Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1002 Female Soldier

Qin An was sitting on the ground at the top of the building, reaching out just to see the outside.

Qiu Jinse was sitting three meters away from Qin'an. Although it was dark, although it was the top of the building, Qiu Jinse didn't want to expose his upper body to the outside view, so he would rather sit on the ground with his clothes dirty.

Qin An seemed to take out a bottle of water from his backpack and threw it to Qiu Jinse.

Qiu Jinse hesitated slightly, and finally reached out to take it over, and when he looked closely at the moonlight, he discovered that the bottle turned out to be milky white liquid instead of water. Could it be milk?

Qin An really doesn’t want to be half-strong to insert ads, but his Interspatial Ring does store some pre-apocalyptic beverages. For example, this bottle is called "Nutrition Express". It has been placed for more than 20 years, and it is not known whether it is overdue.

Qin An didn't like to drink this thing before, but now it is a rare thing, and the taste of antique is naturally unique.

"You must be thinking, even if a female soldier named Song Jiaren disappears, then this woman might not be her, right?"

Qiu Jinse really wanted to nod to Qin An, but still held back, his face flushed.

"Look at her, she should be about 30 years old? In terms of age, she is the same as Song Jiaren, the soldier's missing wife.

This woman has a well-proportioned figure, no fat on her lower abdomen, and curvy muscles when her arms are slightly raised. This shows that she should be training regularly and should be a high-intensity training. Perhaps it is because she has been a soldier. reason.

Under the woman’s left shoulder, there is a long scar near the chest. Look at the color, width and saturation of the skin texture. It is estimated that it was left four or five years ago, and it should be the benefit of the upgraded beast. Injured by the claw. If it is an ordinary person, the scars will usually be left behind, because the first reaction to seeing the upgraded beast is to run away, but this woman's scars are on the front body. Is it possible? Was she scratched when facing the upgraded beast head-on? So who will deal with the upgraded beast head-on? I didn't think too much about other things. In short, I knew the soldiers would, because their task was to clean up the dangerous upgraded beasts.

Then there is the temperament of this woman. When acting on a man, he does not make the coquettish voice of an ordinary woman, but breathes solemnly and yells occasionally. As far as I know, many female soldiers are in this state when they are in love with men. And her short hair, which is also the favorite head shape of the green flowers in the army.

Combining these factors, I came to the conclusion that this woman should have served as a soldier, and this occupation is consistent with the missing Song Jiaren again.

However, even this does not prove that she is Song Jiaren.

You are a smart girl, do you also have own analysis? "

Are you smart? Qiu Jinse was not so sure. When she was not in jail before, her comrades in the army called her a silly girl.

She just becomes smarter and more cautious when fighting people.

No, it has nothing to do with being smart.

She was just cautious enough, because she knew that when performing tasks in the army, she thought that one person's mistake would wipe out the entire army! She has experienced something like this before.

And her technology is really good. She started martial arts in elementary school and started playing guns after she became a soldier, and she became fascinated by it.

The other is talent. Qiu Jinse's eyes are different from ordinary people. This is not to say that she has supernatural powers, but that she can see a wider range of perspectives, and the pictures presented in her mind are more three-dimensional. Even at night, she can see some things clearly, which allows her to accurately choose the target when shooting, making her a natural sharpshooter.

Technology, cautiousness, and talent have made her, so that she can often defeat many powerful enemies in battle.

Then none of these should have anything to do with IQ!

So Qiu Jinse doesn't really have any own analysis, so she is only suitable for being a listener.

Qin An quickly caught the hesitation on Qiu Jinse's face, and was amazed afterwards.

It was like a girl out of dust, as if ignorant and ignorant.

Her way of thinking hard is particularly charming, frowning slightly, and her small mouth slightly open, seeming to have endless sadness.

Qin An moved his gaze away from Qiu Jinse's face almost immediately, and then his heartbeat accelerated and gritted his teeth.

Mud horse... what does it feel like?

It's as if the tens of thousands of people in the talent market suddenly saw the figure holding a resume and looking around blankly.

And that figure, but his favorite woman, Weng Lan!

Whether it was Lan Yue, Liu Xia, or even Liu Ru, Qin An didn't feel at this moment when he first saw them.

Beauty is beautiful, it is hard to get into the heart.

And this little dumb girl... really fucking wicked!

The expression on Qin An's face was a bit stiff, mainly because he couldn't see through his own mind. Although it was a legend to fall in love at first sight, he had also experienced it.

However, he is now the father of the child, and there are four wives, how can he still have this kind of thought.

Besides... she was still a criminal who killed 13 people in her family. Although Qin An had doubts about the case back then, she had pleaded guilty, and the physical evidence was complete. There should be no discrepancy. .

After calming his mind, Qin An slowly closed his eyes, then adjusted his thinking to his previous thinking, not daring to be distracted anymore.

"It seems that you have no idea, so let me go on.

Our team passed by here yesterday afternoon. There were no people alive in the town, but there were some dead.

Some have no idea how long they have been dead, and become skeletons.

But some have just died, and the flesh on their bodies has just begun to rot, causing vultures to fall to the ground to eat.

Encountering the corpses of some dead people in the apocalypse is as common as seeing a stray dog ​​sleeping on the street before the apocalypse. There is nothing wrong with this, and none of us cared at the time.

But now I suddenly remembered the scene that I saw on the corner of the street shortly after entering the town yesterday, where more than a hundred vultures were eating a corpse.

Because the corpse was surrounded by vultures, we didn't see the condition of the removal, but I saw some tattered clothing through the gaps in the body of the vultures, which seemed to be fragments of the camouflage color changing clothes we were wearing.

At that time, I only had this kind of suspicion, but didn't think too much, because our team had already advanced to the forefront of the troops, and there should be no comrades who died before us.

Perhaps the fabric is just somewhat similar to the clothes we wear, which I thought at the time.

But if you count the soldier who lost his wife, no one knows where he went, that is, it is possible even if he died in this small village.

I think of the corpse eaten by the bald eagle because of the short-haired woman,

And if the corpse is indeed the soldier who lost his wife,

So... why is he in this place? Is it related to his lost wife Song Jiaren?

And this young woman with short hair, who looks like a female soldier, is Song Jiaren? "

Hearing this, Qiu Jinse was stunned for a moment, and then quickly set off and ran directly down the roof.

Qin An shook his head slightly. He was really a girl with strong execution ability. He didn't need to guess and knew what Qiu Jinse was doing.

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