Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1000: Weng Lan's Story Escape

Jax didn’t know how he jumped out. He remembered that Qin Qicai had been following him before, and then protecting him from escape. But when he ran five kilometers away and got into a military vehicle, he didn’t. I couldn't see Qin Qicai, nor could I see Qi Rou and others.

Jax was not so stupid that he jumped out of the army truck to look for him. He was scared at this time, and he no longer had the power of coming. Those zombies were just beasts! No, they are more terrifying than wild beasts, because they not only cannibalize people, but also make people become as scary as them.

It turns out that this is what the end of the world is like!

Suddenly, Jax found that he missed his life in Williamsburg a little bit. I wonder how old John and Julia are now?

The military vehicle drove all the way to the Great Salt Lake. After arriving in the small town where Weng Lan and others were stationed, Jax got out of the vehicle and found that all the people in the town were packing up their things. They should be ready to evacuate.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. This small town was originally abandoned and uninhabited. It was their group of people who came here to use it as a temporary rest camp.

Ignoring the others, Jax quickly ran to the small courtyard where Weng Lan lived. He was tired from fighting for days, so his legs couldn't use strength to run, and the sound of his feet landing was loud.

When he finally reached the courtyard where Weng Lan lived, and when he raised his hand and pushed the door, he found that his hand was full of blood and sticky liquid.

At this time, he couldn’t control so much. Jax opened the door and strode in, and found that Weng Lan, Liu Tian, ​​Katerina, and Little Annie were holding a child by themselves, and then stood in the yard and stared blankly. This direction of the door.

Liu Tian looked worried and found that it was Jax who said afterwards: "What's the matter? Why did you come back by yourself? What about the others? What about Jace? How did the war go? I won or lost?"

Faced with a series of questions from Liu Tian, ​​Jax froze for a long time, but didn't understand a word.

His Chinese is very poor.

Catalina hurried forward and recounted Liu Tian's question in English.

Jax wiped his dirty face with his filthy arm and sleeve, then watched Liu Tian panting slightly and swallowed.


Liu Tian's face turned from pale to green. Jax doesn't understand Chinese, but she understands English, but she just spoke her mother tongue because she was anxious just now.

"Jace is dead, so many zombies are coming here?"

Liu Tian repeated Jace's words, and then tremblingly said:

"What are you kidding? Jax, are you scaring me? Thisisjustajoke? Isn't it, this is tightly a joke?"

"Thismustbeajoke!" Little Annie also stepped forward and approached her mother, and then said in a trembling voice, "This must be a joke!"

How could his father die? However, looking at Jax's state, it seems that he shouldn't lie!

Jax has been with Jace for more than half a year, so naturally he also has feelings.

Seeing the shocked look of Liu Tian's mother and daughter, Jax fell in love with some, and even left a few lines of tears.

He quickly explained what happened to everyone in the yard.

Liu Tian's mother and daughter headshot in pain, and Weng Lan and others also shed sad tears.

Ten minutes later, the people in the town began to retreat, heading southwest.

Someone shouted on the street with a big loudspeaker, asking everyone to leave quickly, because the flying zombie beast was less than five kilometers away from here, and the nearly 100,000 soldiers who fought fiercely with the zombies in the front, now only more than 8,000 have escaped. Many people disappeared.

Qin Qicai and the others did not come back. Jax analyzed that it might be trapped by flying zombies. Maybe he found some place to hide it. Of course, this is the best result.

Liu Tian was in a trance. Although she stopped crying, she didn't pay much attention.

Weng Lan looked at Qin Xiangming in her arms. He also looked at the three brothers, and finally made a decision by gritting his teeth and leaving first!

Since the flying zombie beast is so close, if you don't leave, you will be waiting for death.

She can die, but these four children must not be in any danger, she must return them to Qin An alive and well!

In order to achieve the goal of being able to evacuate quickly, Weng Lan spent three minutes, speaking out various truths to appease Liu Tian and give him life again.

Weng Lan was a salesperson before the end of the world, and she was originally a strong woman with a strong opinion, but she has been in a protected role after giving birth, so she recognized the status of own and never talked much in the team.

This is not a grievance, it can only be regarded as Weng Lan's helpless choice.

"Let's go, all of us are aiming at Seven Sword City. Although we are now separated from everyone, we will always see you again as long as we get there in the end.

Didn't Jax say that, Jace's body disappeared in Benita's arms, which Qi Rou saw with his own eyes!

Will a corpse disappear for no reason? Why didn't the bodies disappear after the death of other people on the battlefield?

I think there must be a possibility of reversal in this matter, maybe when we get to Seven Sword City, Jace will appear alive!

Even if he doesn't come, then we can use the power of Seven Sword City to find out the origin of the mysterious woman?

She seems to be quite powerful, so even if we really want to take revenge, we have to rely on the power of Seven Sword City!

Are you right Liu Tian?

Look at your godson, who is still asleep, as if nothing happened.

Regis usually loves him the most. People say that the child is telepathic. If Jace really died like this, I think the child will get up and cry bitterly, otherwise he will become a little bastard with no conscience?

So, let's go, get into the flow of migrating army, and then go to Seven Sword City! Okay? "

Weng Lan was very sincere, although she herself felt like she was talking nonsense.

Can Jace survive?

Can people whose heads have been chopped off live?

Even if Weng Lan didn't believe it, she had to give Liu Tian a hope.

Because Liu Tian and Xiao Anni are now the only two abilities in the team, Weng Lan must rely on their mother and daughter to protect the four children.

Liu Tian was moved by Weng Lan, because she also hoped that Jace was still alive.

And after calming down, Liu Tian knew that this was the best choice. She couldn't rush into the flying zombies to find the truth. She could only wait until Seven Sword City to figure out what happened.

In this way, Liu Tian suppressed the sadness in her heart and led everyone on the journey.

Weng Lan's heart kept beating.

After waking up, she met Qin Qicai just after she went out, and she was always protected by him.

Now Qin Qicai doesn't know where she has gone, the most loyal and reliable guardian by her side is Da Bai, but it is a pity that Da Bai is a fool again.

Weng Lan had a feeling that she was about to have an intimate contact with the real end of the world.

Will she be able to protect herself and Qin An's children in the future?

Do not! Such questions should not be asked!

She must be able to! And it must be done!

Again, she can, but her children must live well and grow up well!

Qin An, what are you doing now?

Did you know that your wife and children are finally about to fall into the crisis of the end times?

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