Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1060 Weng Lan's Story Is Trapped

Weng Lan didn't run out of the town at all, because the flying zombies came too fast, and many people turned into zombies before they had time to evacuate. Weng Lan could only follow Liu Tian and others to find sturdy buildings to escape.

However, in the process of fleeing, there are more and more zombies in the town, and it has become a luxury to want to escape smoothly.

These zombies were originally civilians in Jusen City, but now they have become terrifying demons.

Liu Tian and Xiao Anni are both supernatural beings, and their fighting ability is stronger. They have to deal with the zombies flying from the sky and the zombies that have just been upgraded underground, so they are really too busy.

Jax holds Qin Dashan, Qin Erhe, Weng Lan holds Qin Sanshan, and Catalina holds Qin Xiangming.

The three people simply have no ability to help Liu Tian and Xiao Anni fight.

Fortunately, there is still a big white!

When the old man turned on the mad dog mode, he was really a mad dog, jumping up and down around a few people and killing many flying zombies and ground zombies.

Weng Lan was a little panicked at this time. It was the first time that she had encountered zombies so close in reality. They were more terrifying than the zombies played in the pre-apocalyptic movies!

In fact, they are almost the same, but the sense of sight on TV and reality is naturally completely different.

Weng Lan saw that the belly of a woman zombie had broken open, and her internal organs and intestines were all hanging outside and still biting people in the street. How could that crazy look not scare her!

"Weng Lan! This way! This way!" Jax's voice was a little nervous and anxious.

Weng Lan had always been running in front. She did not expect that the few people who followed her did not follow her. Instead, they ran to a seemingly sturdy house more than ten meters away. It's outside the glass window of another house!

"Come in now, what are you doing standing stupidly?"

The window suddenly opened. Following the low growl of an English male voice, a big hand directly grabbed Weng Lan and dragged it into the room. After that, the window, the iron fence and the curtains were all closed.

With the help of a glimmer, Weng Lan saw that there were five people in the house. The three men and two women were all foreigners. It seemed that they should also be civilians in Jusen City.

How to do? Now it can only be temporarily avoided.

Weng Lan quickly turned her head to open a corner of the curtain and looked out. She saw that Liu Tiananni's mother and daughter had already covered Jax and they entered the opposite house, and the bloody white followed in. And 60% of the people on the street have become zombies, and the remaining 40% have also been bitten, or are in the process of corpse transformation, or are being eaten, which can be seen from a glance Almost all are zombies, and there are basically no people who can jump around.

It was really fast, so many people became zombies in a short time, which is simply terrifying.

In fact, Liu Tian and Annie's fighting ability is quite strong. The zombies on the ground are not enough for them to prove, but those flying zombies are terrible, even if it is difficult to deal with a few, let alone their number is estimated to be thousands.

The room was quiet at this time.

Among the three men, one white man is named Lutea, and two black men are named Sam and Els. They are people in the post-apocalyptic era, and they are not more than twenty-five years old.

The two women are called Ives and Juliet, but they are still under twenty.

It was the black Sam who pulled Weng Lan into the room by opening the window before. He is a strong man of two meters and three meters tall. He was once a member of the basketball team in the western block of Jusen City. His physical strength is not normal.

"In fact, we should have retreated long ago! Damn it, what should we do now? There are zombies outside, and we can't live without the protection of the city wall! Where are the troops? Why didn't they withdraw?" Els said lightly. Hurry up, Weng Lan couldn't keep up, so she couldn't fully understand what he was talking about.

Ives is a girl of Brazilian descent. Her skin is healthy and has a faint maroon red color, which looks very special.

"Els, can you stop ranting? If you can’t escape, that’s all of us, so you’d better keep quiet at this moment! You know, we all don’t want danger to happen, but some things are Inevitable! My Big Brother is still on the battlefield. I don't know if it is alive or dead. Isn't there anyone in your family who is on the battlefield?" Ives' voice was also very soft.

"Of course, my Little Brother, he is a child who hasn't grown up yet! But he chose to be a soldier, otherwise I should be still in the migrating army at this time, how could I be here! Damn soldier family , I hate such a name!" Els's mood was a little unstable.

"Okay, just keep your voice down! Although this house is still solid, the windows and gates are reinforced with wooden iron fences from the inside, but still can't be careless. Who knows if the zombies will suddenly take special care of us?" Sam is like the boss in this room. He said a word and the others shut up.

After the room quieted down quickly, people's fears suddenly increased, because the shouts of the zombies outside became clearer, as if they had filled the entire town. Some flying zombies occasionally fell on the roof. Their size was originally It is very large, and it will make a loud noise after falling on the roof, which makes people worry about whether the house looks the same and strong.

Suddenly, a cry sounded.

The kid Qin Sanshan in Weng Lan's arms started to cry. Although he was closer to his mother when he was in a good mood, he was more used to staying with Annie most of the time.

Therefore, after unable to feel Annie's voice, Qin Sanshan quit, letting go of his voice and crying, the voice was really deafening!

"Oh! Let this kid shut up! This will attract the zombies!" The white man Lu Teya whispered softly.

"Yes! Think of a way to cover his mouth with your hands!" Els had a bad idea.

"No, this will suffocate the child! He is still so young!" Ives raised an objection.

"It's better than we die? Sam, you are the smartest and most powerful person here, so naturally you can be our temporary leader! What do you think?"

Sam pulled the curtains aside and looked out, and found that some nearby zombies seemed to have been attracted by the cry of the children here. come over.

"Think of a way! The child must be kept from crying, otherwise we might really all die!" Sam looked anxious and spoke to Weng Lan with a very bad expression.

Weng Lan is actually more nervous than anyone else. She has been shaking her own body, trying to make the three boys find a sense of security in this shaking, so as not to cry.

But this guy is obviously bad-tempered, no matter how much mom coaxes him, he just cries, and the crying sound seems to be getting louder and louder!

Sam looked at this situation, grabbed the child from Weng Lan's arms by a thousand handfuls, and then whispered softly:

"Madam, I saw you pulled in from outside to save your name! I am afraid that you will attract zombies to the vicinity of this room. In any case, I never hope that these people in the room will be crying by this child. Still! So, he must stop crying!"

While talking, Sam stretched out his big hand to cover Qin Sanshan’s entire face

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