Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1092 I Want Money

All thoughts should have disappeared with the loud noise.

He Tianyu closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the moment when he lost his soul Death.

Suddenly, she only felt that a warm chest hugged her tightly, and the pain in her body disappeared instantly!

Is this what it feels like to die?

When people die, they will be embraced? Is that an angel from heaven? Or the black and white impermanence from The Underworld?

"What a vicious woman, did she use herself as a bait to create an explosion scene to kill me? Well, you almost succeeded! Remember, you have assassinated me once, but unfortunately you didn't succeed! And I saved your life again , Then it can be offset again! So little girl, think about it, if you really want to kill me, you have another chance, you must use it well? I don’t mind if you keep thinking about it, maybe when I am about to die of old age, you It's more appropriate to shoot, what do you think?"

This voice? ...Why is this voice so like that terrible bad guy?

He Tianyu was a little dizzy and opened his eyes subconsciously.

Under the moonlight, it was a...what a beautiful face!

It's so beautiful!

Speaking of which, He Tianyu is a fan of two-dimensional animation.

When she was in Sunshine City, she often skipped class and went to an Internet cafe for a day!

In the last days, the government's approval of TV broadcasts on various themes was rough, at least much rougher than before the end.

This has created a situation in which TV shows are blooming.

The development of many national comics has surpassed the island countries before the end of the world in just two decades, and the level of interpretation is quite high.

He Tianyu has many anime characters that he likes and is obsessed with.

Among them is a national comic called "Dangerous City in the Last Days". The hero in it is a beautiful woman-like man, and his name is Su Ke.

But at this time, He Tianyu was shocked to discover through the moonlight that the face in front of her was even more beautiful than Su Ke in the comics. This...this is so beautiful that it broke her heart!

Qin An didn't know what the little girl in his arms was thinking, he was just rejoicing at this moment, if he came a little later, then He Tianyu's little fate would be considered scrapped!

Qin An turned on the teleportation ability to directly cross the sea of ​​fire, hugged He Tianyu in his arms and quickly rushed out of the explosion circle, and at the same time used He Tianyu's technique to save all living beings! This finally saved her life.

While traveling in a hurry, he said that to He Tianyu. Qin An returned to Liu Yuanchao and the others, and then pushed He Tianyu, who had been crippled all over, to Shangguan... Ye Ying?

Qin An confirmed the identity of the wolf girl through his eyes.

"Did you bring them out?" Qin An's tone was reproachful.

"They are going to come out including Feiyan, I can't stop it! Thank you!" Shangguan Yeying was a little embarrassed. Through Qin An's voice and eyes, she had already determined the identity of this strange man and hurriedly avoided the other person. He looked at He Tianyu's condition and took off his own shirt and put it on He Tianyu. The girl's clothes had been burned out by the fire.

"Dage!" Dage covered all the emotions of the Great Black Tower Vajra.

"Be careful! That thing is a nightmare-level killer Yinghuo, it's not that easy to die!" Wu Zhen explained the situation as quickly as possible, and the pressure in her heart was much smaller.

Liu Yuanchao, Wu Yan, and Liu Wenli had some blood on their faces. They were naturally happy to see Qin An in this desperate situation.

Suddenly they finally realized one thing again.

I have been separated from Qin An for many years but I still can't forget this man. Isn't it because when they were together, Qin An always stood up in critical situations and made them feel safe and reliable?

Hey, I have to say that men with abilities in the last days are the most reliable, much better than having a house and a car.

Qin An nodded slightly, and then leaned forward to the place where the explosion was before. Although there was no fire, it was full of smoke and dust. Qin An opened his perspective to clearly see the killer named Yinghuo from the underground pit. Climbing out, there are blood stains all over his body, but he is not dead!

What a formidable defense, He girl’s bomb exploded with great power, but it still only caused minor injuries to the opponent.

Nightmare Killer Infant Fire?

It seems that this guy is not so easy to deal with!

Behind Qin An, the four young girls surrounded He Tianyu, chatting non-stop.

"My God! Xiaoyu, you are so brave, did you just go out to sacrifice yourself to protect us? You are great! I seem to know you for the first time today! I will never grab your snacks again, I swear! "Ye Lingxuan's eyes are full of small stars.

"Yeah, Xiaoyu is great! But...but how come you have such a powerful bomb on your body?" Tian Lu asked.

"You girl didn't get it to deal with Qin An? Or why do you bring so many explosives, do you still want revenge?" Cheng Jiayao's face was not pretty.

"Stupid girl, if you want revenge, don't go to death stupidly! If it weren't for Qin An, even if you arrive, your life will be gone! You can't do this next time!" Shangguan Yeying decided to suppress He Tianyu. This kind of heroic thinking!

He Tianyu leaned in the arms of Shangguan Yeying all the time, and shouted after hearing what she said.

"What Qin An? Where is Qin An?"

"It's the man who saved you just now. I think he should be transformed? He is very weird. There are dozens of abilities on his body, and it is not surprising that there is one that can change his appearance. !"

"Qin An?" Cheng Jiayao, Lu Lu, and Ye Lingxuan were stunned, He Tianyu was dumbfounded!

It turns out that I was really saved!

But... but what about her Su Ke comic boy? How could he become Qin An!

Thinking of what the man said to her just now, He Tianyu cried, crying dimly, the sun and the moon were dull!

Why is she so stupid?

I spent all my savings to buy explosives, not only did not use Qin An's body, but almost killed her herself, and in the end she was rescued by Qin An!

How stupid!

The most stupid thing is that this bomb seems to have no effect on Qin An. His Movement Technique is like a ghost, and he has super healing power. It not only rescued her from the scope of the explosion, but also healed her. Well, all the damage to the body originally!

In other words, the own project completely failed!

She actually didn't feel bad about the bomb, because the bomb's fate was to explode, it just realized its own value and went where it should go.

He Tianyu is crying because he feels bad for his own money!

Yes, this little girl is actually a fan of money!

Since she was five years old, she has praised all the lucky money she received, and has been saving for so many years and has never been squandered!

The currency in West Tibet has undergone several changes.

From the early stage of gold to the recovery of paper money, and then the rise of gold coins, she changed her own money from gold to paper money, from paper money to gold coins, and depositing gold coins in the bank into gold tickets. Is it easy? What a lovely and not easy money?

But... But she finally abandoned them and turned them into explosives that are useless to Qin An!

Oh my god, who can help her, she doesn't want to kill Qin An now, she just wants to get back her own money

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