Qiu Jinse's hand has quietly penetrated his own small satchel, holding a golden nail.

And Qin An is also ready to do it, he intends to let Rongrong show up, and then beat the kid all over.

He is only the fifth-level upgrader of the second generation, and I believe that with Rongrong's means, he will be inferior to him!

But at this moment, Qin An frowned slightly. He turned his head to the side of the grass and found a little girl standing more than a dozen meters away, who was estimated to be only about 1.3 meters tall. She looked a little ordinary. , Is the kind of public face that is neither beautiful nor ugly.

"Someone over there!"

Qin An anxiously exclaimed in Shengzhi, and Chen Xiong, who was about to touch Qiu Jinse's face, trembled.

"Damn, what's the name of the ghost? Scared Daddy, where is anyone?"

Chen Xiong, Qu Xiaoman, Dong Tianyi, Zhang Hailiang, and their captain Xu Jun looked in the direction of Qin An's fingers at the same time, and they saw the girl standing quietly in the grass, like a statue, and was shocked afterwards!

What surprised them was not that a little girl stood silently in the grass, but that she was holding a five or six-year-old child in her arms at this time!

Xu Jun jumped up from the ground fiercely, and quickly drew a long knife made of stainless steel from his waist.

This kind of sword is called a Tibetan sword. Its shape is similar to that of a Japanese sword, but the blade is much larger, without the slenderness and softness. On the contrary, it is a bit rough and wild.

At present, this kind of Tibetan sword weighing 27 kilograms is the standard equipment used by the upgraded fighters in Western Tibet.

After holding the knife in his hand, Xu Jun quickly said: "Stop making trouble, be alert! Confirm her identity!"

The reason why Xu Jun is so nervous is because he knows the legend about the evil daughter of the Moling Sect.

The end-spirit sect will use humans, awakeners, killers, and even zombies as tools to create supernatural beings called dark ones.

Often a woman of sin will give birth to many dark people, so the woman of evil is also called Holy Maiden in the end-spirit sect, and the dark ones born by her are the last-day soul boys.

Every species has its own life habit. Just take human beings as an example. People will walk outside wearing clothes because they have a sense of shame.

So, although they are still mostly human beings, the products of the post-apocalyptic girl of Sin, their behavior is completely different from that of human beings. Judging from the information previously learned, the average guilty girl likes to hold the strongest one of all her children in her arms, and then take the other children to walk around looking for food. It is called the choice of the population, because if different evil women meet, they will fight desperately for the land. The survival of the fittest and only the strong can continue to survive.

Then the seemingly ordinary girl in front of her is holding a child in her arms. This place is already considered to be the edge of the Morinian sect's territory. Could this girl holding the child be the daughter of sin?

As the captain of the hero squad, Xu Jun, no matter what his personality, should be vigilant, so his people were kept on guard. They can bully ordinary soldiers like Qin An, but they understand that their enemies are still members of the Mo Ling sect from beginning to end. Xu Jun and others are originally from Western Tibet, and the political and ideological education in Western Tibet is still very thorough.

Actually, there is no need for Xu Jun and the others to guess or confirm, Qin An already knows that this girl should be the daughter of sin, because there are more than one hundred children who seem to be only teenagers at a distance of six hundred meters from four to five. Having surrounded the river, they stood motionless in their respective positions, just like the girl, as if they were all statues.

Qin An's previous attention was on Chen Xiong, so he did not turn on super hearing.

But even if he didn't use this ability, Qin An's hearing was stronger than that of ordinary people, so he was able to spot the dark ones he had approached, as well as their leader or mother, the ordinary-looking little girl.

Xu Jun’s Upgraded Team has been walking in the last days for more than a year, and it can be considered a tacit understanding.

Xu Jun's order was definitely not a joke. The other four people all gathered beside Xu Jun and took out the weapons in their hands.

Afterwards, an upgrader named Dong Tianyi quickly stepped forward to check. The parasitic beast in his body was originally a cat, so the speed and flexibility are very good. It is up to him to investigate the danger. If something happens, then he can evacuate as quickly as possible.

Qu Xiaoman is the sniper in the team. The original form of the parasitic beast is an eagle. Not only can she transform into a beast and fly into the sky, she also has eyes as sharp as an eagle. The weapon equipped is a multi-function sniper rifle. The so-called multi-function is actually just different ammunition. The special long-barreled gun she holds in her hand at this time can not only shoot a huge lethal shot that is as powerful as a small cannonball, but also It can shoot a golden bullet that can quickly lose the ability of the upgraded person. Of course, this bullet also contains a TC virus inhibitor. The bodies of the awakened, upgraded, and dark ones all contain the TC virus, and the source of the power of these three people is basically the TC virus, so as long as you use this gun to hit them, you can quickly get It loses the ability to become an ordinary person. Of course, for different levels of ability players, the time and effect it can take effect are also different.

Zhang Hailiang is a blaster. His parasitic beast is in its original form as a tortoise. After being beastized, it can form a hard body armor. He is specially responsible for dealing with those enemies with fast Movement Techniques. As long as he hugs the opponent and detonates the bomb, he can usually detonate the opponent. The bomb was maimed, but he himself was safe and sound. At that time, he could kill the enemy by destroying the opponent's vital brain replenishment organs.

The upgraded beasts in the bodies of Chen Xiong and Xu Jun, who were very arrogant before, are both in the original form of a wolf, so their attack and defense capabilities are relatively balanced, and the responsibility is naturally head-on combat.

With the cooperation of their true content, they have killed many dangerous upgraded beasts, and they have killed several king-level slayers.

At this time, Dong Tianyi had quickly approached the girl.

A weird smile appeared on the face of the girl who had originally stood like a statue, and then turned and ran into the grass. The speed was much faster than Dong Tianyi!

"Don't chase it back!"

When Xu Jun saw this situation, he immediately issued an order. He is now even more sure that this little girl should be the daughter of sin. There should be many dark people hidden nearby. If Dong Tianyi rushed forward, he would definitely be caught in the grass Sneak attack.

As soon as Dong Tian heard Xu Jun’s shout, he immediately stopped, but at this moment, from the grass where the little girl disappeared, he suddenly rushed out a strong man with a strong body and a skin like black iron. His eyes were blood-red, and the expression on his face was grim and terrifying, as if it were a beast that wanted to eat people without a soul.

"It's the dark one!"

Xu Jun shouted.

He knew what the Dark One was all about, so he could see the identity of Dark Iron Khan at a glance.

Many of the fathers of these dark men are killers, and killers are undoubtedly one of the most terrifying apocalyptic creatures so far, because of their evolutionary uncertainty.

So the dark ones basically inherit the genetic uncertainty of the killer. Every dark one looks like an ordinary human being at ordinary times, and the ability is very similar to that of ordinary upgraded ones, and then when they activate their own inheritance After the bloodline, it will become an irreversible brand new creature. These creatures will have different abilities and different strengths.

After this change, the dark ones will die by themselves within a few hours, but within these few hours, they can do a lot of things and kill a lot of people.

Just as Xu Jun’s shouts fell off, Dong Tianyi just stepped back, hearing only two "bang" and "bang" gunshots.

Two bullets hit the eyes of Hei Tie Khan at the same time, killing him with a headshot!

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