Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1055 Rong Rong's Fighting Power

"Why? Be a bodyguard? Be careful, I'll go back and inform!"

The smile on Qin An's face immediately froze.

"Rongrong, how old are you, don't make trouble! It's OK, you can see it, basically, I also figured out the whole story, don't let the dumb girl get tired everywhere!"

"But what about her agency? The agency hasn't moved yet! Isn't the arrangement she worked so hard just now a waste of it?"

"I didn't find it in the beginning, but now I feel that the dumb girl doesn't want to use these organs to do something, it should be just some furnishings!"

"what why?"

"Rongrong, I always thought you were a very smart person, why are you stupid now? If you have any questions, go and ask the dumb girl yourself, don't forget, you will be her best friend from now on!"

Rongrong is a little dissatisfied with Qin An’s attitude, but she was originally a modest and lazy person. She has long been cultivation to Realm who has no desires and no thoughts. For so many years, she has been centering on Qin An and regarded it as the joy of her life. So doing things in accordance with Qin An's supervisory thinking is also Rongrong's style.

Therefore, Rong Rong's curiosity about dumb girls today is considered an abnormal behavior.

In any case, since Qin An had ordered, Rong Rong would follow suit.

She waved her hand gently, her dark blue dress turned white with sequins, and even the high heels on her feet turned white, which made her look like a ghost in the night.

Qin An's face turned dark, and he was noncommittal about Rongrong's dress. Although he felt weird in his heart, he did not express any opinions.

Rong Rong smiled slightly, then her body turned into a cloud of smoke and quickly shuttled through the woods, and she was next to Qiu Jinse in an instant.

"Hi, how are you, little beauty!"

Qiu Jinse, who was avoiding nervously, suddenly heard someone talking behind him, and turned his head back in shock, but there was no one at all!

Just when she was uncertain, Rongrong's mist turned into a real body before her eyes.

"Don't be afraid, I am not your enemy but your friend! Remember that time when you killed two upgraded people and then broke your fist and quickly recombined? Do you remember that you passed out that night but didn't get hurt. Is it? And today those five killers were injected with TC virus inhibitors. In fact, I did all these things!"

Rong Rong quickly said the opening remarks to show her identity, mainly because she had just seen Qiu Jinse's methods, and Rong Rong was afraid that if she regarded herself as an enemy, it would be bad.

Qiu Jinse was stunned after hearing Rong Rong's words.

With the help of the moonlight, she carefully looked at the woman in front of her. The white dress was very close to the body, showing all her sexy, slender and perfect curves. Not only that, this woman is also very beautiful, it can be said that she is very beautiful, at least she can definitely rank first among the women Qiu Jinse has seen! Who is this woman? Has she really protected herself all the time? Why is she doing this?

"I'll talk to you about specific things later, wait for me to take care of all the troubles for you!"

As soon as Rong Rong's voice fell, Chen Xiong's crazy laughter came.

"Haha! Is this guy in filial obedience your helper? Little bitch, it seems that you are not easy! You killed my two companions. Daddy must catch you today and cut it off by then. Send your limbs to the disciple. The disciple will be a slave girl with others!"

Rong Rong turned around and looked at Chen Xiong who had already been by her side and the giant wolf behind him. She curled a little, and then whispered in a very small voice:

"Boy, be optimistic, among the women around you, I am actually very strong, but you have always used the old woman as a weapon!"

Naturally, this sentence was meant for Qin An, and after she had just said a sentence, she turned into a wave of light and flew straight towards Chen Xiong.

Chen Xiong was so frightened that he took two steps to retreated.

What the hell? How did this woman turn into a light? And this light wave like a full moon scimitar seems to carry this huge energy when it approaches!

Chen Xiong didn't dare to dodge in a hurry.

Rong Rong’s incarnation swept the thousand army light waves directly past Chen Xiong, and then began to transform various characters to fight the giant wolf. In 30 seconds, Rong Rong’s incarnation had more than fifty powerful characters, and Chen Xiong opened his mouth wide. She was shocked and couldn't say a word, but she didn't see exactly what Rongrong had changed. I only saw a group of phantoms roaring the own parasitic wolf beast, biting indiscriminately!

Parasitic beasts are certainly the biggest support of the upgrader when they play in battle, but they can also be regarded as the weakness of the upgrader. After a high-level upgrader loses the parasitic beast, it is equivalent to an ordinary upgrader without an upgrade.

Therefore, Chen Xiong hurried forward, trying to help own parasitic wolf beast to get out of the predicament.

At this moment, a huge sword with a length of four meters suddenly appeared in the air.

This time, Wan Nian returned to Zong Rongrong and didn't use her full strength. Now she can keep changing for a few minutes, enough to gather the energy and attack power of hundreds of fantasy powerful characters.

However, even if the strongest attack is not used, this sword will still be irresistible with the defensive power of the upgraded wolf beast after it is dropped!

After hearing a muffled sound, the head of the giant wolf was directly cut off by the great sword floating down!

Suddenly, Chen Xiong felt that his body's strength was quickly losing, and his face turned pale and bloodless, knowing that he was dead.

Where would Rong Rong give him time to breathe and think, after killing the upgraded wolf beast, he changed into sweeping the light wave of Qianjun once again, and flew directly to Chen Xiong's side.

This time Chen Xiong didn't have time to evade, and Guangbo swept across Qianjun directly cut and killed Chen Xiong!

It took Rong Rong less than a minute to solve the battle from the start.

Qiu Jinse's eyes straightened when he saw this place. Is this the battle between the superpower and the superpower? So gorgeous! No need to evade, no need to look for opportunities, no need to sneak attacks, just kill directly, and then kill the opponent without any suspense!

How good would she be if she is also a supernatural person? It's a pity that she doesn't seem to have this chance.

Perhaps there is, that is, let the zombie take a bite, and the final outcome will either become a carrier of the TC virus or become a zombie.

Qiu Jinse has seen many people choose this path to go, but their final outcome is that they all become zombies, and no one becomes a carrier of the TC virus.

In order to gain strength, they sold their souls, but in the end they only got a walking dead, which is really unfair!

After solving Chen Xiong, Rong Rong turned to look at Qiu Jinse and said:

"Dumb girl, should you think I'm credible now? There are some other enemies in the woods, let me go! You were bullied by their people just now, and now Big sis is taking you to bully them!"

While speaking, Rong Rong had already moved her slender thighs towards the tent.

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