Cheng Qianye laughed: "I'm very good at looking at people. This Dong Bowen is really interesting. If I want to keep him myself, I won't give it to you."

Zhou Zixi and Zhang Fu saw their lord open the sandalwood box that had been sitting on the table, and found a lapis lazuli from it, and rolled it on the table with unknown meaning.

In the golden autumn season, the King of Jin ordered the rectification of the central official system of Jin. Great seal of officials.

In the court, the three masters, Taishi, Taibao, and Taifu, who originally held great powers, gradually became a false title symbolizing honor.

Cheng Qianye made Zhang Fu the prime minister, with a golden seal and a purple sash, and he was the king of the throne.

Zhou Zixi was a censor doctor with a silver seal and a blue ribbon, and he was the deputy minister.

Lang Zhong ordered Helan Yanzhi to be promoted to the post of Taiwei, in charge of military affairs.

Cheng Feng made Weiwei, and the palace guards stationed troops.

Xiao Jin remained as the internal envoy of Zhili, and also served as the prince's grandfather.

Yu Dunsu, Mo Qiaosheng, Gan Yanshou and other leading generals were awarded titles based on military merit.

He Lanzhen was posthumously named Marquis of Yongyi, and his younger brother assumed his title.

The original Jiuqing and the central officials still remain in office or make some adjustments.

At the same time, a year-end appraisal system for officials with clear standards and fraud prevention was promulgated.

At the end of each year, officials are ordered to prepare for their governance and listen to their political affairs to determine the rewards and punishments they deserve.

Three-year-old is a big plan. Officials who are excellent in the assessment can be promoted, and those who are incompetent can stay in office, demoted or dismissed according to the situation.

For a time, the atmosphere of the Jin Dynasty was a new one.

The young and newly appointed officials are full of vigor, and they inject a fresh blood into the court with their vigorous spirit.

The old and steady courtiers were unwilling to bow their heads in front of the rookies, and they all abandoned the custom of lazy government and worked conscientiously.

Although there are also many old-fashioned voices against it.

But now the protagonist Cheng Qianye holds the military power, and his subordinates are full of talents, and he is in the limelight.

She can only watch her step by step to promote the reform of the entire country according to her own will.

The next year chūn season,

The King of Jin ordered Yu Dunsu to lead 100,000 troops to attack Song on the grounds that the assassins of the Song state were assassinating.

In the chūn season, all things recover, and new vitality is displayed everywhere.

Zhou Zixi was in a wheelchair, walking on the rammed earth road of Bianjing Street.

Although he is the imperial envoy who inspects hundreds of officials, his official duties are very busy.

But Zhou Zixi still likes to take time out to visit the alleys in the market.

Through the various conditions of people's livelihood, we can actually understand the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the New Deal, so as to make timely rectification.

Several children were playing on the side of the road, and a boy accidentally fell to the vicinity of Zhou Zixi's wheelchair while playing.

A pale arm suddenly stretched out from behind Zhou Zixi, and grabbed the boy's arm fiercely, not allowing him to take half a step.

The boy's arm was sore, and wow burst into tears.

"Zhou Ming." Zhou Zixi called out.

Zhou Ming stared at the boy for a while, then finally let go and threw the boy to the ground away from Zhou Zixi.

The boy looked at the five bruised finger prints on his arms and ran home crying.

"Zhou Ming, you are too loud." Zhou Zixi said helplessly, "How can you tell me to walk in the alley with you like this?"

Zhou Ming pushed up Zhou Zixi's wheelchair again, and the wheelchair made a rolling sound on the rammed earth.

"Now that our country is at war with Song, how can your lord be defenseless against others?"

Zhou Ming's voice came from behind the chair, "The lord has entrusted me with the safety of the adults. Even if the adults are upset, I can't ignore the warnings around the adults."

"Yeah, we are fighting against the Song Kingdom. I heard that the battle went very smoothly." Zhou Zixi rubbed his fingers lightly, "But I always feel that something is missing. Is it all too smooth."

In the Chaowu Hall, Cheng Qianye smiled and said to Zhang Fu, twisting the military newspaper: "Look at Zhang Xiang, another good news!"

Zhang Fu said with a smile: "Hexi lord, good news has been reported recently. General Yu's army has reached Pengcheng, the capital of Song. It seems that our army will destroy Song."

Cheng Qianye sat down and looked at the other military newspaper in his hand with a smile: "Qiaosheng is also very successful in Hanzhong, and he will be able to return to Beijing in a few months. God really favors my Jin Dynasty."


