Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1047 The Origin of Shanhaiguan Fortress

"You said this was Qin An's suggestion?" Dong Junwei paced back and forth with the phone in the commanding account.

"Yes, there were a lot of people outside just now, and Qin An used the power of the sword god to communicate with me in his heart.

He felt that we were not in a hurry, so he let the zombie soldier line surround us, and then clean up the earth dragons!

In this way, all of our underground tunnels are all tunnels. These tunnels can extend northward at least for tens of kilometers or even farther, maybe more than a thousand kilometers!

After all, we haven't found large-scale zombies in many places before, indicating that when we set out, the enemy began to use earth dragons to transport zombies into the underground line.

Just like this kind of tunnel is a huge project, we can't find so many upgraded beasts that can dig tunnels together in Jiulong Mountain in West Tibet, and these tunnels are five meters in diameter and are four meters deep underground! In other words, the space in the cave is very large! Qin An intends to use these caves in the future to let Wang Yunzhi, the host of the Sword God of Earth Seal, slowly alchemy the walls of the tunnel, and then let the host of the Sword God of Divine Machine Ling'er make some institutions inside and send some robots to garrison.

At the same time, some small cities can also be established in some hubs as places for our military to station. Then when the enemy comes, you can hit it, but if you can't hit it, you can directly enter the tunnel.

Then in the future, starting from Shanhaiguan and going northwest to Inner Mongolia, an underground line of defense will be formed diagonally across the chicken head on the China map. In other words, the territory of northern China will belong to us, because we have a strong military base here!

Even if some parts of the defense line are dug up by the enemy in the future, it does not matter, because our soldiers are intelligent people who can move in the criss-cross tunnels at any time, while the enemy soldiers are zombies. If the tunnel is controlled by us, then Zombies can't come in at all, if they come in, then we only need to use some traps to close the door and hit the dog!

The other side’s intelligent life forms don’t need to be afraid of them, because in the future this underground installation will still be mainly robots. Since Linger can create Maya’s super artificial intelligence, it can naturally also create other artificial intelligence systems. By installing such an artificial system in the tunnel, equipped with reasonable weapons, we can turn this area into a forbidden area for zombies! Become a forward position to deal with Mandate of Heaven, Mo Ling, and many Russian forces in the future.

There are so many zombies, it is unrealistic to kill them in a year or two, so if we want to defeat them, we must reduce the space where they can move. If we occupy a large area of ​​territory, the space for zombies will naturally be reduced! As long as they dare to step into the Realm of the underground fortress, we will immediately destroy it. Now because of the presence of Linger, we have such a military power! "

After thinking for a while, Dong Junwei smiled and said: "Qin An, this kid, I think he is more and more pleasing to the eye! And his female relationship is really good, when Ling'er was in Western Tibet, he did not hide his identity. There are only so many weapons made in West Tibet. Look at her after she arrived in the Xuanjian City... that is simply selling her life for Qin An! Various inventions and creations are endless, and I don’t know what Qin An used to her. Curse!"

On the other side of the phone, Gong Xue felt upset!

Which pot is really not open and which pot! Isn't it important to yourself? Now she is communicating with the old man Dong Junwei!

Thinking of this, Gong Xue was stunned for a moment. Isn't she now like Ling'er, working hard for Qin An?

Hey, I can only say that Qin An actually has some charm.

Because he is always so amiable on weekdays, he can be a friend to chat, but when he wants to do something, people around him can feel his strength, wisdom and bravery.

Such a man is actually very flavorful. When he is lying there, he is always Beijing, but when he stands up, you can't say that he will become Alaska, or Tibetan Mastiff, or other big bulldogs!

Therefore, it doesn't seem to be lonely to be with Qin An, he can always come up with inspiration from time to time, and then shock everyone!

Comparing Qin An to a dog made Gong Xue's mood a little better.

Since this sex ruffian can hook up with other women, why can't he do it to himself? She has already gotten into his bed, and she has also given him the skills of the Wandering Soul Sword God, and the contribution is naturally relatively large! So Qin An treated her better, but she didn't feel it, why? Pulling "cock" ruthlessly?

Gong Xue decided to take the initiative. She finally figured out that since she has been left for so many years and has become an older single young woman, why not seek her own wish? Regardless of regret or grievance, she failed to find a man for so many years, isn't it because she was wronged in the first place?

Who did she provoke? You Qin Da pervert ran to her boudoir after drinking and slapped her! Why can he marry four wives happily after more than 20 years, and there is a large group of Yingying and Yanyan beside him, yet he will continue to sleep alone after more than 20 years of being a widow?

Hmph, Gong Xue decided to add some blockage to Qin An, if he couldn't enjoy himself, then the fuck would be burned! I'm sorry, you, Qin An, don't want to be happy! Is there any reason to want to run a mud horse after playing?

Dong Junwei naturally didn't know that a word of him had stimulated the gentle little sheep into an angry wolf.

After putting down the phone, he thought about it again, and then sent someone back to Jian Zhifeng immediately and contacted Li Ziyuan.

Qin An said very clearly that there are a total of two hundred zombie troop transport tunnels, which are spreading in all directions to form a big circle to surround him and Li Ziyuan's troops.

Then in each tunnel, there are two earth dragons, one of them is responsible for opening up the main road, the other is responsible for opening up the main road, the main roads are connected together, so that when the zombies completely surround the two coalition forces, The center of the Great Circle will form a network of underground connections extending in all directions.

Earth dragons use oral corrosion solutions to swallow the soil, turning them into iron stones in the body, which can be spit out as weapons, and can also be digested into iron dregs and then excreted out of the body. Therefore, on the path these earth dragons walked, the iron slag excrement was used to directly pave the ground of the tunnel, becoming a flat iron slag road with a span of three meters, allowing the zombies to walk on a flat river above, and then pressing the earth road more solidly.

In the end, the dragon gate should stay at 400 points. When they climb out of the ground, there will be 400 exits, and these exits must not be in the same position.

If you rely on Qin An alone, you can't quickly kill all the earth dragons at the same time!

Since the earth dragons are controlled by people, once they die, the opponent's controller can perceive them through soul power, so more masters must be mobilized to solve the crisis from all earth dragons together with Qin An!

An invisible battle has begun quietly. Except for a few people in the coalition army, none of them has any consciousness...

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