Fortunately, Qin An was that Wu Ma Siqi had not set off yet, so she was far enough away from the closed spell card and was not affected, and the spatial skills could still be used.

At this moment, Qin An can't hesitate anymore. He lets Hong Luan, Lan Yue, Wang Yunzhi, Wuma Tienan, Wuma Danxin, and Qin Xiaoyan travel together.

The purpose of letting Qin Xiaoyan leave Tianju is to draw a detailed tunnel map. Her Spiritual Sense skills are better than herself, so she can naturally come in handy.

Wang Yunzhi is responsible for using alchemy in key parts to make some barriers, such as all alchemy of some tunnel walls. This kind of work will be something she will do in the future. It may take a long, long time to complete the entire huge underground passage. The network is all alchemy, but this is definitely something worth doing. The robot engineering team of the late stage Linger will also be transferred to help build the walls in the passage.

Lanyue can be teleported into the underground. Although the underground is full of zombies, there are also blank places at some forks. Lanyue is responsible for assisting Wang Yunzhi to make some barriers.

So Hong Luan, Wu Ma Tie Nan, Wu Ma Danxin of course are going to be bodyguards.

Although they are the hosts of the Sword God Body, the combat effectiveness of the three of them is obviously stronger than the other three.

As the so-called caring is chaotic, in fact, these women are very strong, and they are working within their own army. There should be no mistakes, but Qin An is still very cautious and does not want his own wife to lose.

Tianju Zhongwu Ma Siqi doesn’t need to go anymore, she is responsible for moving Tianju around, and also takes care of Liu Ru, who has become a big belly again. Speaking of which, Qin An has made no little effort on Liu Ru during this period of time. , There is a high-sounding reason, all for the children!

Liu Xia didn't need to go either. In Qin An's words, her flame ability was better to use for cooking. Liu Xia was naturally angry, but when she remembered when she was in the Twin Towers, it seemed that Qin An also commented on her fire ability, and she suddenly felt sweet again. In the end she accepted her fate, anyway, Li Na needed someone to accompany her, and Xiao Wenxin also needed someone to take care of her.

Vajra, Liu Yuanchao, Wu Yan, Liu Wenli, and Wu Zhen couldn't stay there anymore. When I heard that there were all zombies in the ground at this time, who could drink comfortably every day? So they temporarily left Tianju and started patrols around the army. Even if they couldn't deal with the zombies, they could always clean up the evil girls who came to invade.

Qin An's original ideas all fell through. He thought about protecting all his own brothers, sisters, wives and children, but they didn't appreciate it at all.

This is actually normal. Everyone is an independent individual. Who wants to eat together and wait for death?

The original lively Tianju suddenly became deserted, and only Wuma Siqi, Liu Ru, Li Na, Liu Xia, Qin Wenxin, and Ci'an, Jingyi were the masters and servants.

Naturally, Qin An was also very busy. After returning to Tianju and arranging everything, he left at noon that day and ran around looking for the whereabouts of the earth dragons. Some earth dragons have stopped digging because they have reached the predetermined location. , Just wait for the other earth dragons to reach the opposite and side of the two legions, then the encircling circle can be formed.

Qin An knew that it was not the time to take action, but he also knew that they had to be clear about their situation.

Until 8 o'clock in the evening, Qin An ran all the areas to the north of the two major coalition forces, marking a total of 30 earth dragons' docking positions, and then personally contacted Dong Junwei to ask him to come and deploy, stationed the team camp nearby, and dispatched masters. Once they do, they will quickly open a small tunnel into four meters underground, kill the earth dragon and then close the small tunnel.

It seems that the situation here is almost like this. Although Qin An has been running for a long time, his sword power is seriously damaged, but his body is not exhausted. After all, his exhausted state is actually far worse than that of ordinary ability players. Much stronger.

Walking in the weeds under the night breeze, a small forest appeared in front. As long as you walk through this forest, you can see the Yahoo team camp. Tianju is now also set up near the camp.

Qin An quickly dived into the woods, and was about to walk through, but suddenly heard some noises, and then slightly stunned.

"Qiu Jinse and the others haven't even returned to the camp?" Qin An couldn't help asking himself softly.

Rongrong's voice sounded behind Qin An: "You can count as coming back, and I will take care of Xu Jun and others if you don't come back again! These guys can really bully people!"

"You were still here, didn't you inject them with TC virus inhibitors?"

"Of course I was injected, but the five guys were still coaxing. They encountered the dumb girl again when they were walking, and then Chen Xiong used the regulations to ask to go with them and be protected. They were really bad when they came along this way. The four of the girls were so humiliated, but now they clearly arrived near the camp but didn't leave. They said they would spend the night here!"

"Regulations? What regulations?"

"In view of the fact that some upgraded players may be attacked by TC virus-suppressing drugs during the battle, once the upgraded player loses his abilities, the nearby team must take protecting the upgraded player's safety as the first priority! The upgraded player is proficient at Power combat, and ordinary soldiers are proficient in combat methods without abilities, so if the upgraded person loses the power, the combat ability is actually not as strong as the ordinary soldier."

Is there such a requirement? Qin An really didn't know.

"You mean that Qiao Feng's four have been requisitioned by Xu Jun and others? Must follow their orders?"

"Yes, this is one of the various complicated regulations in the army. Although upgraded people have the rank when they have the ability, they do not have the authority to control ordinary soldiers. The main purpose is to prevent upgraded people from overly arrogant abuse of power. Once the upgraded person loses his power temporarily, he can temporarily obtain permission to request protection from ordinary soldiers. This is what Xiaoyan told me during a chat some time ago."

Qin An frowned and nodded, and jumped onto a big tree. Rong'er turned into a meteor and finally fell into Qin An's hands and turned into a ring of thoughts. Now that Qin An has appeared, her surveillance mission naturally ends.

Qin An originally planned to go back to Tianjuzhang to sleep to relieve his exhausted body. Now that he meets Qiao Feng and the others, let’s take a rest here. He wants to see what those five upgraded people are. What to do!

At this time, Qiao Feng, Gu Ge, and Meng Kaixuan had just set up four tents.

Qiao Feng was very depressed. He knew that he could take people back to the camp quickly, but these five upgraders were obviously villains. If they really offend them, they will inevitably be targeted by them in the future, that is by no means a trivial matter.

Although Gu Ge is old and refined, but in the face of absolute strength, he did not pay any attention.

On the contrary, Meng Kaixuan...Qin An was slightly taken aback when his eyes fell on him.

This kid doesn't seem to have much fear or boredom, because his eyes have been secretly looking at the woman named Qu Xiaoman, and all the emotions projected in his eyes can only be summed up in two words, that is desire!

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