In the Taibao Mansion in Bianjing, there is a dark secret room.

Taibao Wei Sibu was sitting in the dark secret room, staring at the faint oil lamp in front of him.

The faint flames swayed and swayed light and shadows, hitting his decadent complexion.

"Sir, don't hesitate any longer." A deep voice said in the corner.

Wei Subu clenched his fists.

That's right, he used to be the country's Taibao, ranked the third prince, and held the country's most important power. On what day was his mansion not in a dazzling city?

Since moving the capital to Bianjing,

He was gradually emptied of power, and the house became deserted day by day.

The rookie in the courtroom was in power, and no one looked at him any more, leaving a meaningless false title to cover his shame.

How did he end up in this field now?

"Don't hesitate, my lord, we can't allow the lord to push us back step by step."

"If this goes on like this, there will no longer be a place for us in this country of Jin.

. "

The dark corners sounded one after another with heavy voices.

Chapter 107

"The Book of Rites Yueling says that when the moon rises in the summer, wheat grows, and the moon in the autumn climbs the valley. In the Song Dynasty, in the fertile areas of the Song Dynasty, wheat was planted in the east, and when the next summer was the time for a bumper harvest of wheat, chestnut seedlings were planted. In this way, one hundred mu of land can be cultivated, and the crops grown by the good farmers can feed nine people, and the ordinary ones can reach five people.”

Standing in front of Cheng Qianye, Dong Bowen spoke in a succinct manner with his newly handed memorial.

He quietly glanced at the lord sitting on the throne.

The lord held his jaw with one hand and listened attentively and carefully, while the other hand rested on the table, and his white fingers unconsciously rolled an azure gem on the table.

"Go ahead." The lord raised his hand,

Those clear and clear eyes were staring at him.

Dong Bowen's heart was inevitably a little nervous because he always thought he was very calm.

The protagonist's appearance is handsome, which is too showy for a man.

But he had a strong aura about him, which was a kind of confidence, a kind of confidence that could stabilize everything and see through everything.

This lofty aura, coupled with his young and handsome appearance, gave him a unique kingly charm.

Dong Bowen calmed down, the lord was very interested in the "Nongben Lun" he presented, and summoned him alone. This is a good opportunity for him to emerge, and he must seize it.

He suppressed his nervousness and continued: "After I came to Bianjing, I have carefully inspected the surrounding agriculture, and found that even if our country is good at farming, even if we rent 200 mu of farmland, we can barely support a family. Old and young. It is far from the standard of the Song State to go to the countryside."

Cheng Qianye: "According to Qing's opinion, what's the reason? What's the best way?"

Dong Bowen knelt down and took out two volumes of books from his sleeves: "According to my humble opinion, this is the reason why my country has not devoted itself to promoting agronomy. The Song Dynasty emphasized agriculture, so agriculture developed and people's livelihood was prosperous. The second law of the Cang Law, ordering local officials to teach them to the best of their ability. I personally thought that I could choose to take it from the Great Jin Dynasty.”

Xia Fei took the book and forwarded it to Cheng Qianye.

Cheng Qianye opened page by page and read it carefully.

Dong Bowen observed Cheng Qianye's expression, but he didn't see any sign of displeasure, so he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He kept these two volumes in his sleeves for several days, and he never dared to submit them together with the memorial.

He was worried that during the war between Jin and Song, the law of Song was presented to the lord for reference, which would cause the lord to be displeased.

But now it seems that the lord has a mind like a sea, and he has no unpleasant intentions.

Cheng Qianye flipped through the two agricultural laws of the Song Dynasty and found that the policies for the management of agriculture and forestry were put forward in great detail.

The number of seeds sown per mu of land is mentioned in detail, the farming tasks that need to be carried out according to different solar terms, and various advanced cultivation techniques are introduced in detail, forming a complete set of systematic farming studies.

She sighed in her heart that it was no wonder that Song Guosheng was so wealthy, and he did have his uniqueness in agricultural management.

"So Dong Qing's "Nongben Lun" is to hope that Jin will implement a national policy based on agriculture?"

Dong Bowen hesitated again. In fact, in his thoughts, the top priority for Jin at this time should be to develop agriculture, cultivate health, and then expand.

Not suitable for such frequent combat.

But now the situation on the battlefield is very good. He was originally from the Song country and had only recently come to the lord's side. In any case, he did not dare to say this.

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