Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1001 Let's Guess

Qin An didn't know, nor did he understand.

Why does a woman who killed her whole family and stayed in jail for five years still blush? Shouldn't she be a cold-blooded person?

Qin An couldn't forget the first time she saw Qiu Jinse. She wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and sat on the bed as if she should sit there, and she did sit there for five years.

How did she spend the entire five years alone? In such a small space, didn't loneliness and time have eroded her spirituality?

Looking at the woman today, her chest is trembling slightly, which is caused by uneven breathing.

It turns out that she is also shy... She will also be nervous when encountering important relationships.

After just watching for a minute, Qiu Jinse retreated, and walked back to 50 meters before climbing up to the top of a building 20 meters high.

Here you can see the square in front of you, and you can also see the three men, two women, but you can't quite understand how they are interacting with each other.

Qin An understands what a dumb girl means, since there are outsiders here who always need to be monitored, but she doesn't want to be too close, because she can't remain indifferent.

Of course Qiu Jinse couldn't remain indifferent. She was not a cold puppet, but a lively woman.

Five years is just a word to outsiders, but it is a real existence for Qiu Jinse.

No normal person can stay alone in a small room for five years.

However, Qiu Jinse persisted, and was not mad or schizophrenic. This was a miracle.

The wind brushed his cheeks lightly, and it was very cool. One man and two women finally ended the fight. They lay on the low grass in the center of the square, seeming to be asleep.

After Qiu Jinse left for more than half an hour, Qin An knew that she was going to patrol to see if there was anything else.

In the end, Qiu Jinse returned to the 20-meter-high building. Qin An had already used the power of Spiritual Sense to check the surroundings, and there was nothing unusual, except for the man and two women on the square.

Looking sideways at Qiu Jinse, the woman had two bags on her body at this time. The waist bag contained weapons, but the shoulder bag contained a lot of bare little stones.

These are collected by Qiu Jinse on weekdays. They are strangely shaped, some resemble animals, some resemble vases, and some resemble tables and chairs.

At the beginning, Qin An wondered why a woman was collecting these stones, but after a few days of getting along with him, he understood. The woman seemed to know that if she didn’t die, she would eventually return to prison, so she collected these stones. Go back to make decorations later, right? After all, the prison was too deserted.

The reason why Qin An joined the team as a small soldier was largely because he wanted to find out the secret of Qiu Jinse, but now that he has been with him for so many days, he has not made any progress.

If Qiu Jinse didn't speak, how could she dig out the secrets in her heart?

After thinking slightly for a while, Qin An finally decided to take the initiative. Since the other party didn't speak, then he would become a chatter, and see if he could give a good idea and reap an unexpected surprise.

"Do you know that the commander-in-chief of the Nine Dragons Liancheng Defender Army is called Qin An? My name is Qin Xiaoan, isn't it a coincidence? You said that if my parents had named me Qin An, would I also become commander-in-chief? Then marry four wives?" Qin An's opening remarks were a bit boring, and it was not a wanting face to raise the identity of Qin An's name.

Qiu Jinse frowned, stretched randomly, and then remained indifferent.

She didn't have much impression of this ordinary-looking man next to her. If she did, she would only find him a little bit annoying, because he always seemed to be able to guess his own thoughts.

"Did you see the three people over there? What do you say they do? Do we want to cross-examine?"

Qiu Jinse quickly denied Qin An's thoughts in his heart. Although the three of them did not seem to be abnormal, their presence here in the middle of the night was actually abnormal.

Acting rashly when you haven't found out the enemy's reality, what should you do if you start to frighten the snake? What should be done at this time is to observe, wait and see what they will do afterwards.

And Qiu Jinse thinks that Qin An is simply an ignorant bastard, what is this place? When is this? Did he even chat with himself? What if someone is passing by and hears it?

"People don't even wear their clothes now. It seems impolite to go up rashly. Why not, let's guess where they came from?"

guess? There are no clues at all, if you can guess it, it will be hell!

"The three people have scars on their bodies, indicating that they should not be upgraded.

And there is no "liu" on their foreheads, which may indicate that they are not from the end-spirit sect.

As far as I know, ordinary civilians of Mo Ling Sect have a wandering word'liu' on their foreheads.

Of course, we are not sure about this, we just set up a basic reasoning parameter first! "

These fools can guess it, as if they didn't say it, Qiu Jinse despised it in her heart.

"There are no populated areas around here. The nearest populous city is the fortress of the Moling sect, but it is also a hundred kilometers away from here, so who are they?"

Qiu Jinse felt that listening to this man's talk was a waste of time and night.

"I think that the young woman with short hair is probably called Song Jiaren...!"

Qiu Jinse, who had originally opened his mouth slightly and struck a breath, closed his mouth quickly after hearing Qin An's words, and almost bit his own tongue with his teeth.

What are you talking about? Is this person making up? How did he know that the short-haired young woman's name was Song Jiaren?

"Six days ago, the Young Marshal team passed by with our Yahoo team, do you remember? Lee Young Marshal is a fifth-level upgrader with a very rough personality and a loud voice. I overheard what happened in their team. A missing case. A husband and wife were both in the team of Li Shaoshuai. When they set up a camp to rest at night, the husband originally slept with his wife in his arms, but when he woke up, his wife disappeared and never appeared again. . For this reason, the husband suffers every day, even leaving the team to look around, and now he is nowhere to be found."

Qiu Jinse secretly looked at Qin An from the corner of his eye, then quickly moved away, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

How did this kid learn about these things? We did meet the young marshal team that day, but the two teams moved in different directions, so they separated later? It seems that there is not much communication, right?

Moreover, even if a female soldier had disappeared and her name was Song Jiaren, how did Qin Xiaoan know that the short-haired woman was her?

At this moment, Qiu Jinse had some curiosity, but hoped that Qin An could continue talking.

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