Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1008 Eleven Shadows

Her child is just a fifteen-year-old girl. A group of social hooligans descended into the little girl’s world in a heroic way of saving beauty. After that, they took her out to play, made her worse, and even let her go. Aid.

When a woman knew about her child, she quit her job and looked around for her daughter who refused to go home. When she found her, her daughter refused to follow her. How many locks her daughter can always run out once she leaves the house.

In the end, the woman's mental strength became haggard, and the boss who paid the money appeared. He was so powerful that he helped the woman solve all the problems.

The woman was touched and soon fell into the arms of the boss and became his lover.

A year later, the boss got bored with this woman. After all, she was already an old woman. After the fantasy of her youth was realized, all that was left was emptiness in the end.

So he put out another 5 million and made a higher request. He wanted to see a woman and her daughter go to United States to shoot A.V.

In fact, his ability is no longer good. The first love when he was young began to bore him, so he had to use another way to let her satisfy her own desires.

This requirement is very simple for the people in black. They first look for opportunities for women to get a family travel package on Mother’s Day, and then the mother and daughter take the initiative to travel to Europe, and then the people in black capture them in Europe and steal them. Shipped to Mexico and then to United States.

A year later, many discs about the mother and daughter were delivered to the boss.

A few years later, when the boss completely lost interest in the mother and daughter, their fate was also to be killed, and then their organs were sold.

This is a kind of poison to human nature. The woman didn’t know until she died. Her life was controlled by a black hand. She was just the heroine in a tragedy. The director of this play was the black Yiren, and the boss who paid the money was full of investors and the only audience.

The people in black have done many such things for many years.

The victims have ordinary female school teachers and famous female movie stars. As long as someone is willing to pay for them, their ultimate destiny will enter a black track and cannot escape!

Playing with other people's lives has become the most profitable business for the late stage people in black, and it has also become their pleasure.

But their crimes are far more than these. Have you heard of the nanny incident before the end of the world?

In some families, the elderly are left unattended because the children are busy at work, and the children will ask the nanny to come to their homes.

The nanny will propose some special service items, for example...If the elderly die within a month, they can get a bonus of up to 10,000 yuan.

In order to escape the burden, some families choose to pay 10,000 yuan, and then the old people in Internal martial arts die within a few days.

There is no need to continue to pay for medical expenses, and there is no need to pay the nanny's salary, which obviously saves a lot of money for them.

The nanny also earned more than 10,000 yuan in a few days. If they can take up a few such jobs within a month, they can earn tens of thousands of yuan!

Hmph, the initiator of this industry chain is actually Bailang Qiu Mubai! You should be able to understand, of course the old people will not die for no reason, but those terrible nanny sent them early.

Qiu Mubai's life is like this, what he has been studying and pondering is how to rely on people to make money, and he himself has no humanity for a long time! "

Qin An felt that Own's body was trembling when he heard this, and a lust for killing slowly hovered in the depths of his soul, but he still looked calm.

"Didn't he expose it? It's impossible to find such a big deal without a trace, right?"

"Hey, this is because he has been doing these things many years ago, so he has established a better network.

There are only eleven people in his core staff, and under these people, there are many more lines.

In 2013, a special campaign to combat pornography and gangsters was carried out nationwide. Some entertainment clubs operating illegal and criminal activities were investigated. The Ministry of Public Security ordered a thorough investigation of the big bosses behind them, but they found a ragged one. On the old man.

All the networks are finally concentrated on the old man's side. All the instructions are issued by him. The remote control he does all this is only a WeChat. Someone will send a message to him by sending a WeChat message and ask him to go to the specific site. Meet some people in the place, and then issue some orders. After that, he can receive several red packets for two hundred yuan as revenge.

This is the network of the people in black. They have created many protection points for themselves over many years. Whenever some dens are cut off by the police, they cannot find the real person in charge in the end.

There are a total of eleven cronies around the White Wolf, and they are the Eleven Shadows circulating in the Men in Black Organization, and no one knows their identities.

Since they can't even find the shadow, they don't even know the white wolf behind the shadow. I mean, in fact, apart from the eleven shadows, no one knows the existence of the white wolf.

Of course, this does not include Qiu Mubai's family, and the family I refer to refers to me and Qiu Mubai's father, Qiu Guangyi. "

Qin An had nothing to say, he just took out a cigarette from the Interspatial Ring and lit it, and then deeply inhaled the smoke.

This is naturally a bit resentful story. I didn't expect Qiu Jinse's father to be such a person. Could this be the reason why she killed a family of thirteen? But why even a seven-year-old kid will be killed? Why did you kill own mother? Is there any secret in this?

After a long time, Qin An still did not speak, he was waiting, waiting for Liu Yuee in the black mist to continue speaking.

"In short, before the end of the world, I was in the same blood with them.

He gets older, looking back on his life, he thinks his own experience is legendary.

He needs an audience, and I am naturally his best choice.

Later, when the last days broke out, everyone was extremely afraid, but Qiu Mubai thought pathologically that his time had finally arrived, and this was a gift from heaven to him.

A world without constraints and rules is the best for people in black!

In fact, the so-called apocalyptic merchants in the apocalypse today are all subordinates of the shadows. The legends of the black-clothed white wolf and the eleven shadows continue in the circle, and the arrival of the apocalypse did not make them disappear.

It’s just that the eleven people today are not the first to follow the White Wolf. What he needs is the strongest talent, so in those years, he will eliminate some people, and finally set the eleven shadows. Candidate.

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