Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1067 Awakening of the Power of the Hidden Sword God

After obtaining the Soul of Sword, Qin An broke through to the seventh-level dual-body power.

After having a relationship with Rongrong, he gained the energy of the sword god of Wannian breakthrough eighth-level.

So now I didn't do anything, I just sat on the bed with the idiot from another world and talked about it... After more than two hours, why did he get promoted again? Break directly to ninth-level? This mud horse is faster than riding a rocket!

When the heat of the body disappeared, Qin An waved his fist, feeling that his whole body was full of strength, and he felt that he was a super Saya.

"Qin An! Qin An! What are you in a daze? Take a look, are you going to be cloned? Are you also a member of our Xiangying clan? God, no!"

The shit Xiangying clan, daddy was born on earth! Qin An retorted in his heart.

But he finally thought about it, if he could really differentiate a Qin An, what would it be like?

This thought was broken, Qin An only felt that the power of the sword god in his body had begun to work, after which the nine Daoist shadow shot out of his body!

When Qin An opened his eyes wide to watch, he was completely silly! This...what the hell is this?

He actually differentiated into nine men who looked exactly like him? And they also have nine-color flower marks on their chests! And they didn't even wear clothes!

Duoguayan Liuxiang clapped her hands happily when she saw this situation, but then frowned:

"That's not right! Why did nine come out at once?

Qin An, the method of splitting our Xiangying clan is to leave the soul, and then gather the essence of heaven and earth to form another brand new individual, and it can only be one!

Why did you separate nine at once?

It seems...this seems to be the first sword god ability of Yan Liuxiang, the sword god, what is it called?

Yes, it is called the Shadow of Liuxiang.

This skill has a close relationship with our race. Sword God Yan Liuxiang can differentiate into hundreds of temporary individuals when fighting with people, each of which has the same combat power as the body!

It is also possible to use other skills of Sword God Yan Liuxiang, which means that Sword God Yan Liuxiang can use own other three Sword God abilities at the same time with those hundreds of temporary clones.

That power is quite powerful, you just said that you are Xuantian's host, so quickly try to see if you can control them to use the sword god ability! "

Before Qin An's body could speak, the clone Qin An 1 yelled depressedly: "How could this be? Dumb, am I my own clone? And it still exists temporarily. How long can I exist?"

Qin An 2 said: "I think I should be the real body, because I have the consciousness of independence, don't believe me!"

While talking, Qin An 2 turned on the phantom ability, and nine phantoms appeared in the room!

Qin An No. 3's face was gloomy, and he didn't even bother to speak, and after running his mind directly, nine phantoms were separated.

The other six Qin An also cast their abilities almost at the same time.

In the room, 100 Qin An immediately appeared at the same time! 10 of them are entities and 90 are ghosts!

That is to say, only the real subject, Qin An, did not perform any supernatural powers, because he was already frightened!

What's the meaning?

This...is this also a sword god ability? The shadow of the fragrance?

When did he acquire this ability?

Why doesn't he know?

Could it be said that the power of Xiangying Sword God has been hidden in Own's body, and it was not until today that the power of Sword God was awakened, so he made him a breakthrough into ninth-level?

Faced with such a chaotic situation, how could Qin An not be deceived!

The nine clones actually felt the same as Qin An at this time, and they didn't understand what was going on.

However, there is a faint feeling in their hearts, that is, only the ontology Qin An is the real ontology, and their thinking consciousness must be consistent with the ontology. Although they have the ability to think independently, they cannot deviate from the will of the true ontology!

It can only be said that this ability of independent thinking will be more conducive to the use of own means to fight, and it will have no effect other than that.

After about nine minutes, all the clones finally disappeared, to be precise, they returned to Qin An's body.

Does Qin An know that this is really a sword god ability that he has never discovered before, named Shadow of Liuxiang? From the sword god Xiangying?

Qin An repeated these two questions from the bottom of his heart again, and then there was still no answer.

Among all the women he knew, he had never encountered the host of Xiangying Sword God!

Although he is already a big breeder horse in people's mouth, he did not say that he would rush on seeing a woman.

In other words, his women can count them by themselves, and they have counted them before!

Isn't it just a few people? Weng Lan, Xiaoyan, Li Na, Lan Yue, Liu Xia, plus Tang Yu, Wang Yunzhi, Gong Xue, Rong Rong, and the seven women I met in United States!

Could it be Tang Yu? It shouldn't be!

Oh, by the way, there is another woman who has had a relationship with him, that is, Wang Fang, who met near Destiny City back then.

However, Wang Fang died at that time, and she was just an ordinary woman. Lan Yue even knew her and knew almost all of her life. She is really an ordinary person who has a dead husband and lives in Destiny City!

It's messed up, it's all messed up! Qin An only felt that a cloud of paste appeared in his brain.

"How do you have the same skills as Sword God Yan Liuxiang? Although you can only separate nine people, although I haven't seen Sword God Yan Liuxiang, I can be sure that this must be Liuxiang's Shadow Sword God skill. Didn’t you say that the Sword God parasitic in your body is Xuantian? What is going on?"

"Fool, I really don't know, you still don't ask me!"

"Then you are trying to see if you can summon a clone?"

"I tried it, but I can't! All Sword God skills have a cooling time. It seems that this ability may only be used once a day!"

As Qin An spoke, his mood finally calmed down. In any case, this was a terrifying and powerful ability.

Nine clones that can exist for nine minutes means that he can use ten times the power to fight the enemy within these nine minutes.

No, this is definitely not a problem of multiple times, because if ten people use the Sword God ability at the same time, the combat effect that can be achieved should increase exponentially!

It is not difficult to imagine that if ten people use the Phantom Lore at the same time, wouldn't he be able to kill thousands of fifth-level upgraded abilities at the same time?

Who can do this? Even if the realm master Li Guisan, who is about to become a sword repairer, is resurrected, he can't!

So with this ability, with the Five Elements Samsara method, with the energy of the sword spirit, and the strength of the body reaching the ninth-level of the double body, Qin An will truly become a master, and will have the ability to compete with real sword repairers. strength!

Although this is something to be happy about, Qin An still can't think of where this strange ability comes from? Was he fascinated by some strange woman when he fell asleep one night? Thinking of this possibility, Qin An had a chill, but felt that the whole person was not good.

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