
"What a surprise???"

In the face of the words from the head of the Nashu Mountain Sect, the current Wine Sword Immortal looked at his senior brother with a confused gaze in his eyes.

Obviously, at this moment, the Wine Sword Immortal did not know what his senior brother's words meant.

What surprise?

When he went to the imperial capital of the Daming Empire, there were still surprises in it?

"You'll know when you go."

"At that time, the emperor of the Daming Empire should know, you can follow the orders of the emperor of the Daming Empire."

The current head of the Shushan Sect said slowly.

Facing the words spoken by the head of the Shushan Sect, the Wine Sword Immortal in front of "Three Zero Three" just took a deep look at his senior brother.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Although the Wine Sword Immortal didn't know what was going on here, it didn't prevent the Wine Sword Immortal from understanding that all he needed now was to honestly obey his senior brother's orders and go to the Daming Empire!

"That senior brother, then I will go first."

At this moment, the Wine Sword Immortal replied with a slight nod.

"Go, if you encounter any difficult problems at that time, you just need to understand from the heart."

"Your heart will tell you the answer."

"As for if you don't know how to choose, you don't have to come and ask me."

"At that time, you just need to know that I unconditionally support your choice!"

"There you go."

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect, the Sword Saint, looked at his junior brother so deeply, and then slowly spoke.

Facing the words from the head of the Shushan Sect, the current Wine Sword Immortal took a deep look at his senior brother.

Although the Wine Sword Immortal did not know what happened at this moment, the Wine Sword Immortal could also know from his senior brother's words that he would estimate what should happen in his trip to the Daming Empire this time, so he would make some difficult choices.

And his senior brother had already expected it in advance, or his senior brother had calculated it in advance.

In short, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that he only needs to listen to his heart's choice when the time comes.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

As the words of the Wine Sword Immortal fell, the figure that was currently seen only disappeared into the Shu Mountain.

"Brush brush brush !!"

In the sky above Nashu Mountain, the Wine Sword Immortal flew like this.

In the face of the Wine Sword Immortal who was flying with the imperial sword, the head of the Shushan Sect who was currently above that Shu Mountain took a deep look at his junior brother.

"Alas, I just don't know when we will meet again this time."

"I hope to see you again in my lifetime."

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect shook his head helplessly.

About what is about to happen to his junior brother in the Daming Empire?

The head of the Shushan faction knows this better than anyone.

Because he has already counted!

Therefore, at this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect would say those words to his junior brother.


"It is a blessing and not a curse, but a curse cannot be avoided."

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother, the cause you planted is now bearing fruit."

"It's up to you to choose."

The current head of the Shushan Sect shook his head slightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, at this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect shook his head slightly, and the Wine Sword Immortal who was flying with the imperial sword in the sky did not know why, he always felt as if something bad was waiting for him.

"I should have overthought it."

The Wine Sword Immortal shook his head like this, throwing the trace of worry he had in his heart into his heels....

"Brush brush brush !!"

The Wine Sword Immortal who drove the splash soared through the sky.




"Is this the queen of our Daming Empire?!"

At the same time, when I saw that one ordinary person after another looking at Zhao Ling'er who was wearing a phoenix crown, there was a deep surprise in the eyes of those ordinary people.

Although they all knew that the empress caused by the emperor of their Daming Empire could be ugly?

The empress that the emperor of their Daming Empire married must be very, very beautiful!

But even if these people had such a concept, when Zhao Linger's figure entered their field of vision like this.

Those ordinary people were still completely shocked.


"This queen and Your Majesty are simply a pair made in heaven!"

The current people shouted so loudly.

And the current Zhu Xiongying and Zhao Linger walked all the way towards the palace from the gate of the imperial city.

His purpose was to let the group of people in the imperial capital of the Daming Empire watch his 2.3 grand ceremony.

After all, he is the emperor of the Daming Empire!

All you need to do in this festival is to celebrate together!

For the time being, he couldn't get everyone in the entire Daming Empire to celebrate with him, but his status as an emperor could allow the Daming Empire to have all kinds of things on this day.

That could also make the imperial capital of the Daming Empire begin to change because of this thing he owned.

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying and Zhao Linger walked towards the palace hand in hand.


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