Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1066 Qin An Is Going To Be A Mother

Naturally, Qin An was not dizzy at all, and his mind gradually became clear.

In fact, he has heard of most of these sword gods, because there are many sword god hosts around him.

The previous leader of the Wrangler, the mysterious woman in red should be the second sword god. That's right, she used Sanhuo to refine the Excalibur for herself, whose real name is True Fire Sword God is definitely worthy of the name.

The boss of the Tianyin Sect may be the host of the Demon Heaven Sword God, so the true representative behind them is the No. 1 Sword God!

Thinking of this, Qin An no longer needs to think about it, because a problem has already formed in his heart.

Why do all the sword gods circle around themselves? What is their conspiracy?

These sword gods suddenly disappeared from the Sword Spirit Star, and when they arrived on the earth, they couldn't even maintain their real bodies, but could survive in the form of parasites.

Could it be said that there is really an ancient Universe creature in the galaxy? This should be fake!

There is also the issue of oxygen.

Look at the dull melons and swallows in front of you, as well as the curse guards, and the blood and bones. They are not afraid of oxygen, so how can the Forty-nine Sword God be afraid?

The so-called Xiangying Sword God is actually resurrected? Still gave birth to a child on earth?

Even the nine main gods must accumulate strength to condense their bodies, and they still cannot move freely. Why can a little Xiangying be resurrected?


This word was repeated over and over again in Qin An's heart, and Qin An's expression became very serious in the end.

Could it be that the forty-nine sword god must die for some reason? And if they want to be resurrected, they must do it by themselves?

Too complicated!

Qin An felt that this matter was too complicated. Although he knew more things, he still couldn't understand it.

Back then, Xuantian once said to himself that once their combined degree reached 100%, Xuantian could wake up and exist in his own body in the form of a soul for a long time.

Now it seems that this statement is likely to be false! Because Xuantian's memory has been tampered with!

Why didn't the Second Sword God tell him these things?

Oh, yes, the Second Sword God said that she was restricted by forbidden spells, and many situations could not be explained clearly.

So if Xuantian's words are not true, and if he is truly 100% associated with own, will he seize the soul of own? Did Xiangying use this method to resurrect?

Maybe not. After all, Xuantian and the second sword god, the mysterious woman in red, belong to the same camp, and the woman in red does not look so scary, at least looks like a good person.

What about the others? The Flame Sword God in Liu Xia's body is from the third Sword God camp, while the Phantom Sword God in Lan Yue's body is actually from the first Sword God camp!

If these sword gods came to the earth to seek rebirth, what would happen after they were reborn?

Qin An's heart was really tired, because he couldn't understand the point of the matter.

"Hey, dull boy, I have already answered many of your questions! Should you also tell me about the situation of this plane world? I really want to know the composition of your intelligent life forms, is it also like the sword of the spirit? How about stars in various poses?"

"No, there is only one intelligent life form on our planet, and that is humans!

Qin An couldn't think of the result, so he could only continue to communicate with Duo Guyan Liuxiang, maybe he could get some hints and inspirations in the conversation with her.

"What? Zombies? Is it that scary? I think the zombies you describe are very similar to the souls of the first sword god offering sacrifices to the dead! Some people will sacrifice their souls to their main god, and then become unconscious simple life forms! As for the T virus, I think it should be some kind of compound formed by the fusion of sword spirit gas and earth gas!"

"Upgraded? The believers of the Second Sword God are warriors who can manipulate various beasts into their bodies. We call them half-orc warriors! The biggest difference between half-orcs and orcs is that half-orcs are actually humans, while beasts The clan is a beast! As for the killers you are talking about, the awakened ones should be the real mutants! The abilities of the first sword god and the second sword god are said to be interoperable. Creatures are the result of the combined effects of the energy of the first sword god and the second sword god! The emperor and the empress did not agree with each other. It is also a common occurrence that the two of them will compete for energy greatly!"

"Yeah! You are right! Those treants must have been born out of the power of the Spirit Emperor, and the intelligent life forms appearing in the water should be masterpieces of the sea! As the main gods, they all possess the creation of life forms and Hun and Po The ability!"

"Afraid of oxygen? I don't know what oxygen you are talking about, but I am tolerant to the atmospheric system of your planet! A joke, forty-nine sword gods can enter and exit freely in the sea of ​​swords and fires. How could you be afraid of your planet? The gas? They disappeared suddenly while hitting the sword spirit star at the same time! I think there must be some reason for them to leave and come to earth! As for what it is, I can't guess!"

"What!!! Have you seen the Second Sword God Real Fire? What does she look like? Is she beautiful? Is she a human or an orc, sexual or asexual? Is it really a woman?"

"It's amazing! You turned out to be the host of the Sword God! Is the Xuantian Sword God? What a cow, the Sword God must be parasitic in your body to survive! What happened to them?"

This night was a bit long, and the two men and women who had met for the first time were talking frankly and unfairly, as if they were old friends they had never seen for many years.

Qin An was actually a little surprised. He obviously didn't know this alien fool, so why couldn't he be wary? Is it because she looks too beautiful? So let him commit nympho cancer?

Duoguayan Liuxiang was actually very surprised, because she was wary of Qin An originally, but when Qin An approached her and spread a familiar scent on her body, her wariness disappeared!

This is weird, but it's not weird! Douguayan Liuxiang felt that Qin An must have met Sword God Yan Liuxiang, maybe there was any close contact with him, otherwise why would he have a familiar smell on his body, and suddenly, Douguayan Liuxiang Her eyes were round, and as an alien silly, her surprised expression was no different from that of a human being.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin An didn't know why the woman suddenly made the appearance of seeing the sun rising from the west.

"Don't you smell it? Your body is getting fragrant, getting more and more fragrant!"

"Why can't I smell it?"

"Really! Really, I didn't lie to you!"

Qin An looked at Duoguayan Liuxiang earnestly, her appearance was extremely sincere, didn't she tell a lie? But I really can't smell anything.

"Oh my God, Qin An! Our Xiangying clan only becomes so fragrant under one condition!"

"what's the situation?"

"That's... when the child is about to appear! You are going to be a mother!"

"Qin An is very speechless, what exactly is this foolish Guyan Liuxiang talking about?

Just when Qin An was already confused, his body trembled quickly, and then a rush of heat swept through his body!

This is...what is going on?

This heat....... so familiar! In Qin An's body, it seemed to be able to ignite and melt all of Qin An's cells. The blood in that blood vessel had been boiled by the heat, and it flowed faster in the blood vessel, giving Qin An a feeling that his body was about to burst!

Oh my god, is this a sign of promotion? How could he be promoted again for no reason?

Could it be said that the combination with Xuantian will break through 80% under this inexplicable situation, making him a dual-body ninth-level ability?

Already shocked, Qin An quickly lowered his head. After ten seconds, he saw that the eight-color flower mark on his chest had changed into nine-color petals!

He really got promoted. He just had a conversation with the strange girl in a confined space, and he broke through to the Realm of the ninth-level dual-body power?

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