"Ah... it was almost destroyed in the hands of the little girl! I want her, I want her! I want her to accompany me, I want to torture her day and night, let her live through a hundred years! Feeling! The pain of Death cannot die!"

A sharp roar like a ghost came from the smoke, and the sound was like a child's howl.

Qin An frowned slightly. Although he had never seen Ying Huo, he had indeed heard some rumors about him. He didn't expect that this guy would actually speak human words, and he didn't know the conditions under which such a nightmare-level awakening could be formed. By.

Maybe no conditions are needed at all? As long as he can obtain the power of the sword god, he can evolve into a powerful creature.

So is Yinghuo a strong-body realm sword repairer who condenses the soul of the sword and possesses a divine sword, as rumored?

Qin An decided to try the true and false. In fact, no matter what, since I encountered the Infant Huo today, Qin An would work hard to kill it.

The situation is still very dangerous now. I am affected by the imprisonment spell, and now the dream space cannot be opened, which means that Liu Yuanchao, Vajra and others cannot be well protected.

So since the defense is useless, he can only attack.

Thinking of this, Qin An used his mind to summon the Sanhuo Yingyue Wentian Divine Sword, and then controlled the sword spirit to run in his body, turning on the teleportation ability to directly span a distance of 100 meters, to the edge of the mist created by the explosion.

Ying Huo was walking out of it, and his body was already ignited with red flames again. The wound that had been formed by the explosion quickly recovered, as if it had been refined in a raging fire, and the muscles under his skin seemed to be stronger!

Qin An cut with a sword, not wanting to have any communication with Yinghuo, just wanting to kill him quickly.

Ying Huo felt the threat from Qin An Yijian, and he did not even fear to raise his hand to the sword blade.

Qin An's brows were erected, and the strength on his hands increased a bit.

When the blade touched Yinghuo's palm, all of Qin An's nervousness disappeared, because the Sanhuo Yingyue Wentian Divine Sword cut through Yinghuo's palm almost without any hindrance, and then continued to push to cut it. Xiang Yinghuo's cheek!


With a stern roar, Ying Huo's feet pressed hard on the ground, and his body suddenly fell back forty meters away!

Because his strength was too great, his body slid more than 40 meters almost instantly under the push of his feet stepping on the ground, so strong friction between the soles of his feet and the ground caused the entire ground to burn!

What a fast speed! Qin An was a little astonished. He didn't expect that the infant fire, which seemed to be a strong man, could be so sensitive.

"It hurts, it hurts! This is... this is the magic sword! This turned out to be the magic sword!"

In the roar of anger, Qin An's eyes were stimulated by a burst of dazzling red light, and he was unable to look straight ahead.

He hurriedly closed his eyes tightly, and then listened to the flow of air with super hearing.

The wind is like running water, and the infant fire is a rock in the water.

In front of Qin An, a world carved by wind like water gradually emerged.

What are those...the energy surges distributed everywhere?

Qin An quickly withdrew a few steps back, and then looked around again.

At this time, the heavy rain was still pouring into the injection, and the surrounding flames were still burning, and were not extinguished by the rain.

The rain fell into the flames and instantly evaporated into mist. The mist was condensing at this time and quickly gathered towards the infant fire, eventually becoming a red mist sword with a length of two meters. The light that pierced Qin An's eyes before was exactly From this red mist sword!

Is this the sword of Yinghuo? It turned out to be transformed by the boiling water mist, so if it didn't rain, would he not be able to summon the Excalibur?

Qin An was full of doubts in his heart and moved forward again, holding the Sanhuo Yingyue Wentian Divine Sword in his hand, smashing the red misty magical divine sword that had just formed in Ying Huo's hand!

The two divine swords intersected, and there was no sound of metal delivery, but the powerful Sword Qi energy fluctuations caused the colored light and red light to disperse around, and the two became dazzling within a hundred steps with the two as the midpoint. space!

After Qin An fell with a sword, his opponent's strength was indeed stronger than his own. The blade of his sword was actually bounced back, and a chill of Sword Qi followed his own sword. Being forcibly poured into Own's body, his Sword God's power was weakened, Qin An could clearly feel that Own's various Sword God abilities seemed to be affected a little bit!

It seems that the opponent, as a real strong-body realm sword repairer, is not capable of holding the divine sword against it. In that case, it can only use various sword god skills to cooperate with the divine sword to exert its strength.

Thinking of this, Qin An stepped back a few meters, then created nine phantoms at the same time, then released the nine avatars and teleported into the phantom.

After all the avatars appeared, the phantom powers were turned on almost at the same time. Ninety-nine or eighty-one phantoms appeared beside Yinghuo, making Yinghuo unable to distinguish between true and false!

Qin An has a little regret. Although there are nine clones, there is only one Divine Sword. If various Sword God skills cannot break the defense against this guy, then the final blow will fall on own.

As he thought secretly in his heart, three clones had already launched their attacks, and they each shot out hundreds of red leaves at the same time. These red leaves flooded all the places near the space occupied by the infant fire, making him unable to avoid it at all!

At this time, one of Yinghuo's hand had been injured by the Sanhuo Yingyue Wentian Divine Sword. Because this sword carried the spirit of the sword, even if he was a nightmare-level slayer, he could not recover his hand quickly.

However, his attack method is not critically dependent on the Excalibur.

When all the red leaves flew to his side, he yelled, and then the burning red flame on his body rose again, dissolving all the red leaves Flying Daggers.

Qin An shook his head slightly when he saw this. The flame energy on this infant fire should be much stronger than the sky fire he had encountered before.

Having escaped the attack of Hongye Flying Daggers, three more clones have reached Yinghuo. They punched each from three angles, all using the power of breaking the ground at the same time.

"Naive! You are too naive! Haha, no one can kill me!"

After Ying Huo shouted angrily, his whole body soared into the air, evading the heavy punches of the three clones, and at the same time a fireball was scattered with his hand, causing hot flames to rise where Qin An and the other clones originally stood.

At this moment, Ying Huo jumped about fifty meters in the air, but Qin An and the nine clones who had been attacked by him appeared beside him at this moment.

"Go to hell!"

The nine avatars all held the heavy sword that Qin An took out of the teleportation ring in their hands, and then together with Qin An, they slashed towards Yinghuo from ten different angles.

In Qin An's view, this attack on Firefly cannot be avoided at all, because he has no place to borrow in mid-air.

So, can you kill him?

Qin An just thought of this, and then his face turned pale and bloodless.

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