Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1036 Human Bone Watermelon

"Who is she? Even a soul sword repairer who understands the first skill, shouldn't it be possible to raise the hand and use the spirit of the sword to severely injure the eighth-level upgrader who possesses the soul of the sword, right? "

Wu Wenxin asked a question, and no one answered after a long time. In the end, Bodhidharma behind him said: "This woman is a bit scary. We didn't know much about the sword god. We only knew about the main god. Less. This woman obviously has something to do with the main god, so maybe she is not a human being on earth! Didn’t the spies say that before? A portal appeared in Xuanjian City, and creatures from another world descended on the earth, and Qin An is also exactly what Using that incident to arouse people's anger, this made Tibet finally decide to send troops to attack us. In other words, the collapse of the sword spirit star predicted by the main god has already appeared, and it will not take long for more portals to open. , And then more terrifying creatures and alien races come! Maybe this woman is one of them!"

Now that it has been said, the three major powers no longer need to conceal it. You exchanged opinions with each other. Galina and Dalia regrown their lower bodies when everyone was talking, and they were cut off. That part of the body grew into a pool of flesh that squirmed back and forth, which looked very disgusting.

During the discussion, the old lamp, who had not spoken, said: "I don't think they should be aliens. Look at their speech and behavior, they are obviously more normal than normal earth people!"

After listening to Lao Deng's words, everyone was speechless and felt that this was not right. Since aliens are wise, they should also have a way to communicate? Just like there are many different kinds of people on the earth, hundreds of people, black people, and yellow people, do you despise that there are similar methods of communication? Could aliens behave very differently?

In the end, Wu Wenxin sighed and said: "Even if you are not allowed to touch Qin An, we still have to deal with the army in western Tibet, and the plan to fight aid has been launched. This is also the method of Tianyinzong to deal with western Tibet last year. Nowadays. The chief generals of both you and me have already controlled the overall situation, so there is nothing to say, so let's fight?"

Zuo Fei nodded and said, "Yes, Jiulong Mountain is currently the most resource-rich place in the last days. In any case, we are going to win here!"

"Well, my assassination team has already begun contact with Li Ziyuan's coalition forces. I believe they will soon be able to eat each other's small units one by one!"

"Ask the crime, don't be careless, Jiulongshan will not be unprepared for this kind of assassination. I think some of them must have strong abilities walking around."

"Brother Zuo Fei, please rest assured! We don't have many Moling sects, that is, there are many people with supernatural powers! Because we are all made by ourselves, just like you are going to make killers!"

"Well, the dark ones of your teaching are very strong, and there are many in number. There should be no suspense in this battle. You and I can sit back and relax Wu You, haha!"

The two leaders began to talk politely, but they were still thinking about the mother and daughter in their hearts.

York from the disciple club has never spoken. He was originally just a spectator. The headquarter of the disciple club is far away in Europe, so naturally he would not send people here to participate in such a small battle.

The beautiful-looking woman Nishikujo Sara has been very plain from beginning to end. She seems to have no interest in such a meeting, and only when the pair of mother and daughter appeared, she showed a hint of surprise.

The profound spirit of the last-day soul boy has been looking at the red wine glass on the table, unmoved by foreign objects.

Lao Deng and Bodhidharma also recovered their former indifference, and began to close their eyes and rest their minds. No one knew what they were thinking about.

A meeting where demons gathered was a little embarrassing because of the appearance of Qin Jiusi's mother and daughter. Lao Deng and Zuo Fei were thinking about a question, should they send some people to monitor the mother and daughter? Could it be that they were allowed to wander around in Bitter Winter City and then left?

But without mentioning Qin Jiusi, it's just that her mother has already made everyone feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

She has such a strong strength, even if she organizes a supernatural player to deal with her and win, she should lose a lot, right?

Maybe...can get some drugs?

Speaking of what substance in the drug can invalidate the abilities of the creatures from the Sword Spirit Star, in fact, all major forces are studying, and finally they think it should be several aromatic hydrocarbon compounds containing C.

Scientists are still not sure that the life forms from the Sword Spirit Star are so powerful that they will be restricted by some medicated ingredients on the earth? This is really unreasonable! Since it is unreasonable, there must be some reason, so the difficulty of the current research is what is the reason?

The meeting of several demon heads is still going on, Qin Jiusi mother and daughter have left the building grandiosely and are walking around.

This place was originally a lively and prosperous area, and there was a pre-apocalyptic taste on the streets.

But this is the 25th year of the end times after all, so many things are different from before the end times.

"Mum, look! Is the thing over there a watermelon? I seem to have seen it in a book!"

Qin Jiusi was like a hillbilly who had never seen the world before, seeing everything fresh.

"Well, it's a watermelon."

"What a big watermelon, Mom, can I buy one to eat?"

"Of course I can. I'm thirsty anyway. Go buy one."

"Yeah, mother is really nice, but are you rich?"

"Yes, didn't you kill the person from the Heavenly Seal Sect when you came? I stole his money."

"That's robbing, right?"

"It doesn't matter, mom has money anyway. By the way, my good girl, I have to tell you something."

"what's up?"

"The watermelons in Bitter Winter are still very famous in this generation of North Asia. They have a special name called Human Bone Watermelon."

"...So special, why is it called such a name?"

"Didn’t my mother tell you that the Destiny Church has a belief in mutual food. Many people eventually died because they hurt themselves and were seriously injured. After they die, their flesh and internal organs will be sold out, and the bones are generally No one wanted it, so I put it in the watermelon field. Human bones themselves contain various minerals, so they are like fertilizer. The more human bones in a watermelon field, the better the watermelon will grow! Oops, if you look at this big watermelon, it grows very well. I don't know how much nourishment of human bones has been absorbed during its growth?"


After Qin Jiusi was stunned for a long time, he turned and left, and a small mouth emerged.

"What's wrong? Stop eating?"

"Mom, you are too bad, you know to bully me!"

"Haha, little girl, since we don’t eat watermelons, let’s eat something else. Bitter Winter City, like Tianyin City, has human flesh breeding bases.

"So I don't like that bullshit Tianyin City. Since Bitter Winter City is like this, I don't think it's interesting to play anymore! Mom, isn't there a normal human city in the last days?"

"Normal? There should be, for example, the Sunlight City in West Tibet and the Nine Dragon City in Qin'an. It should be considered the most normal."

"Qin An? He is also surnamed Qin? Recently, I occasionally hear you mention this person's name. It seems that those guys in the conference room just have to fight with this Qin An. By the way, mother, how old is this Qin An? Are you familiar with him? Why didn’t you let them hurt Qin An just now? This is really a message that Tianyin City asked you to help bring? He wouldn’t be my long-lost father? Hey, mom, how did you go so fast? Wait a minute, I'm so good! You haven't answered my question yet!"

A pair of girls who look like sisters, just walk in the street one after another, ignoring the incense of the world around them, everything

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