In one day, the arrangement of the two coalition forces basically ended quietly.

The two hundred zombie troop transport channels have all been monitored, and the corresponding strong men have been arranged to follow them quietly, preparing to kill them at the same time after they all stop.

Although the king-level killer is very strong, but the West Tibet and Jiulong Mountain are very rich after all, even if it is temporarily mobilized to find hundreds of abilities that can kill the earth dragon alone, it can be found.

After all the preparations were completed, the insiders including Qin An would naturally relax.

Air reconnaissance has been to 800 kilometers north, only to find a large number of zombies, and the ghost gate over there is already closed.

In other words, there will be no threat from the ground for the time being, so the only thing to deal with is the millions of zombies that are moving around underground.

The exact number cannot be detected, and Qin An can only roughly estimate after a full circle of the whole area. The number of them should not exceed 10 million.

If these zombies suddenly emerge from the ground, it is not something that 200,000 coalition forces can bear, but if they are trapped underground, it may be possible to kill them with some simple means.

Douguayan Liuxiang finally stayed in Tianju, this guy is simply a little expert in chatting.

After Qin An introduced her to Liu Xia and Li Na the next day, Duoguayan Liuxiang soon became involved with them.

Liu Xia, Li Na and others are very kind women. They are naturally not embarrassed to be too cold in the face of enthusiastic idiots, so after chatting with them, they immediately fell in love with this seemingly large, but very clever beauty. Girl, I also like to hear her racial story about some sword spirit stars.

Qin An can only express speechlessness to this phenomenon, and at the same time have difficulty understanding women's psychological world. They are super big horses, Liu Xia and Li Na don’t have a sense of crisis when they see such a beautiful woman appearing as a fool? It is estimated that when Lan Yue returns to Tianju, the situation will not be good, she is a jealous master.

In fact, it can’t be blamed on Liu Xia and Li Na’s lack of vigilance. Women are curious animals, and the stories told by Douguayan Liuxiang are so bizarre that some Qin An will be lost in her words after hearing this.

In any case, Qin An feels that it is actually a good thing for the dull melon bird to stay with me. Now it seems that many creatures on the sword spirit star will slowly come to the earth, so in the future, dull melon will do everything. Military masters can know many things about the Sword Spirit Star himself, and know how to deal with them once they encounter a foreign race.

Of course, Qin An also knows why the idiots must stay in the sky because she stubbornly believes that she is related to the sword god Yan Liuxiang, so she wants to find the sword god Yan Liuxiang by herself.

In fact, Qin An didn't understand this point. If it is related, he does not know such a woman, if it is okay, how could he have the skills of Xiangying Sword God in his body?

Qin An suddenly felt that life is not easy, he really wanted to know all the secrets about own! It's a pity that I can't think of it anyway, so I can only give it up and take one step.

The next day, Qin An left Tianju, and he was going to wait in the Yahoo team.

Today, there are a total of six earth dragons within 10 kilometers of the Yahoo team’s camp, and these earth dragons will naturally be killed by Qin An himself. If Qin An wanted to kill six earth dragons at the same time, it would be a little difficult, because they are already Distributed to six different places, but now that he has the ability to clone the shadow of fragrance, he can naturally complete such a task easily.

Adding himself, he can now phantom ten ninth-level twins, so nine clones can exist for about nine minutes.

In these nine minutes, they can use the rapid Movement Technique to run far away, and kill six earth dragons at the same time. It is as simple as a child playing house.

Qin An knew that he was leading the military operation of the 200,000 coalition forces northward, so he had to be responsible for these 200,000 people, so the pressure was great.

A stressed man must learn to release the pressure to relieve the pressure, otherwise he will lose his clear mind and eventually have no rational judgment.

It is precisely because of this that Qin An chose to return to the barracks.

This is like Tianju is the home, and the military camp is the company.

An employee who is addicted to family is definitely not a good employee.

Staying at home when you have a lot of work will naturally feel guilty, and if you can feel that you are doing business even if you have nothing to do for the time being at the company, then the pressure will naturally decrease.

Qin An changed his identity again according to his previous thoughts. Qin Xiaoan no longer exists. A somewhat handsome boy appeared, and he was An Xiaoqin!

Qin An wondered if the dumb girl would think of Qin Xiaoan when she heard this name, and would she be surprised after thinking about it?

For some reason, Qin An was actually looking forward to it, looking forward to seeing the surprised and surprised eyes of the dumb girl.

Qiu Jinse had already returned to the camp. Rongrong separated from her that night and told her to continue to investigate the organization of the men in black.

In fact, this is actually not a lie. Qin An did arrange this task for Rongrong to find the clues of the man in black and the true identity of the Eleven Shadows. If they were mixed in West Tibet or Jiulong Mountain, Qin An vowed to be sure. To eradicate them completely, we must never allow this cancer to survive and develop under the eyes of the owner.

In fact, the facts are almost the same as Qin An's guess.

Many years ago, Qiu Jinse was assassinated. The master who had taught her martial arts was killed by a man in black during the assassination.

In the years since then, Qiu Jinse has been wandering around, but the people in black have never stopped chasing her.

While escaping for her life, Qiu Jinse investigated the identity of the killer of own, and finally let her know about the organization of the men in black, and learned that they were dispatched by own's mother Tian Yue'e.

At that time, Qiu Jinse was shocked, anguished, puzzled, and couldn't believe it.

She originally wanted to return home to ask for clarity, but on the night she decided to return from the hiding place, she was surrounded by five powerful supernaturalists.

Even if she is strong, it is impossible to have good luck every time and let her strength be the strongest.

Therefore, she almost died that night, and it happened that a team of five people from Qin Juncheng passed by, which rescued her.

After that, Qiu Jinse joined the army with a five-man team, and moved to the north and south to show excellent combat skills. He was eventually promoted to the captain of a brigade. Then he returned home and pretended to be ignorant and began investigating the killing of own. .

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