Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1037 My Dad is the Director

Qin An's team got out of the car at this time and stood in a row.

The three guys who played cards in the center of the road were still playing, but the other two boys who walked out of the grass stood opposite Qin An and the others.

The five people who suddenly appeared were not enemies. They were dressed in ordinary civilian clothes and were an independently active hero team. Their main task was to patrol the front lines, collect intelligence, and protect the safety of ordinary scout teams by the way.

Of course, this kind of protection is very random, because it is impossible for them to arrive in time when every ordinary investigation team is in distress.

Among the three playing poker, the woman was named Qu Xiaoman, and the two men were divided into Xu Jun and Dong Tianyi.

Then Xu Jun is the captain of this upgraded team. He is almost thirty-five years old this year, which means he was born before the end of the world.

The other four people in the team are relatively young, Dongtian is twenty-three years old, and Qu Xiaoman is only eighteen years old. The other two guys who stood opposite the Qin An five were in their early twenties this year, one was Zhang Hailiang and the other was Chen Xiong.

At this time, Chen Xiongzheng looked at the five Qin An with contempt. After pacing back and forth for a while, he said, "You are scouts! You are driving on the road in a grandiose way? Are you looking for death? I don't know if this is already there. Is it an enemy-occupied area? The dark ones from the end-spirit sect will appear at any time. You really want to be the target of being attacked? Useless things, I really don't know how much you have to worry about bringing you to war!"

Qiao Feng's face flushed slightly, no way. All the upgraded players have the title of team captain. As the so-called official first-level crushes people, the team captain is two levels older than his small captain.

"Report! We are the reconnaissance team of the Yahoo team. Several waves of scouts in our team are all driven out in order to quickly reach the designated location and find out the situation in the area! Prepare for the arrival of the follow-up team!"

"Talk back? Your grandma's!"

What Qin An didn't expect was that Chen Xiong raised his hand and gave Qiao Feng a slap in the face.

Of course he didn't exert any force at this time, but as an upgrader, his strength was much stronger than that of ordinary people. Qiao Feng's body leaned to the side after being beaten, and he almost fell. When he stood up again, his face was already swollen.

Xu Jun, the captain of the hero team who played poker, raised his head and looked at the situation coldly, then coughed slightly.

Qu Xiaoli and Dong Tianyi didn't want to look here at all, but frowned at the cards in their hands.

Zhang Hailiang behind Chen Xiong laughed out loud and said:

"You kid, you want to have the addiction of being an official! Haha, yes, don't go too far. The system stipulates that we do not have the authority to control the actions of ordinary soldiers. If you do this, they can complain to you. ."

"Complaint? Haha, my dad is the director of the Hero Academy. The relationship is hard. They are a bird!" Chen Xiong, who was still serious before, actually laughed when he talked to Zhang Hailiang. It turns out that he was so serious just now. It's pretended!

Qin An's face became a little unsightly.

He felt that these five upgraded people were so indifferent. When they faced ordinary soldiers like themselves, they were treated as if they were aliens.

Is this the relationship between ordinary soldiers and upgraded people in the army?

Whether it is West Tibet or Jiulong Mountain, the upgraded people have been cared for over the years, giving them many privileges, glory and benefits. This makes the upgraded people become high-rank people in the human city, so the so-called nobles are actually upgraded families who have accumulated military merits!

Their title is almost ironier than the ancient ****, because they have the upgraded gene in their body, which means that their offspring will all be upgraded in the future. This is a fact that no one can change.

Therefore, do these kids who grew up in upgraded families have a good sense of superiority?

Qin An didn't like the kind of Tsundere air on them, because he himself was a low-key person, and naturally looked down on those high-key arrogance.

How can we teach them? Qin An thought in his heart, and inadvertently, he glanced at the Ten Thousand Thoughts ring on his finger.

Now the parasitic lifeforms in his body have disappeared, leaving Rongrong with him from time to time as his "running dog". "What's the matter? Are you angry, your eyes are so round?" Chen Xiong noticed Qiao Feng's expression changed, and he smiled and stood opposite him and looked at him.

"Master upgraded, I will report you beating me for no reason, as another adult said, this was originally an unruly thing. Can we go now? We still have our own task!"

"Go? It's not impossible, in fact, Xiaoye is in a good mood today. But the four of you can go, this female soldier must stay!" Chen Xiong's words turned sharply, and then turned his head to look at the only woman in the team. Warrior, dumb girl Qiu Jinse.

Qiu Jinse has been looking forward without squinting, his face is as calm as usual.

She has been in the army and knows the atmosphere in the army well.

Although it is not common for the upgraders to bully the ordinary soldiers, there are many, and the reason why it is not common is that they are not seen when the upgraders bully the ordinary soldiers.

The difference between soldiers in the last days and those before the last days is that they are wild.

Before the end of the world, people served as soldiers mostly for a certain future, but in the last days, people served as soldiers to protect the last position of mankind. The nature is different, and the human nature is also different.

Qiu Jinse knows that his best choice now is to have no response. A female soldier should not be cowardly and timid when being molested, even if the opponent is a powerful Upgrader.

And the upgrader is really not terrible to Qiu Jinse. She started fighting with the upgrader many years ago. At that time, she really made a lot of efforts to defeat them. A woman who has only learned ordinary kung fu for a few years wants to contend with a powerful upgrader. It is by no means that simple. It requires sufficient preparation, experience, courage and determination to fear death.

Qiao Feng was really angry at this time. He was also a man, and he was also bloody, but he knew that he could not resist. In front of a five-person upgraded team, his team had no chance.

Qin An's heart became more cold, no wonder these upgraded people were unreasonably entangled after stopping the five of them. It turns out...their goal is Qiu Jinse!

Yes, Chen Xiong's making things difficult, and the cold eyes of the others in the Upgrader team, are all because there is a female soldier like Qiu Jinse in the own team who looks at the sweet smell!

After Chen Xiong had finished speaking, he had left Qiao Feng and walked in front of Qiu Jinse.

"Hey, it's really rare to have such a beautiful flower in the female soldier!"

While talking, he actually stretched out his hand to touch Qiu Jinse's face.

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