Tian Yue'e didn't tell the truth at that time, and showed a motherly appearance in front of Qiu Jinse, which made Qiu Jinse feel like a dream in his previous years, because everything at home seemed too normal. Only her father's occasional nervous and anxious gaze made her feel that the own experience could not be a dream.

Soon after, Qiu overheard the conversation between Tian Yue'e and his father Qiu Mubai and learned everything.

She couldn't believe that she was the daughter of her father Qiu Mubai and the maid in the family, and her biological mother was killed by Tian Yue'e many years ago.

As for own, two Big Brothers and one Little Sister, they have no blood relationship with her at all.

The two people who pretended to be her Big Brother were actually Tian Yue'e's godsons, and they had a complicated relationship long before the end of the world broke out. The two men could also be regarded as Tian Yue'e's underground lovers!

And own Little Sister Qiu Jinxian is the head of the Eleven Shadows. Of course, her identity is fake. In fact, the person who controls everything behind this is Tian Yue'e!

Moreover, in Qiu Jinse's view, Tian Yue'e does not seem to be the real leader, there should be a mysterious person behind her!

Of course, Qiu Jinse didn't care about the organization structure of the man in black. Her inner hatred was the tragic death of her biological mother and the shame of her father Qiu Mubai's life as a puppet for many years.

The breaking point of the murder was Qiu Mubai's death, which happened a few days after Qiu Jinse knew all the truth.

She returned home from the barracks again. She thought she had taken her father and grandfather away secretly, and then found a safe place to hide them so that they could get rid of Tian Yue'e's control.

But when she returned home, she found that her father and grandfather were dead, and it was Qiu Musheng, Qiu Tangsheng, and Qiu Jinxian's children who killed them!

Children always learn the same way as adults. Qiu Jinse has not been at home for these years. Tian Yue'e and his family really used Qiu Mu and Bai Ye as slaves.

Therefore, several children think that bullying them is a correct and interesting thing!

They got Qiu Jinse's grandfather into the swimming pool, and then played a horse-riding game on him. As a result, the old man drowned in a swimming pool less than half a meter deep.

Qiu Mubai found that Daddy Own was dead, naturally angry, so he chased a few children near the swimming pool.

When the children saw Qiu Mubai angry, they were both scared and confused.

In their eyes, Mid-Autumn Mubai would never get angry, and would only be as honest as a puppet in front of her grandma. Therefore, they could not accept such Qiu Mubai, and they also had a heart of fear.

In the end, Qiu Mubai didn't pay attention to falling into the swimming pool while catching the child, because when he fell, his head hit the edge of the swimming pool, so he eventually fell into the water and never got up again. He drowned after a few minutes. NS.

What Qiu Jinse saw when he returned home was exactly like this.

The corpses of Qiu Mubai and his son floated in the swimming pool, while the five children were throwing stones at the two corpses while playing in the water.

At that time, Qiu Jinxian was also by her side, her face was indifferent, she just smiled and watched the children play, like a devil in human skin!

Qiu Jinse is angry! Therefore, the murder occurred.

After killing people, Qiu Jinse didn't run away, but surrendered.

From then on, she didn’t want to talk anymore, because she didn’t want the secret of her father’s humiliation for many years to be known by others. In the eyes of neighbors, her father was such a quiet and kind man. How could she let her father be chewed after death? What about ridicule?

Has been controlled by his own wife, and the two sons are not biological but underground lovers acquired by the wife. This is a shame for any man! What a shame!

Therefore, Qiu Jinse became a dumb girl and spent five years in prison.

She originally thought that everything was over, and the black organization had nothing to do with her, but she didn't expect that she would be spotted again now.

Qiu Jinse couldn't figure out what was going wrong, why did the black organization take effort to kill her?

Of course she would not know that Tian Yue'e has been resurrected!

This was the third evening after Xiaoshulin and Rongrong met, and the Maya team also stayed here for three days.

After Qiu Jinse returned to the camp, she was detained. Because all the Yi team members with her disappeared, Yuchi Yahoo personally interrogated Qiu Jinse, but Qiu Jinse didn't say a word, so she could only become a prisoner.

Qiu Jinse finally proved own wise.

She was detained in prison for five years and never went out to breathe fresh air, even though Life was tasteless, she came alive.

But now, she walked around in the mortal dust, and she was so sad when she was locked up. She didn't know how she spent the past five years, days and nights, and how she spent this time, maybe she has to be caught again. Sent back to prison, right? Is there no chance of turning over? Do you want to say goodbye to this beautiful dusk and the coming sky full of stars forever?

The cell where Qiu Jinse is currently being held is actually a barbed wire cage that is not too big, and Qiu Jinse can see the outside through the grid.

Just when he was sad, a few soldiers suddenly appeared to take Qiu Jinse out of the cage, and then directly into the tent of Yuchi Yahoo.

Yuchi Yahoo in the tent was drinking with the three captains of his team, and frowned when he saw Qiu Jinse come in.

The team leader's face flushed after drinking, and when he also found Qiu Jinse, he was immediately stunned.

"Squad leader, this is the female soldier who lost her teammate? Fuck, why is she so good-looking? Why didn't I find it before? No, I'm going to molest him!"

While talking, the long, big and thick man stood up from his seat and walked slowly towards Qiu Jinse.

Yuchi Yahoo is a young man in his twenties.

"Hey, you come back and sit down, did I ask you to molest her?" Yuchi Yahoo's voice was a bit cold, and the captain shook his body when he heard it. He woke up for a few minutes and hurriedly returned to his own seat.

He was secretly surprised that when Yuchi Yahoo generally spoke so calmly, he was angry.

But he seems to be in a good mood just after drinking. What's wrong? Could it be that this female soldier provoked him?

Then, it was Yuchi Yahoo who called the female soldier to pick him up. Does he want to molest the female soldier himself?

Just as the captain of the first brigade was speculating wildly, Yuchi Yahoo had already spoken to Qiu Jinse again:

"Little lady, do you have a backstage in the upper military department?"

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