"Green, I don't know if you have watched the animal world show?

I often watch it. In order to present the most natural images, photographers can often hide in a hidden place for several days and nights without moving. This is called non-interference intervention.

I'm sorry, I am a writer who studies the Elves, so I can only treat you as ordinary animals, not intelligent humans.

As I said earlier, under normal circumstances, I will not intervene among you, I will only observe carefully, but sometimes I will also be curious about the inner heart of an individual of the Elf tribe with a race of only 20 years. What kind of it?

Actually, you can't blame me for such curiosity.

Although I am a slayer, I was just an ordinary human before the end of the world. As Dage became a small clerk in the government, what I did secretly was illegal.

I have the family atmosphere of my childhood, and I have heard the stories of their elders mentioned by the elders in my family.

What about the elves?

I imagined myself as you guys and found out that I was very entangled, because my biological parents turned out to be very low-level upgraded trees, and they couldn’t even tell which child was born by themselves, and I was raised by humans. .

I had a childhood, but my childhood was spent in the weird eyes of human children.

In fact, more than 60% of the elves should have heard such a sentence.

‘Stay away from that child, he is the child born by the tree! ’

This is a kind of estrangement from race, a kind of discrimination due to race, then the tree elves are the one being discriminated against!

So you aspire to have own beliefs, you have elected the queen of own, and you adopt a matrilineal social system in contrast to human society. You will basically not walk around and will only live in the special tree elves created for you by humans, so it’s as if you are Independent is independent!

Haha, what a pitiful and inferior thought?

But such humble elves all have a beautiful and noble appearance. Of course, your beauty is judged by human standards, because you can't get rid of the shadow of mankind at all!

And all the elves have a common characteristic, that is kindness!

This is simply an irony. After the end of the world, most of the good people died, and only the bad guys who were not so kind could survive more easily.

Why can the elves born in the last days be kind for no reason?

Take a look at this city into the sea, where wanderers, scavengers, mercenaries, apocalyptic merchants, poor people and various criminals gathered here! The elves have embraced all of them with an extremely broad mind. Why is this so? In fact, the answer is very simple, just because they are all humans!

Haha, from this, I actually already know why the elves are so kind. This is not due to nature, but because the elves are raised by humans!

When humans educate the elves, they are much stricter than educate their own children.

Humans themselves are actually afraid of the elves, because the elves are much stronger than humans. After you were born, you can fly because you have wings. Your muscles are strong and tenacious. An ordinary young elves are equivalent to a third fourth-level manpower. The ordinary upgraded, and you have super vision in the sky, with your physical skills, you are all talented archers!

So how can humans allow you to become a truly powerful race? I can tell you from a very responsible person that in all human characters, there is actually a very important proportion, that is, selfishness!

No one is unselfish, absolutely not!

It is ridiculous that humans have cultivated the tree elves into a group of selfless people!

Haha, in fact, you are all just human guinea pigs, and your situation is not much different from the dark ones controlled by the end-spirit sect.

After studying you for a year, I feel that this is wrong. I think it is necessary for you to understand what a real life is, so I have no choice but to make some small interventions.

Let's take a look at your people. This female tree elf is named Mu Zhi. Two years ago, she was called the Angel of Freedom into the Sea City!

She often flies on the sea. The ridiculous tree elves regard this as a ritual. They think that the wooden branch is like a symbol of a peace dove. As long as she goes to the sea to fly so long, it means that your world will be forever. Peaceful and happy!

I want to break the spiritual sustenance of the tree elves, so I grabbed Mu Zhi and imprisoned her with three men who love women!

Isn't she a symbol of freedom? Isn't she the goddess of peace? I just want to destroy her image!

After seeing the naked woman who was taken off by me that night, three evil human men all swarmed and pressed her to the bed.

But Mu Zhi is a supernatural person, how could it be so easily possessed by them?

So she knocked all three men aside and threatened them not to come near.

Haha, what a ridiculous threat, Mu Zhi didn't know it. In fact, the three men had already taken the excitement drug, and they would not stop if they couldn't handle it.

The fight in the room has been going on, Mu Zhi was exhausted by the three men all night, but he still couldn't get rid of it.

In the end, in order to maintain her own dignity, she...she killed someone! Haha, this is the first time I have experienced a scene of tree elves abusing and killing humans. Not only did I see it with my own eyes, but I also took it with a camera!

Do you know what happened after that? "

Yinghuo smiled a little excited, he ran into his own bedroom and took out a small box with a disc and some notes in the box.

Ying Huo quickly put the CD into the computer on one side, playing the scene of Mu Zhi killing three human beings, and holding the notebook to the Elf Queen's green clothes to watch.

"Your tribe, like the representative of Haicheng's freedom and peace, she actually...she actually prayed to me!

Haha, she actually begged me not to distribute the video because she didn't want others to know the fact of her murder!

This was all my conversations with her at the time. I put them in my notes as a draft, which was later written into my book!

I didn't expect that the seemingly flawless elves would have selfishness that is heavier than human beings.

She wants to cover up the facts instead of admitting it! Let me just say, how can the tree people be so kind by nature? In fact, your heart is as despicable and dirty as all human beings, but your mode of thinking prevents yourself from exposing the dark side of your heart. When I broke your shell, you are actually wild in sheep's clothing. Wolf! Ha ha! "

There was no blood on Lu Yi's face at this time, she was actually frightened.

In her philosophy, tree elves can never kill humans!

This is not in line with the values ​​that their ethnic group has formed in the past two decades. When seeing the branches of the computer screen tearing the bodies of the humans with both hands, Green only felt that her blood seemed to be trembling, could it be that the tree elves belonged to them? Can faith be destroyed so easily? What the hell is she doing? Why did she come to this place? Who can show up and take her away?

Outside Qin An sneered and shook his head as Ying Huo said.

He also said that he was normal, this guy is obviously a lunatic.

Even cats and puppies have different personalities. Tree elves are intelligent individuals, so how can they have no selfishness? Do you still use the fuck to study it? Still writing a book?

What should I do now? How can everyone inside be rescued safely?

Qin An was a little entangled. It was actually easy to save people, but it was difficult to prevent the hostage from being harmed by this lunatic.

Unless the infant fire is led away?

Thinking about it in his heart, Qin An suddenly froze for a moment, and then looked sideways at an area five or six kilometers away. It also belonged to the edge of the city like Haicheng. It looked dilapidated, but it was brightly lit. He actually came into Haicheng?

A smile appeared at the corner of Qin An's mouth. Looking at the basement, it seemed that everyone was safe for the time being. Qin An quickly turned around and rushed to the place of light. A perfect plan appeared in his heart!

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