, we definitely need to visit the legendary Nuwa."

"Don't you forget that Ling'er belongs to the descendants of Nuwa, then if you want to leave this world at that time, you must first say hello to the legendary Nuwa."

"What if this legendary Terran Virgin Nuwa cuts you at a critical time?"

"It's no joke."

The current Zhu Yuanzhang said with a firm tone.

After all, when they already know that his eldest grandson is about to marry the descendants of Nuwa, who belongs to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, isn't it normal to visit this legendary Nuwa at this time, and to meet this Nuwa who only exists in myths?

And they're going to leave this world.

After all, Zhu Xiongying has made it clear that this world is somewhat dangerous.

Since the world is more or less dangerous, then what they need to do is very simple.

First go to visit Nuwa, then ask Nuwa's permission to finally leave this world, and even see if they can get some shelter after visiting Nuwa or something.

In Zhu Yuanzhang, it seems that they are very necessary things.

"That's right."

"I think it's very necessary for us to visit Nuwa!"

"This villain is also the legendary Nuwa who created human beings."

"Although it is not our world."

"But since there are legends of Nuwa creating people in our world, what if there is any connection between them?"

"Coupled with the eldest nephew, you are now married to a descendant of Nuwa, we and Nuwa are more or less involved."

"I think we have to visit the descendants of Nuwa!"

At the same time, Zhu Quan, who was currently in that group of Daming Emperors, spoke with a firm tone.

In the face of the words spoken by Zhu Quan, he immediately received the approval of all the Daming emperors.

"That's right!"

"That's it!"

"Since we are all involved with the legendary Nuwa now, then we must visit Nuwa."

"Anyway, it's okay to do us no harm anyway."

At this moment, one after another Daming emperors also spoke slightly.

As for things in their country?

That's not a panic.

The Daming army that suppressed the whole world was placed there.

Even when they came here for the wedding, they made it clear to the officials that they were going to be away for a while.

If they found out that there was any major problem in the entire Daming Empire when they returned, then they would definitely try those officials!

Even if something major does arise, they are not afraid at all.

More than 20 Daming emperors are placed here, and the armies under all the Daming emperors add up to almost 100 million, right?

What problems can't be solved at this time?

It's a little meaning.

In the face of the problems they have in the country, it is better to visit the legendary Terran Virgin first.


"After my wedding is over, then we will go directly to Nuwa Temple to worship the legendary Nuwa!"

In the face of the words of these uncles one after another, the current Zhu Xiongying naturally understood so. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At that time, they will go to the queen's temple in the territory of Nanzhao Kingdom to meet the queen.

When the time comes, ask for Nuwa's permission.

Regarding Nuwa in this world, Zhu Xiongying did not completely ignore the other party like this.

In the original plot, it can be learned that Nuwa in this world may be dead, but the power she left behind is still very large.

At least Nuwa in this world can have the power to make people travel through time.

The power of traveling through time is no joke, and even a layman knows that it is definitely not a simple matter.

But Nuwa in this world did it.

Therefore, regarding the Nuwa Temple in the territory of Nanzhao Country, Zhu Xiongying is really very cautious.


"Just get ready, the wedding is about to begin."

The current Zhu Xiongying said slowly.

Facing the words spoken by Zhu Xiongying, at this moment, one after another Daming emperors nodded slightly: "No problem, then wait for the wedding to begin!" "

Soon, the current Daming emperors said that there was no problem at all.

And when Zhu Xiongying, who was currently in the morning, began to discuss this current issue with this group of Daming emperors, the Wine Sword Immortal who was in the Shu Mountain at this moment couldn't help but speak: "Senior brother." "

"Shall we go?"

"This is the wedding of the current Emperor Daming."

"And the Daming Emperor also clearly sent us an invitation."

At this moment, the Wine Sword Immortal took out an invitation sent by Zhu Xiongying.

In the face of the words spoken by the Wine Sword Immortal, the head of the Shushan Sect, the Sword Saint, looked in the direction of the Daming Empire with an extremely calm gaze in his eyes.

"Emperor Daming's wedding."

The current head of the Shushan Sect, the Sword Saint, said to himself.

"Then you can send some things over."

"As for this wedding, I won't go to it."

"You will go instead of me."

"When the time comes, you should prepare well, there is a surprise for you."

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect, the Sword Saint, slowly spoke.


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