Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1007 Dark World

Qin An heard the excitement in Tian Yue'e's tone.

The most evil deed? Qin An's expression darkened.

"Are they abducting women and children?"

This is the limit Qin An can imagine. In his eyes, this is the most evil and unforgivable crime.

Inadvertently, Qin An thought of Li Ying, Tang Yu, and Wang Yi and Wang Cheng.

They had this kind of experience before. After growing up, Tang Yuneng used his own ability to blend into the bosses of big companies, Wang Yi, Wang Cheng, and Li Ying did not have that ability and lived in the shadows all the time.

"Not accurate! The most correct statement should be that he is a player with human beings as a commodity, and he uses humans to make huge profits!"

"Taking people to gain huge profits?" Isn't this just human trafficking?

"In Bailang Qiu Mubai's black organization, there are more than a dozen core personnel, all settled in Guangzhou, but their network actually covers the whole country.

More than a dozen core subordinates have different divisions of labor, which will support and operate this network covering the whole country.

As you said, one of their lines is the abduction of women and children, but what they do is far more cruel than you think.

Children who are deceived generally have two types of products. The smaller ones or the better-looking ones will be sold out at a high price. In many rural areas in the northwest, families will buy them. Then another part of the children will be discounted, or use sulfuric acid to destroy the skin of the whole body, and then thrown on the street to beg for food. In fact, this kind of organization is not limited to the black clothes family, there are many places in the country, but black clothes are definitely hidden. The deepest group of forces. In those years, the public security had done special rectification, rescue and trapping for these poor children for several years. Many illegal personnel were arrested and exposed on TV, but the black line was not affected at all. . If Beijing can’t do it, they will go to Nanjing. If Nanjing can’t do it, they will go to Xi’an.

Then women’s fate is worse than children’s. Some women who are caught or deceived will not be sold to the countryside to become wives, but they will be smuggled from Hong Kong or Myanmar to foreign countries. Sent to some European countries to be prostitutes. Women! Under normal circumstances, these women can only do a few years of work. When their physical condition deteriorates, they will be imprisoned by the controller. After a period of training and abuse, they will become female slaves, and they will be sold at a high price. . Do you think this is the end? No! In a few years, these women who were slaves will be bored by their masters, and then the people in black will take these women back at a lower price, and then...then in the underground hospitals, the women who are already old will be treated. Anatomy, take out internal organs from their bodies to sell, and get higher profits!

In this kind of operation, a woman can bring huge wealth to their entire chain, which is beyond your imagination! "

Qin An was dumbfounded. After a long time, he stuck out his tongue and licked his chapped lips.

This kind of crime is almost a thousand times more resentful than the Yizi in the last days, because it happened in a harmonious society before the end of the world!

"What I just said is very clear. The abduction of women and children is just one of their routes. They use human beings as commodity players. Naturally, what they do will not be so kind."

Qin An's face became a little pale. If these things can be expressed in the word kindness before, then what kind of sin Tian Yuee will tell next?

"After the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the people's awareness of sovereignty has become stronger and stronger, and the country has strengthened its control over various customs and border lines.

Because of the success of opening up, our position in the world has become Ascension. We have many partner countries and many international cooperation, including joint detection of transnational cases.

It is no longer so easy to smuggle people abroad.

At this time, Qiu Mubai had accumulated a lot of wealth, so he began to change the direction of the organization.

Domestic shampoo rooms were everywhere at that time, and the era of laughing at the poor but not at the prostitution has arrived.

Qiu Mubai seized the opportunity to invest in the first batch of high-end club entertainment venues across the country, and turned into an invisible businessman.

He started as a black man, it is impossible to completely whiten himself, and he has no such plans.

In his clubhouse, all kinds of illegal activities still abound, selling smuggled drugs, forcing good for prostitution, buying, murdering, killing people and so on.

After operating for a few years, he suddenly found that there were more wealthy people around him, and many wealthy people are not only satisfied with going to the clubhouse to find a beautiful woman to spend money, they have higher requirements, and they are even more satisfied. Want to release the darkest desire in my heart.

An industrial chain is formed, it is called "Goal"!

The so-called scoring is actually pulling a pimp, but they pay more attention to serving buyers. For a rich boss, the minimum service fee is 1 million. After that, the organization can help him bring any woman to whatever the boss wants. Get it by any means, please remember, it is arbitrary!

For example, I remember that it was around 2005, a Guangxi boss paid 1 million yuan, wanting to let his dream lover in his school days take the initiative to pursue him.

But the problem is that at that time, he and her classmates were already 40 years old, and they both had their own families and children.

The woman works as an accountant in a foreign company, and her husband is a section chief in the local government department. Generally speaking, they have a harmonious family and have a good life.

After Dark Night received the task, he sent many professionals to follow them and study them. The couple did not know that they had been spotted by a group of hungry wolves.

Half a month later, the woman's husband was drugged while drinking with someone in a bar. The two women took him back to the room and recorded it afterwards.

Since then, the small government cadres have embarked on a path of no return. Two women will appear frequently. They don't want any benefits. The only requirement is that men must be lovers with them, and then go to bed together.

A month later, the man changed his mind from his initial refusal to enjoyment. Instead of going to a good job, he would find time to satisfy the two women who asked for it almost every day.

Finally, when the Dongchuang incident occurred, countless videos appeared in the disciplinary inspection office. The man lost his job and his family. And the two women who had become his lovers disappeared.

The man was discouraged and chose to commit suicide. This is a local news report. No one knows that he was actually murdered maliciously by a man in black.

So at this moment, the woman's life has become a mess, she has to continue to work, but also to take care of the children who go to school.

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