Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1054: The Birth Of The Bodyguard

"Is this luck? I hit his Little Brother at once...Although he won't die, it must be very painful. And even if he is an upgraded person, he is also a man. How could it not be possible that Little Brother was blown up? I cared, so I accidentally put down the shield in my hand! But what happened to the bullet? The dumb girl seemed to just turn around and shot it casually. Zhang Hailiang died as if he had hit the bullet! Isn't this shot? Luck?"

Rongrong finally tried her best to ask the question in her heart.


Qin An didn't answer, he naturally knew that this was not luck, it was entirely because Qiu Jinse was almost a perverted predictive ability!

This kind of prejudgment is not just a matter of imagination, every parameter must be tested and recorded.

Can the fixed blocking gun play the role of unexpectedly disturbing the enemy? Will the enemy put down the shield because of being shot or being frightened! After putting it down, whether his action was to lie down or to the side. In short, the bullet Qiu Jinse shot to kill the upgraded was not aimed at and shot out at all. As Rong Rong said, it was sent to the side after the prediction. The upgrader hit it!

How to avoid such bullets?

Qin An felt that even he might not be able to avoid it. A bullet that opened his eyes right in front of him, was afraid that he was shot before he could activate the teleportation ability?

The battlefield did not give Qin An and Rongrong much time to think and be surprised.

Because Qiu Jinse has been moving, she will run quickly, hide in a hidden place and sneak, and then run quickly again, repeating the process of going back and forth.

Having killed Qu Xiaoman and Zhang Hailiang, Zhang Hailiang's parasitic beast tortoise also ran away, and it was just a beast without its owner.

Then Chen Xiong was left alone among the enemies exposed in the forest, but Qiu Jinse's heart was getting colder and colder, and his face was extremely pale.

Why? Why did she make such a big movement and everyone didn't come out? Only Chen Xiong with his upgraded wolf beast looking for own trace?

Oh my god, could it be said that Xu Jun and Chen Xiong's group of five people, as well as their own team's Qiao Feng, Google, and Meng Kaixuan, are really killers?

If not, why is everything so quiet in the woods except Chen Xiong and the upgraded wolf beast?

Qiu Jinse felt that her heartbeat was so fast that she couldn't breathe, so she wanted to jump out of her body! She has been walking with wolves all this time, so that question reappears in her heart, shouldn't Qin Xiaoan be a good person? Own is surrounded by scourges, if only he is innocent, wouldn’t it be too unreasonable?

Qin An didn't know that Qiu Jinse had automatically classified him as a bad guy, but he also realized the problem Qiu Jinse had in mind at this time. The few people who didn't appear in the woods were all indifferent to the battle that took place in the woods.

Xu Jun and Dong Tianyi were sitting in the tent drinking tea and chatting. Meng Kaixuan was still dozing off under a big tree on the edge of the forest, but Qiao Feng and Google came together, and Google gave Qiao Feng a cigarette. After that, the two of them stayed silent, but occasionally smiled politely to each other. This f*ck is really a weird scene!

When Qin An saw this, he basically wanted to understand everything.

It seems that Qiao Feng, Google, and Meng Kaixuan indeed have problems!

Although they are not supernatural beings, they must also be dark night people, but looking at the interaction between the three, they should not have known each other before.

That is to say, when Qiu Jinse was released from prison, several people in the Eleven Shadows of the Black Organization should arrange for their own subordinates to be with Qiu Jinse. The initial intention was only to monitor Qiu Jinse, so they arranged They are also ordinary people without abilities. The purpose is naturally to see if Qiu Jinse will be troublesome and continue to confront the man in black.

Then Qiao Feng was arranged by the shadow named Hidden Killer, and Xu Jun and his party were also hidden killer's subordinates.

What the kid named Chen Xiong said was very clear. He hadn't paid attention to Qiu Jinse for five years, and he didn't understand why he suddenly issued an order for them to assassinate this woman.

So he didn't know, but Qin An thought very clearly.

This may be because of Tian Yue'e's resurrection!

Back then, after Tian Yue'e died, the shadow was still there, but without the owner, so they went their own way.

But now that Tian Yue'e was resurrected, she didn't succeed in killing Qiu Jinse by herself, so she went to find the shadow named Yin Sha.

Only then did Hidden Kill restart its assassination plan on Tian Yue'e. The action was really fast. People came so soon, which showed that Hidden Kill should have a very high status.

So in that case, why would he obey the orders of a ghost like Tian Yue'e?

Qin An understood it after a little thought. Just because Tian Yue'e is a ghost, a person who resurrected after death, then she also represents a mysterious and unpredictable power.

As a living person, Hidden Killer naturally wants to study the matter of the dead, maybe... he is already very old? Also about to die? So I hope I can be resurrected after death?

So the so-called skin-gelling herbal medicine should be a secret sign for a secret killing a door, or even a street sign for the men in black organization.

That is to say, Qiao Feng did not know Xu Jun and others, but Xu Jun and the others knew through some intelligence in advance that Qiao Feng was with Qiu Jinse, maybe they still have a photo of Qiao Feng in their hands?

Thinking of this, Qin An quickly opened his perspective eyes to check.

Sure enough...In the pocket of the dead Qu Xiaoman's jacket, there was indeed a photo of Qiao Feng.

Then everything became clearer. After they recognized Qiao Feng, Chen Xiong stepped forward to communicate with him using the gel grass. Qiao Feng immediately knew that Chen Xiong was his identity, so he was shocked instead of feeling that humiliation.

Afterwards, Qiao Feng might have gestured to Chen Xiong with his eyes, letting Chen Xiong know that the only female soldier in the team was Qiu Jinse.

Then Chen Xiong planned to attack Qiu Jinse after getting the confirmation, but because of the fact that he had pointed out the Dark Lady and a series of events afterwards, he was never able to make a move! After all, dumb girls are not so easy to deal with, rash shots are likely to fail and they will startle.

Yes, if this is the case, all the logic will flow smoothly!

So who are Google and Meng Kaixuan?

Now it seems that Meng Kaixuan should have followed up when Qiu Jinse was in prison, but Google was sent over this time!

Eleven Shadows is the backbone of the black organization, and its identity is top secret.

And Qiu Jinse was the one who killed the Eleven Shadow Boss. After Tian Yuee's death, the other shadows chose to continue to hide their identities. They were very smart and did not trouble Qiu Jinse. After all, she was in prison and five years ago. The case can be regarded as understanding, if they continue to send people to kill Qiu Jinse, they will definitely cause trouble.

So this time Qiu Jinse was released from prison, they shouldn't care too much, just randomly arranged a few little people with no abilities to monitor Qiu Jinse.

Unexpectedly, Tian Yue'e's resurrection changed Shadow's initial thoughts. At least the people on this side have already taken action! In other words, in the days to come, the assassination of dumb girls directed by Tian Yue'e will likely continue until the goal is reached and Qiu Jinse will be killed!

It can only be said that she is a very vengeful person, and the bitter days of the dumb girl are coming soon!

It's a pity that Qin An has a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Eleven Shadows, can you cross my wall and reach this dumb girl who doesn't want to talk?"

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