Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1099 The Uncrowned King Coming Soon

It is now four o'clock in the night, and most places into Haicheng are quiet, except for the red light districts.

Yes, there is also a red light district in the city of Liuhai, or it is called a migrant population mobility area.

As Yinghuo said before, in fact, in this city controlled by tree elves, many bad guys in the last days have gathered!

Tree elves often don't know how to refuse humans' requests for asylum, and they will always compromise to allow them to enter the city.

In fact, there is a little Yinghuo that is right. Humans are a bit too demanding when educating tree elves. Only certain organizations and families that have passed the audit can adopt tree elves children. And these children will be required to be sent to the designated tree elf school when they are a little older, which is regarded as being treated differently.

However, Yinghuo overlooked one point. Even if humans had taken precautions against tree elves back then, that was what happened back then. In fact, most people have now accepted the fact that tree elves exist. Since people cannot refuse the existence of zombies and other alien species in the last days, how can they forever dislike the tree elves who are not much different from humans but are closer?

There is another point that Ying Huo said wrong. The minds of intelligent life forms are indeed complicated, but the tree elves are indeed pure in nature. In Qin An's opinion, they are at least much kinder than humans.


In a bar called Green Sea, the sloppy bearded man seemed to have gotten himself drunk and dozed on the table.

The woman with heavy makeup opposite him was holding a cigarette with trembling fingers and sucking it in her mouth fiercely.

Her name is Jia Xiaojia, 26 years old, and she was born in the year of the end of the world.

At this time, there were not many people. The night was too late, and most of the people dispersed. The music playing in the bar was as low as a lullaby, making almost all the remaining guests drowsy.

An ugly man in his forties walked up to Jia Xiaojia’s side. He first looked at Xiao Jia’s trembling hand, then coldly smiled and took out a small plastic strap from his jacket pocket with two inside. Blue small pills.

"I have a drug addiction? I have never seen anyone who can give up Lan Bing, baby, these two pieces are rewarded by Big Brother. I will go to my room at dawn. I seem to have not slept for two or three months. Have you passed you?"

Xiao Jia's whole body began to tremble, and her face became paler. After ten seconds, she suddenly shot her hands, trying to grab the little pill on the table.

The man was faster than her, grabbing the small pill again in his hand, and then quickly putting it back into his pocket.

"Haha, I have changed my attention, and I will give it to you after you accompany me to sleep! Xiaojia, I like to see your face now! Is it uncomfortable? Do you want it?"

Xiao Jia couldn't keep calm anymore, she suddenly fell to her knees and hugged the man's thighs and begged: "Brother Bin, please, give it to me first! I will definitely take care of you later! Mine! Good work, you know, please give it to me!"

"Here you? Why? I am the owner of this bar, and you are here to accompany you. Wine girl, it is only natural for you to sleep with me, why should I give you Lan Bing? You didn't say you want to detoxify the other day. Did you say that you don’t want to work here in the future, you have to wash yourself...you are so entangled because of the prostitute. Han Dong, right?"

Han Dong!

Xiao Jia was weak and sat limp on the ground, with a trace of lifeless ashes rising in her eyes.

Han Dong appeared six months ago. A very handsome young man. He used to be very nice to Xiao Jia. He promised her a mutual oath and said that he would take her out of life at this time.

But... Since he suddenly disappeared a month ago and never appeared, all Xiaojia’s dreams are broken. She has become a person again, and she has become a person without tomorrow, only in the night of this bar. Rotten woman who accompanies people to drink and sleep!

She can't escape Brother Bin's control, because no one is willing to pay to buy her again! Originally, Han Dong said that he would pay, but...

"Ah Bin, are you molesting a chick?"

A fat woman of about fifty years old and full of fat came to the bar at some unknown time. After seeing Brother Bin, she walked over and sat on the sofa.

"Sister Xiang? Why are you here at this point?"

"Haha, I can't sleep, just come to see you, are there any new items lately? I'm tired of that!"

"Oh? How fast?"

"Quick? It's almost a month, how fast?"

While talking, the fat woman named Sister Xiang lit a cigarette and then threw up a few big eye circles.

At this time, a lean and tired man walked in from the outside, his steps frivolously.

Sister Xiang frowned and glanced, then coldly snorted: "Does it take so long to pee? Don't you roll over?"

The man heard Sister Xiang's call, trot over and knelt in front of Sister Xiang.

Sister Xiang moved her big fat butt, let her body half lie on the sofa, and then lifted her two thighs and put them on the man's shoulders.

Her legs were thick and heavy, and the man's crushed body swayed and almost fell, but in the end he persisted and stabilized his body.

Xiao Jia on one side was already stupid at this time, she even ignored her drug addiction for a while!

Oh my God, this person... This person turned out to be Han Dong who has disappeared for a month?

How did he become so thin? And so haggard? Isn't he a small boss in the sea city? He is in the business of reselling seafood. He used to say that it is quite profitable?

Brother Bald Bin actually paid attention to Xiaojia's expression all the time, and laughed when he saw the shocked face.

"My dear, are you surprised? Your handsome Han Dong reappeared after disappearing for a month, aren't you happy?"

Xiao Jia did not speak, the drug addiction suddenly became fierce and her body trembled fiercely again, and finally curled up and leaned on the corner of the table, the color of her lips turned white, her body was sweaty, and her body was already very thin. clothing.

Brother Bin waved to one of his men, and then asked him to fetch his own laptop.

Put the computer on the table and turn it on. Brother Bin smiled and said:

"Originally I was going to show you when I was sleeping for a while, now that Sister Xiang and the actor are here, let's take a look in advance, haha!"

While talking, Brother Bin suddenly reached out and grabbed Xiaojia's hair, dragged her to his own crotch, then lowered his head and stretched out his tongue to lick her earlobe.

"Our Green Sea Bar does have such a rule, as long as a certain high ransom is paid, the girls can leave here.

But haven't you heard that sentence? Rules are dead, but people live!

You were abducted and sold to the Green Sea three years ago. In the past three years, have you ever seen a girl escape?

Hmph, if you want to get out of my control, just wait for the next life! Do you think your meat sales career in the past two years is a temporary job? Haha, you are totally wrong!

Tell you, this is your life, no one can change, no one can save you! "

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