Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1059 Master Yan Liuxiang

United States, on the Great Basin of Nevada, troops from Seven Sword City are rushing towards the Great Salt Lake.

They were very impatient, and some scouts sent back news that the front of the migration brigade had been broken by the zombie group, and countless flying zombie beasts rushed into the group of ordinary people, causing a great riot.

So these soldiers rushed to support them.

However, in such an emergency situation, the three leaders of the troops were not there. Ten minutes ago, they were attracted by the light and energy fluctuations from a forest to the west, and they were going to check them in person.

This is a white birch forest. The woman walking in the front is not tall, only 1.5 meters tall. She has a round face and looks very young, like a sixteen-year-old girl. The Chinese descendants of Seven Swords City gave her the nickname Tianshan Tongmao in private, so her real identity is Wu Niang Mi Lan Shan in Seven Swords, the host of the Broken Army Sword God.

A woman walking behind her is tall and slender. She looks about twenty years old. She has long black hair hanging down to her waist. This is Liu Niang Hua Xuelian from Seven Sword City, the host of the Dark Ghost Sword God.

The last woman is the most plump, she looks like she is only twenty years old, but her appearance is the kind of Onee-san, coupled with her plump body, she looks like the kind of woman who tempts men the most. , Then this plump beauty is Qi Niang Qi Yalu, the host of Pudu Sword God.

Among the Seven Niangs, San Niang Tian Lu and Si Niang Yu Haiyuan had long returned the news that Weng Lan had been found.

Then the five women who stayed behind naturally had mixed feelings.

The man appeared more than 20 years ago, leaving them all-in-one skills and a child, and he has never appeared since.

He is like a mystery, and they have been unable to relax for so many years.

Now that he has found the wife that the man is trying to find, why is this not exciting?

Old Lawson made the decision to migrate a few months late. After hearing that they had finally set off, Mi Lanshan, Hua Xuelian, and Qi Yalu rushed to lead the troops to receive them. In the end, no one was there. Can't grab anyone, so they came out together.

They felt a strange energy fluctuation just now, so they entered the woods today.

Qi Yalu deserves to be the most feminine, and the tone of her words is also charming.

"Sister Fifth, Sister Six, let's just send someone over to check it out in person, why do you have to check it out in person? You are really! I originally planned to sleep in the RV for a beauty sleep, and wait until I see my colorful When I was a Young Master, let him see how beautiful his Seventh Mother is!"

Liu Niang Hua Xuelian had a calmer temper, and smiled: "Don't be disrespectful, Qi Cai is no longer a child, but you still look like a flower. When you see him in the future, pay attention, don't hug Qingqing, mine, mine. !"

"Sixth sister, what are you talking about? He is my son, can't I hug him yet?"

"It's natural when there are no outsiders. I'm afraid that people chew my tongue. Don't you know that Daoist is awesome?"

"Who dare? The old lady will cut off his tongue!" Qi Ya's chest trembled with deer air, and she felt that Sixth Sister Own was really unreasonable. She was close to her son, and she was afraid that others would gossip? Even if she is young and tender, she is also the seventh mother of Colorful Young Master, okay?

The Mi Lan Shanren who walked in the forefront was petite and had the most adorable personality. He was in his forties and looked like a real little Loli.

Hearing the two people quarreling in the back, Mi Lanshan was very unhappy and said: "Hello? This is the United States of the last 25 years! You two are almost a hundred years old together, but it seems like I remember Inside, you're like the aunt who buys groceries on China Street?"

"Fifth Sister, what you said is obviously a bit of exaggeration! Not advisable!" Qi Yalu is starting, so anyone who meets her will suffer.

Mi Lanshan pouted, not talking to Qi Yalu, but while looking around, whispering to himself softly: "The white light and energy fluctuations seem to have come from here just now, why are they gone? "

She has taken the lead into the heart of the woods, and there just happens to be a clearing over there.

"Ah! Who is this?"

Mi Lanshan shouted in surprise, and the two women behind rushed up to watch. In the center of the clearing, a beautiful woman wearing a black robe and holding a silver magic wand was standing quietly.

She... she is so beautiful! The beauty is a bit outrageous!

Mi Lanshan, Hua Xuelian, and Qi Yalu grew their mouths at the same time, and couldn't believe that they could meet such a beauty who seemed to have walked out of the world of the second dimension in this life.

The so-called two-dimensional element does not mean that the parent is very cartoonish, but that there is no flaw in any part of her body, it is almost perfect in perfection!

Hua Xuelian and Qi Yalu questioned Mi Lanshan in their hearts. Who is this strange woman who suddenly appeared?

At this time, the woman also noticed the three women who suddenly appeared. She opened her small mouth in a little surprise, and then said softly after a long time:

"This should be the world of planes! I didn't expect your appearance to be in sync with me, and your language is almost in sync with me, but your tone of voice is a bit strange! I'm glad I just came here to be with you Encounter! I'm a fool, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!"


Mi Lanshan, Hua Xuelian, and Qi Luya looked at each other as if they were all stunned. This pretty little beauty actually said that she was a fool, as if she was a bit stunned.

Naturally, they didn't know that the word "dummy" in the other party's mouth had the same meaning as the word "alien" on the earth.

Before Mi Lanshan and the others could talk to the little beauty, the other party suddenly spoke again, and the tone was a little rushed.

"No! No! No! Two of the three of you have gone dark in the hall, for fear that there will be a disaster of blood and light! And it seems unavoidable!"

The Mi Lanshan three were even more dumbfounded. Not only did they meet the foolish little beauty, but also met a magic stick? Is the Yintang black and bloody? I haven't heard such words for many years.

The little beauty completely ignored the expressions of Mi Lanshan and the three of them. While pacing back and forth, she began to wave her own magic wand.

Several blue lights gathered on the staff, and the little beauty gently swung the staff out, and the blue light quickly scattered like a cloud of water mist, forming a thin but larger cloud of blue light mist!

"Three, I am a magician in the world of the Star of Sword Spirit, good at space transport, fortune-telling and exorcism spells!"

While talking, the little beauty pointed at Liuniang Hua Xuelian and Qiniang Qi Yalu with her magic wand.

"It's you! You are about to die, even if the sword god descends from the heavens, you can't resolve this crisis! Hey, I am a good person, I am a good person, and I don't see the human tragedy the most, and you are just after I came to this plane. The first group of people I met! Let’s do this, there are two Medicine Pills in this small bottle, named Huagui Pill! After you die, you can resurrect with the power of the sword god and become his believers! Rest assured, the so-called Believers are just using his power. You will not become puppets. In the future, if you break through grievances, you can regain your body and become a ghost whisperer!"

After saying this, the woman who claimed to be Duoguayan Liuxiang threw a small porcelain bottle at the feet of Milanshan's three women.

"Okay, okay! Fools, let's get together again! I think we still have some fate! So now, I'm going to find myself, haha!"

The voice fell, and the dull Guayan Liuxiang turned and left. The walking speed was as fast as lightning and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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